High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 343: This slap hit the entire Chanjiao in the face!

Chapter 343: This slap hits the entire Chanjiao in the face!

If he didn't have some trump cards, how could Chen Feng dare to make a comeback?

After a round of calculations, he certainly deserves to be trusted by no one.

Stepping into the ranks of those with great supernatural powers is a secret that has been hidden until now.

If the three Guangchengzi hadn't come to attack, Chen Feng, this trump card, might still be hidden.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with being exposed.

There are pros and cons, it depends on how Chen Feng operates.

Putting this aside, Master Lingbao is going to be in bad luck now anyway.

In the battlefield, the long river of time running through the Five Innate Epochs was shattered.

True dragons, true phoenixes, true phoenixes, and unicorns all appeared.

This is Chen Feng's newly learned method, which naturally comes from the Queen Mother of the West.

But after returning from West Kunlun that day, he discovered it from the hidden compartment of the gift box containing the peaches.

Of course, the hidden grid is just a way of saying it, it is more like a test or an investment.

The Queen Mother of the West was naturally clever in her methods. She concealed a ray of light in the darkness. If Chen Feng had not stepped into the ranks of those with great supernatural powers, he would not have discovered it.

But coincidentally, during a retreat at that time, he happened to step into this realm, and the gift deliberately given to him by the Queen Mother of the West was taken out in advance.

And this may be the reason why Queen Mother Xi suddenly changed her attitude.

Of course, Chen Feng would not think about these things in detail today.

Now he intends to teach the Lingbao Archmage an unforgettable lesson.

The light of Daluo soared into the sky, carrying the power of the three most powerful ancient races among all the races in the wild.

Chen Feng made a palm seal and greeted Master Lingbao directly.

As the saying goes, hitting someone is not a slap in the face, but today, he just wanted to rub the opponent's energy.

Are you only allowed to bully people by explaining your teachings?

How can there be such a reason.

In the ancient times, the fist still had the final say.

He had been holding back before, just waiting for this moment.

"Chen Feng! You are really insidious!"

When the palm wind struck, Master Lingbao's face changed instantly, and the Great Luo light around him erupted again.

It's just that his eyes were red at this time and his face was a little livid.

It was obvious that in a hurry, he was forced to follow the Da Luo way, which greatly increased his pressure.

After all, if this slap is real, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold his head up in front of Chen Feng for several epochs.

What's more, this is not just a slap in his face, but also the face of the entire Chanjiao.

They deliberately targeted this time and planned it to such an extent that three more of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao came. This would be a disadvantage.

If it spreads, it will naturally make people laugh.

"Chen Feng, don't even think about succeeding!"

With a roar, Master Lingbao used his methods again. In an instant, a colorful blur of light bloomed in his eyes, and the light of Daluo gathered in one place.

The Daluo Dao began to surge, and a looming and magnificent gate emerged behind it.

In an instant, the doors were opened layer by layer, revealing one world after another.

This mysterious gate actually opened the passage to the entire Hongmeng universe and all the heavens. In the deepest part, a more majestic will was faintly revealed, as if hanging down a piece of its own in this history.

That was a prehistoric world.

Master Lingbao actually embodied the entire Hongmeng Universe in the Xuanmen.

This is a perfect reproduction. Chen Feng can even see billions of creatures in the endless world through Xuanmen, and the original world has changed from this moment.

It's like the second universe.

Even in the ancient world at the deepest level of Xuanmen, he saw a group of great people talking and discussing, and some were arguing and fighting.

Master Lingbao is indeed a being who is about to enter the second level of great supernatural powers. His Daluo Way can actually reveal the second prehistoric era.

This kind of strength is naturally stronger than Chen Feng.But before, he fell into Chen Feng's scheme and lost the initiative, making it even more difficult for him to come back.

Chen Feng naturally didn't give him a chance.

"Want to escape? Not to mention the door, there aren't even windows!"

He saw that Master Lingbao's body had also transformed into billions and billions of them, and at the same time, they were heading towards the Xuanmen behind him.

It actually wants to throw a phantom into any world in this second universe.

As long as Chen Feng hits the air with one blow, he can reverse a time quantum, and then he can come back in an instant and forcefully break the game.

But for this method, Chen Feng's eyes were like gods and as calm as water.

Through the Xuanmen, he didn't even look at the other heavens in the world. With a move of faith, he directed the wind of his palm towards the second prehistoric world.


The Lingbao Dafa who was running towards the Second Great Wilderness suddenly looked back with a look of horror on his face.

"You've actually seen through my true identity?!"

He couldn't believe it. God knows how many worlds there are in the Hongmeng Universe, and how many clones he has divided into.

But Chen Feng's attack pointed at his true nature without hesitation?
This is too outrageous. After all, even if he were Guangchengzi, he wouldn't be able to see through this move.

In response, Chen Feng just smiled calmly and said: "Nothing else, it's just my guess."

Master Lingbao: "..."

After all, Chen Feng really guessed.

Of course, it doesn’t come out of thin air, there is certainly some basis for it.

Most of the great people in Chanjiao are arrogant people, and the three who can come after him are the best among them.

Even if he ran away, he probably wouldn't be able to look down on any of the heavens in the world except the prehistoric times.

No matter how many times it happens, it's just a cover-up.

So Chen Feng did not hesitate to take action against the figure who was fleeing to the prehistoric world.

A crisp voice came out, and an unspeakable sense of humiliation surged into Master Lingbao's heart.

Xuanmen began to collapse, and the second universe within it completely dissipated in an instant.

Finally, in front of the broken Xuanmen, Master Lingbao covered his face in disbelief.

There is a clear slap mark on it.

He was actually slapped by Chen Feng?

"Chen Feng, you are seeking death!"

"Chen Feng, you are not the son of a man!"

The next second, two angry shouts directly exploded in the vast starry sky.

The figures of Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhen arrived in front of Master Lingbao in an instant.

If looks could kill, Chen Feng would have been shot through the heart by thousands of arrows.

Both of them glared at Chen Feng, the anger and murderous intent in their eyes not concealed at all.

The previous battles between Chen Feng and Master Lingbao sounded troublesome, but in fact they all took place in less than a quantum of time.

This was Chen Feng's plan, deliberately showing signs that he had been tricked.

It was only when Guangchengzi and the three of them were a little careless and relaxed that he used Master Lingbao's Daluo Way to turn everything around.

Compress time into a concept that is so small that it is difficult to describe.

Of course, efforts are rewarded.

At this time, I'm afraid it's not just Master Lingbao whose face is burning.

The other two people probably felt the same way, their expressions said it all.

Chen Feng also felt happy.

"It's worth it!"

(End of this chapter)

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