High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 368 Do you insist on dragging Buddhism into trouble?

Chapter 368 Do you insist on dragging Buddhism into trouble?

There is nothing wrong with Master Lingbao's worries.

Buddhist believers are spread throughout the universe.

Buddhist temples and Buddhist temples are everywhere.

They are all protected by a ray of light from the Buddha.

Therefore, even if they tracked down Chen Feng's hiding place, if they were to find it.

It is still within the scope of the entire universe.

This is a waste of work.

At this time, Guangchengzi sneered: "Junior brother, why are you confused? An ordinary temple cannot hide a Daluo. The place where Chen Feng is must be more special. I am afraid there is another Daluo from Buddhism."


Master Lingbao’s eyes suddenly shone.

Guangchengzi was right. With his strength, it might be difficult to find the Buddhist temple or temple where Chen Feng was hiding.

But his senior brother is much stronger than him, and if there are some clues, the problem will definitely be discovered.

At this time, Guangchengzi's eyes were even brighter, and he seemed to be confident.

"Due to the special reasons of Buddhism, Buddhist Daluo has traveled the most in all the worlds. Maybe he has something to do with Chen Feng. The only one who subdues the Dragon from Buddhism is Arhat."

He had actually completely guessed the truth.

Master Lingbao secretly said that this time it was thanks to his senior brother Guang Chengzi who led the team, otherwise he would not be able to escape this serious crime.

However, as long as you find Chen Feng and seal him for several epochs, you can make up for it.

"Then senior brother, we just need to find that monk Daoji now."

Things suddenly became simpler.

The two interpreters sneered.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that Chen Feng would do anything. The relationship between Monk Daoji and him is just average, so it will definitely not involve Buddhism."

"As long as we find Chen Feng, we will be done. This time, senior brother, we don't need to hold back, just take it."

"It must be so."

Having said that, the two Chanjiao Daluo began to search purposefully in all the heavens and worlds.

And because of the magical power of Daluo, any place in the world where Buddhism is promoted is as easy to find as a bright light in their eyes.

And with the two people's foot power, it won't take long to find where Jigong is.


It's still that ruined temple.

Several years have passed since Chen Feng escaped from the pursuit of Guang Chengzi and Master Lingbao.

It was rare for him to feel a lot more relaxed.

Moreover, the great light that those two people cast on him was completely offset by him, and he returned to his peak state.

Of course, even if this is the case, it will probably be difficult to escape next time.

Guangchengzi and Master Lingbao's defense against him has probably risen to a terrifying level.

And the will to kill him must have reached its peak.

"I said, great monk, why do you guard this ruined temple every day?"

One day with nothing to do, Chen Feng and Jigong started chatting again.

The latter seemed to be used to this phenomenon of him here. After hearing this, he turned over and got down from the Buddha statue.

"Although the temple is in ruins, there are people in this world who are truly devoted to the Buddha. To save them is a meritorious deed."

"Come on, I don't know what your Buddhist methods are."

Chen Feng curled his lips and habitually took the broken bowl filled with wine handed over by Jigong.

He took a sip and said with a smile: "It's just that in the end you give the woman in white some exercises, and finally give her the title of a living Bodhisattva, and promote Buddhism in this world." "What do you know?"

When Jigong heard this, he glared, looked down at the wine pot that had reached the bottom, and said dissatisfied: "Of course a poor monk can't do whatever he wants. In the past few years, this world has been suffering from a severe drought, which can be regarded as a blessing to the woman and the mortal world. It’s a test.”

Chen Feng curled his lips and let him speak.

But Jigong’s dissatisfaction seems to go beyond 01:30.

"That is to say, you are always disturbing the poor monk here, otherwise this task would have been completed long ago, and this ruined temple would have been resplendent long ago."

"You are worried that you are almost out of wine."

Chen Feng did not accept this trick at all, and joked: "Your mission has been accomplished. Buddhism will naturally illuminate the eternal reincarnations, and the incense in this temple will be strong. You can just eat and drink."

The tone of the exchange between the two was obviously more like friends.

After getting along with each other for several years, after all, we have broken away from the term "a casual acquaintance".

And he drinks, eats meat and chats every day.

The two of them can be regarded as Taoist friends of the True Erba Sutra.

But when Jigong heard what Chen Feng said, he immediately became unhappy.

"Bah, the poor monk has not cared about what you eat or what you drink these past few years. You still say this, which really offends me. By the way, have you never seen the Buddha's anger?"

Not to mention, after the relationship between the two became strong over the years, Jigong treated Chen Feng sincerely.

Anyway, I drank plenty of chicken legs and good wine.

Although the temple was in ruins, the woman in white would come to pay her respects every now and then. Once, she even brought good wine and food and placed them under the Buddha statue.

The next time she came, she was surprised to find that all the good wine and food had been eaten, so she became even more attentive.

Of course, it was inevitable that Chen Feng would complain about this.

"Speaking of which, great monk, you haven't even taught the precepts of Buddhism in this world. If others bring wine and meat to worship the Buddha, you are not afraid that the Buddha will slap you back to Taiyi Ji."

Obviously, he must have thought that this was Jigong's intention.

After all, his food could only come from the incense from the Buddhist temple. If he gave up the Buddhist precepts, he would have to live a miserable life.

"What do you know."

Speaking of this, Jigong also argued hard.

"This is called drinking meat and wine through the intestines. The Buddha kept it in mind. You are not a Buddhist, so don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, okay, great monk, whatever you say will happen."

Chen Feng was also delighted.

Anyway, this is mostly a joke, but Buddhism has precepts, but they are aimed at believers.

It does not represent Da Luo.

After all, Da Luo is another species, whether there are any precepts or not is meaningless to them.

At most, it is the trumpet of Xianglong Arhat, that is, the temperament of monk Daoji is a little mixed. In order to drink and eat meat, he will not preach the so-called Buddhist precepts.

Chen Feng can even imagine that after Buddhism takes a firm foothold in this world.

Good guy, I'm afraid the world will be full of fair-weather monks.

After another chat, Jigong sighed.

"Fellow Taoist, it's not a problem for you to stay here all the time. Guangchengzi will find you sooner or later, so don't bother with this poor monk. I'm begging you."

"What you said is as if I am a plague god."

Chen Feng frowned dissatisfied.

Jigong directly said to himself, good guy, you also know that you are the God of Plague.

I have stayed with him for several years. Although I have never mentioned anything about the big shot in Buddhism, I am obviously ready to drag him down to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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