High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 40 Sister Xihe, you are more beautiful

Chapter 40 Sister Xihe, you are more beautiful
After leaving the Wa Palace, Chen Feng rode the clouds all the way towards the heaven.

Along the way, he couldn't hide his joy and kept taking out clues about the lotus lantern. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

This is an innate spirit treasure.

It is a treasure that can only be refined by the great supernatural powers in Daluo. It is an extension of the Dao of Daluo.

The only regret is that this lotus lamp was not refined by myself. Although it can be used, it is not like the embodied spiritual treasure at the extension of my own path. It is like a part of the body and can be commanded like an arm.

That kind of spiritual treasure is generally called a companion spiritual treasure.

In addition, it is to take advantage of others' short-handedness and eat their short-mouthedness.

After accepting this great gift from Nuwa, I am afraid that my back will never be straight again.

Shivering and cold, when will the great male figure in history be able to stand up?

While lamenting in his heart, he put away the lotus lantern. As the clouds descended, he could see the North Gate of Heaven in the distance.

The current timeline of the prehistoric era is still the period of the Lich War, so there is still a difference between this heaven and the one that was troubled by monkeys in later generations.

At least the ones in power now are Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

Since Emperor Jun left in the last era, Heavenly Court has become a family affair for Donghuang Taiyi.

Chen Feng was thinking about what to say when he saw Xi He, while heading towards Beitianmen.

He has never been to Tianting before, but he poured a gourd of wine, which is a specialty of Tianting. It tastes so good that even people in Daluo praise it.

He got this gourd of wine from Zhao Gongming.

As for Xihe, Empress Chengda Luo had met him in the Wa Palace and had a good impression. Although he couldn't bear the enthusiasm of having his hands touched on him, compared with Nuwa and Houtu, he was simply an angel.

He wandered off the clouds and walked towards Beitianmen.

The divine general guarding the gate immediately noticed him. They were two huge demon generals with lion heads, wearing armor and holding halberds. They were majestic.

"Who dares to break into heaven without permission?"

The two demon generals roared angrily, spreading like thunder on a sunny day, causing a riot in the vitality of the world.

This roar, placed in a weaker world, would probably be able to penetrate the crystal wall system.

Chen Feng stood in front of them, like a villain who had entered the kingdom of giants. He had to raise his head to talk to them.

With a sigh, Chen Feng silently put down the hands covering his ears, and used his little finger to pick out his ears.

Really, can’t anyone speak without shouting so loudly?
He raised his head and said helplessly: "I'm looking for Sister Xihe."

The two demon generals were stunned for a moment and looked at him carefully, unable to make up their minds.

Have you ever heard that Xi and your empress have a younger brother?

The two gatekeeper demons looked at each other, discussed in a low voice, and prepared to go inside to report.

At this moment, a female official came out of the Tianmen and said to them: "This is Xihe's adopted brother. He was sent by Nuwa to help Heaven fight against the Wu clan. You guys should step back."

The two demon generals recognized her as Xi He's official, and quickly bowed and retreated.

Afterwards, the female immortal official came to Chen Feng, saluted him and said, "Xi and the empress are waiting. Please come with me, Your Highness."

Chen Feng touched his chin, tsk, now you are your highness.

Corrupt heavenly bureaucracy.

But it feels pretty good, hehe.

After entering the Tianmen, they walked all the way up, and the scenery in front of them suddenly changed.All you can see is the land paved with white jade-like clouds. Thousands of golden rays of light fall from the sky, and ten thousand rays of rays of rays of light fall from the sky.

In addition, the auspicious aura turned into purple mist, and the dark green palace towered above the clouds, stretching as far as the eye could see. There were countless fairy palaces and pavilions.

The golden bridge penetrates the sun, and the bright clouds spread thousands of miles.

On the bridge, hovering and reaching out, there is a red-crested phoenix with colorful feathers flying in the sky, and its tail feathers are hanging down, which is indescribably noble.

The entire heaven is even more boundless, filled with the light of rare treasures, and the majestic atmosphere blows towards your face.

At the same time, the spiritual energy is so dense that it almost condenses into mist, which is stronger than the spiritual energy in the prehistoric times.

It was Chen Feng's first time to come to the ancient heaven, and he kept looking around.

Beside him, the female immortal official was walking meticulously on the clouds, and her face was expressionless. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Chen Feng was not in the mood to explore.

Although this female immortal official has good strength, she is not a big Luo.

There are only about a hundred people in the entire demon clan, and many of them are not serving in heaven.

Even if Xihe loses face, she can't get a Da Luo to be her official. After all, there is only one Da Luo, Qingluan, in the Lian Wa Palace.

Well, if the spiritual bead waiting to be reincarnated as Nezha doesn't count.

The two parties moved very quickly, and after about half an hour, they arrived in front of a magnificent and magnificent hall.

There were many beautiful fairies serving as maids in front of the palace. When they saw the female official in front of Chen Feng, they all bent down to salute and called themselves leaders.

The female officer nodded, pointed at Chen Feng and said: "This is the envoy from the palace of Empress Nuwa, and he is also the sworn brother of Empress Xihe. You have come to meet him."

Many immortal maids quickly turned their heads and respectfully addressed Chen Feng as "Your Highness."

After doing all this, the female official said: "Your Highness, Xi and Empress are waiting for you in the palace. She only lets you in. I will wait here."

Chen Feng waved his hand and said, "That's easy to say, you guys are busy with your business."

He walked into the palace and passed the main hall. There was a long pavilion. On both sides of the fairy pavilion was a fairy garden, where strange flowers and plants were everywhere, and animals and treasures were leisurely. Just passing by, there was the fragrance of flowers mixed with spiritual fruits. The smell wafts over, and after taking a breath, your whole body feels relaxed.

Chen Feng looked around and sighed at the luxury of heaven.

Corruption, so corrupt.

He muttered to himself and walked through several side halls behind the main hall.

Xihe's residence was very large and was a palace complex.

As he walked back, he met many fairies on the road. They seemed to have received orders in advance to know about him, and they even took the initiative to show him the way.

Walking to the innermost part, Chen Feng gradually felt that something was wrong.

Why does it feel like it's the bedroom again?

He was shocked, but entered the palace anyway, and sure enough he saw that the decoration style had changed, and there was a bit of warmth in the luxury, making it look like a bedroom.

Fortunately, this time Xi He did not lie on the fairy bed inside, but sat at a table waiting for him.

When she saw him, she smiled and waved: "Brother Feng, you finally remembered your sister. Come over here and let me take a look."

Chen Feng stepped forward and said with a natural smile on his face: "Sister Xihe, you are more beautiful than the last time we met."

(End of this chapter)

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