Chapter 46 How can heaven be so snobbish?
Walking outside Xihe Palace, Di Jun had a dark face all the way. In front of him was Chen Feng, who was walking with a crab step and swaggering.

When people saw Di Jun along the way, they all knelt down to salute and call him Your Majesty. However, because Chen Feng was walking in front, it looked like they were kneeling to Chen Feng.

He was depressed, but he tried not to break out, and just cursed the bastard in his heart.

After leaving Xihe Palace, the group of immortal officials who had been guarding in front of the palace hurriedly greeted him and knelt down to salute.

When they were resurrected by Donghuang Taiyi, their memories before their death had been cleared, and they had no memory of the horrific aftermath that suddenly erupted in Xihe's palace.

In their memories, Di Jun entered Xihe Palace, stayed for a while and then came out again. Everything was normal.

It's a pity that Di Jun has completely different mentality at this time than when he entered.

He said in a deep voice: "Get off and go back to the palace."

With that said, he got into his car.

However, as soon as he sat down, he felt someone pushing him next to him. He turned his head angrily, wanting to see who the daring person was.

As a result, he saw Chen Feng sitting next to him, and he arched his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, move over there, I don't have enough space here."

Di Jun was completely furious and shouted angrily in a low voice: "This is my Luanjia, it's mine, it's mine, get out of here!"

Chen Feng dug his ears indifferently and said, "What's yours and mine? I am now His Majesty's grand sacrificial wine. I have to be responsible for His Majesty's every move. Of course, I must follow His Majesty closely in order to observe His Majesty's every move."

Di Jun was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but there was nothing he could do. At this moment, an immortal official under Luan Jia shouted angrily: "Who are you? How dare you go to His Majesty Luan Jia? You are so presumptuous!"

Di Jun was overjoyed and almost shed tears when he looked at the immortal official who spoke out for him.

Loyal minister, what a great loyal minister.

I want to promote him.

However, his joy did not last for a second when he saw Chen Feng taking out the token again and raising his hand for these immortal officials to see clearly.

The next moment, these immortal officials fell to their knees and shouted in unison: "His Majesty Taiyi may live forever."

The immortal official who had spoken angrily before was even more frightened and trembling.

Chen Feng had no intention of arguing with such a small role, and said with a smile: "Listen up, I am the Heavenly Grand Priest Liquor personally appointed by His Majesty Taiyi. I am responsible for His Majesty's 'Emperor''s food, clothing, housing and transportation, as well as all etiquette and regulations. From now on, 'Emperor' Whatever your Majesty wants to do, you must first obtain my permission, do you hear me clearly?"

The kneeling immortal officials looked at each other and hesitated a little. I had never heard of what the grand sacrificial wine was.

On the contrary, the immortal official who had angrily shouted at Chen Feng before immediately kowtowed and said, "Listen clearly, listen clearly. From now on, we will follow the example of the great sacrificial wine and never dare to disobey."

Seeing this, the other immortal officials kowtowed quickly and expressed their loyalty.

Di Jun couldn't catch his breath, and his blood surge almost affected his injuries.

Traitor, absolutely traitor, he was really blind just now.

After he was angry, he was secretly shocked by Donghuang Taiyi's control over the heaven.

These immortal officials were so frightened to death when they saw the token that they didn't even care about themselves, the "real Demon Emperor", and were busy expressing their loyalty to a newly appointed high priest.

Are there any people of my own in the entire heaven?

He felt worried.

Chen Feng showed a proud smile, put away the token and said: "Okay, everyone, get up and drive back to the Demon Emperor's Palace."

The immortal officials responded in unison, and in a moment, Jiulong pulled the imperial chariot towards the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Although Di Jun gritted his teeth with hatred, he had no choice but to let Chen Fenghu pretend to be a tiger.He simply stayed out of sight, closed his eyes and healed silently.

He was severely injured by Donghuang Taiyi just now, and he has not recovered yet.

But not long after he closed his eyes, he felt Chen Feng push him again. He secretly hated it, but he could only move to the side again.

Not long after, Chen Feng pushed him again, and he moved again, going back and forth several times. He had been driven to the corner of the imperial chariot, and he would fall if he moved any further.

He felt sad and angry in his heart, and secretly made up his mind that if Chen Feng really dared to push him down, he would go crazy even if he faced Donghuang Taiyi directly.

Fortunately, Chen Feng had the sense to push him aside and let it go after occupying most of the imperial carriage.

Lying beautifully on the imperial chariot, Chen Feng looked at Di Jun with his eyes closed, secretly thinking that he was still kind, at least he gave him a place to sit.

When the immortal officials below saw this rude scene, they all pretended not to have seen it and looked at their noses and mouths without saying a word.

As for Di Jun, his injuries were rapidly recovering along the way.

At the same time, he asked the system what was going on with Donghuang Taiyi.

The system's answer is that Donghuang Taiyi has surpassed the quasi-sage level and is unfathomable. I hope the Demon King will act cautiously and kill an ancestral witch as soon as possible. If he gets the Chaos Arcana level reward, he will no longer be afraid of him.

Di Jun nodded secretly, which was similar to his guess.

Especially the method of retracing hundreds of millions of miles of time and space, repairing heaven, and resurrecting immortals. It doesn't look like the magical power possessed by a quasi-saint.

He secretly cheered himself up. I would endure it for a while, wait until I got the system reward, and then make a comeback in one fell swoop.

Hum, Donghuang Taiyi, Xihe, sooner or later I will make you regret it.

Sparing my life this time will be your biggest mistake.

The first person to be killed when the time comes is this pretty boy who pretends to be powerful.

He thought so and quietly opened his eyes a crack.

As a result, my nose almost became crooked with anger.

I saw Chen Feng lying on the seat of his imperial chariot extremely arrogantly, sleeping soundly.

He was so angry that he resisted the urge to kill Chen Feng now and closed his eyes again, out of sight and out of mind.

At the same time, he kept comforting himself in his heart, "Tolerance, you must endure it. If you don't tolerate it, you will mess up your big plans."

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

What can I do if I endure him for a hundred years? As long as I get a reward, I will take back what I lost with my own hands.

In this way, he endured it all the way until he returned to the Demon Emperor's Palace and was about to get off the car.

However, he saw the Immortal Official who had been jumping sideways trotting all the way to the nearby place, and said softly in front of Chen Feng: "The big wine ceremony, the big wine ceremony, we have arrived at the Demon Emperor's Palace."

"Huh?" Chen Feng opened his eyes drowsily: "Are you here already?"

He stretched and stood up to get off. The immortal official quickly supported him with a flattering smile on his face: "Please slow down during the grand ceremony. This imperial chariot is a bit high."

Di Jun stood in the car blankly, watching this scene blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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