High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 52 I don’t know whether to be happy or angry

Chapter 52 I don’t know whether to be happy or angry

Di Jun's original good mood disappeared instantly after Chen Feng appeared.

Especially when Chen Feng openly snatched his dragon colt, he became even more angry.

He could only endure it forcefully, and he was not in the mood to stay here anymore. He snorted and turned around to leave, returning to the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Then, within a month, he was restricted by Chen Feng in every way, as if he was in prison, and he almost took action several times without holding back.

For example, he hasn't even had a bite of hot rice or a sip of wine in the past month.

They were all restricted to death by Chen Feng.

Forget it, just tolerate it.

Anyway, it's just about food, if you can persist, you can at most pretend not to see Chen Feng while he eats and drinks.

He wasn't envious at all, well, not at all.

However, this was just the most basic thing. He had no idea that something more extreme would happen later.

One day, he was so upset that he wanted to get up and go to the Tiangong to have a good time. When he reached the entrance of the palace, he was stopped by Chen Fengpi with a smile.

And refused him to leave the Demon Emperor's Palace on the grounds that he was unwell.

He was furious at that time, God was so unwell, I am a quasi-sage, what on earth would have to happen to make me unwell?
Also, I am unwell, how did you know!
He was extremely angry, but when he saw Chen Feng calmly taking out the token given by Donghuang Taiyi, and hinting implicitly that he would report to Donghuang Taiyi if he dared to take a single step, he could only grit his teeth. admit.

At most, you can curse a few more times in your mind.

But it doesn't matter. I'm just not allowed to go out. I can still enjoy the hardship.

The scope of the Demon Emperor's Palace is large enough. It is a large palace complex, including royal gardens, fairy mountains, spiritual beasts, ponds, and so on.

I'm not allowed to go out, right? Then I'll go fishing in the pond in the Royal Garden. You can't control that.

However, he underestimated Chen Feng's lower limit.

The moment he threw the fishhook into the pond, there was the sound of stones being smashed next to him.

It turned out that a group of immortal officials were driving away the fish with stones. The pond was very big, but there were many of these immortal officials, and they were very powerful.

All the water spirits in the entire pond were driven away by them, unable to stop even for a moment.

Di Jun was furious and asked what was going on.

As a result, the immortal official replied that it was the Dajiujiu who said that there was too much fat in the aquatic products in the pond, and he wanted to drive them away so that they could exercise more and grow leaner.

At that moment, Di Jun's hand holding the fishing rod was shaking.

And every time at this time, a little immortal official would appear behind him, tugging at his sleeves, and saying in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, be patient!"

He could only take a deep breath and endure it.

After that, he simply stopped doing anything and went into seclusion in his own palace. He saw no one except Ji Ying, a little immortal official.

He finally understood that Chen Feng treated him like this just to force him to take action. He probably got the hint from Donghuang Taiyi. As long as he couldn't help but take action, Donghuang Taiyi would have an excuse to attack and get rid of him.

Hum hum, am I such a stupid fool? I will take this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle to the end.

Just like that, it was uneventful for half a month.

But these days were so difficult. Every day was like being in jail. Di Jun felt that he was about to have a mental breakdown.Why did he, the Demon King, fall to this point?

Every night, he wanted to cry secretly.

However, one day half a month later, the door of the palace was pushed open, and a figure quickly came to him.

Apart from Ji Ying, who else can now freely enter and leave his bedroom.

He sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, opened his eyes and saw Ji Ying saluting him with a happy face.

His heart moved and he asked: "Is there something good?"

Ji Ying took two steps forward and said with a smile: "Your Majesty has been suffering these days. I see it in my eyes and it hurts in my heart. No, I have summoned a group of dancers to sing and dance for Your Majesty. In addition, I also I ordered the dining room to prepare delicacies, delicacies, wine, and jade liquid, just waiting for His Majesty to go."

Di Jun was immediately overjoyed, but then he frowned and asked, "Didn't Chen Feng stop you from doing this?"

Ji Ying smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. I have inquired about it. The great sacrifice wine was summoned to the palace by Xi and the empress. I may not be able to come back today."

Di Jun was immediately happy, but then he realized something was wrong. Chen Feng went to Xihe Palace. He should be angry, but he couldn't suppress his secret joy.

He was in a tangled mood for a moment, not knowing whether to be happy or angry.

Fortunately, Ji Ying next to him called him in time and brought him back to his senses.

"Your Majesty, let's leave quickly. It's hard to miss the grand ceremony and time is rare."

Di Jun gritted his teeth and nodded heavily. No matter what, he couldn't stop Chen Feng from going to Xihe Palace anyway, so it was business to take the opportunity to enjoy himself.

Under Ji Ying's guidance, he went all the way to the side hall.

This was the place where Emperor Jun used to entertain officials and enjoy singing and dancing.

Speaking of tears, Di Jun has never been here since he traveled through time.

When we arrived at the place, there was a high platform with jade steps at the top. Sure enough, a jade table had been prepared and filled with rare delicacies, nectar and jade liquid.

He was overjoyed and quickly took his seat.

Ji Ying poured him a full glass with a wink, and said with a smile: "Please use it, Your Majesty."

Di Jun picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Suddenly, a fragrance spread in his mouth along with the aroma of the wine. It was completely different from the spicy white wine he had drank in his previous life.

He almost shed tears. This was the first sip of heavenly wine he drank after traveling through time.

He quickly put down the wine glass and signaled Ji Ying to fill it up again.

After drinking three glasses in a row, he stopped for a moment and began to enjoy the delicious food of the immortal family again. The wonderful taste spread in his mouth, which was thousands of times stronger than any delicious food he had ever tasted.

Ji Ying took the opportunity to clapped his hands and shouted: "Play music and dance."

Immediately, musicians came next to me with various musical instruments, and the gentle fairy music sounded, which seemed to wash away all the worries in my heart.

At the same time, beautiful fairies dressed in light gauze walked lightly and danced on the hall. Their bodies were gentle and their dance steps were extremely beautiful. Coupled with the ubiquitous atmosphere in the hall, the feeling of fairyland arose spontaneously.

Di Jun was drinking wine and eating above, but his eyes were gradually attracted by these dancing fairies like elves.

He sighed in his heart: "After traveling for so long, today I really enjoyed the life that a demon king should have."

(End of this chapter)

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