Chapter 65 Di Jun returns suddenly!
Facing Di Jun's order, Chen Feng stepped forward and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is your battlefield, I am just a leader."

Di Jun, who had long thought about his rejection, was secretly happy, but his face turned cold: "Do you mean to resist the decree?"

Chen Feng chuckled. If a master resists an order, how can you do that?

Di Jun instantly felt his teeth itching with hatred.

Qiang Liang and Jiufeng in the distance looked at each other and put on the appearance of watching a show.

It looks like they don't need to take action anymore.

Seeing that he was angry, Chen Feng smiled even more happily. Anyway, Nuwa said it was over and there was no need to continue the show.

He said happily: "Your Majesty, I advise you, Mouse Tail Juice, not to play such tricks, otherwise you will be the one who suffers in the end."

Di Jun was even more angry because he dared to be so arrogant even when he was about to die.

His eyes turned cold, and he didn't want to talk nonsense. He shouted angrily: "If you resist the decree and disobey it, you will be killed!"

He took action suddenly, very suddenly.

He directly exploded with all his strength, and Hetu Luoshu turned into two green rays of light and soared into the sky.

With full exertion, more than billions of miles of prehistoric times were affected by Hetu Luoshu, changing the basic rules.

The boundaries of time and space are broken, and the underlying logic becomes disordered.

For example, at this moment, one plus one no longer equals two, but equals any number between positive infinity and negative infinity, and it is constantly changing, and everything appears chaotic and disordered.

This is Hetu Luoshu, this is the innate spiritual treasure, and it is the extension of Daluo Dao.

Even the strong tribes appeared blurred. They were here one moment, disappeared suddenly the next, and then appeared again.

Qiang Liang raised his eyebrows and pointed them down calmly. His tribe was suddenly stable and unaffected by Hetu Luoshu.

If it were Di Jun's own power, no matter how powerful it was, it would not be able to affect the powerful tribe.

But this is the power of Hetu Luoshu and an extension of Daluo Dao, so he must take action himself.

Fortunately, Di Jun is not Da Luo, and Hetu Luoshu can only use a tiny bit of power. Otherwise, even if he takes action, it will not be easy to protect the tribe.

Of course, it's not difficult to recover afterwards.

In mid-air, after unfolding the Hetu Luoshu, Di Jun's attack had already landed on Chen Feng.

With the help of the power of this innate spiritual treasure, his power is directly exerted on the rules.

With a bang, the space beside Chen Feng exploded, and endless space-time turbulence erupted. Earth, water, fire, and wind surged together, swallowing everything and destroying everything.

The next moment, the chaos reversed, forming a hole that swallowed everything, and continued to spread, just like a black hole that could swallow the heavens appeared above the Qiangliang tribe.

Directly tear Chen Feng's figure into pieces and devour it.

The mountains that reached nine heavens, the endless vastness of the earth, and even all the energy of disorderly violence were swallowed up by this black hole. In an instant, it seemed as if the heaven and earth had been swallowed up.

Di Jun took action with all his strength and worked hard to control the disordered "black hole".

This is no longer the kind of final thing that is naturally formed in the ordinary universe, but the final thing under the influence of Hetu Luoshu.

If it is not controlled well, it will have a chain reaction, and maybe it will swallow up the whole world in the end.

He didn't want to see that happen.

So he worked hard to control Hetu Luoshu to reverse the "black hole" that swallowed everything.

With his efforts, the "black hole" rotated, getting smaller and smaller, until it was like a mustard seed. The next moment it became infinitely small, and finally disappeared.

Di Jun breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that Hetu Luoshu was indeed the best innate spiritual treasure, but he could only exert his full strength.

But he was in a particularly good mood.

Chen Feng is dead. He has got rid of his inner demons and has no worries anymore. All he needs to do next is kill Qiang Liang, and then he can be reborn and dominate the world.

He turned to look at Qiang Liang and said confidently: "Qiang Liang, it's your turn next."

Qiang Liang smiled as if he were watching a show: "You'd better deal with your current opponent first before you say these words."

Di Jun frowned and suddenly felt something. He turned around and looked at the place where Chen Feng was swallowed.

At some point, Chen Feng appeared there completely, looking at him with a smile, just like before.

At this moment, Di Jun even suspected that he was hallucinating.

But the earth turned into nothingness, the mountains disappeared, and the devastated wilderness further away told him that all this was true.Chen Feng glanced at the two green lights that looked like swimming snakes in the air and smiled: "Hetu Luoshu, good stuff, what a pity."

With Chen Feng's voice, some forgotten memories in Di Jun's heart began to gradually revive, and a kind of fear surged into his heart.

He suddenly became furious, his blood surged, and his face turned red.

He roared: "Impossible, why are you not dead? It's impossible that you are not dead, I don't believe it!"

Vaguely, he touched some kind of truth, but he didn't want to believe it.

The saint experience card in his mind was used directly by him.

In an instant, his aura soared infinitely, as if he was transcending everything, and even more like he was above the heavens.

There was some kind of enlightenment in his heart, and he looked at the heavens and the world, and there seemed to be a surging river running through the heavens in front of him.

Within his body, worlds suddenly formed, condensed with each other, and emerged and died in an instant. Three thousand big worlds were born in an instant.

Not to mention, these three thousand big worlds are still increasing without limit, and in an instant, the prototype of the multiverse has been condensed.

Compared to just now, his strength has increased countless times. This is an improvement in level and cannot be compared at all.

"Is this the realm of a 'saint'?"

Di Jun sighed in his heart, feeling a little calmer and looking at Chen Feng without fear.

Not wanting to delay, he just slapped it with one palm.


A loud noise erupted, shaking the three realms and six realms. Golden light erupted from his palm, as if flying out of an illusory river of time, and flames from all directions condensed, as if worshiping the Lord of the Heavens.

Unparalleled power runs through the past and the future.

Chen Feng stood motionless. When the palm was about to hit him, he calmly took out a black hat and put it on his head.

Di Jun's pupils shrank. The moment Chen Feng put on the black top hat, the forgotten memories in his heart suddenly surged out and he could not suppress them no matter what.

That night, he went to sneak attack Chen Feng.

That night, he turned into a corpse.

"Am I already dead?" A feeling of horror emerged, and a chill appeared on the back, spreading throughout the body instantly.

After that, he saw Chen Feng looking towards him with a smile.

The familiar sound of snapping fingers appeared, and his palm penetrated the past and future. His full palm after becoming a "sage" dissipated just as he was about to hit Chen Feng.

Just like the most brilliant fireworks, they bloom with the most energy in the sky.

Bright and fleeting.

Chen Feng smiled, took a step forward, and appeared directly in front of Di Jun.

He made no unnecessary movements, everything happened naturally, he simply stepped over Di Jun and stretched out his arm to wrap around his neck.

Chen Feng's arm passed through Di Jun's body, bringing out a vague soul at the same time.

His face was full of horror, and he looked at the back of "his body" in disbelief.

At this moment, he understood that he was being pulled out of Di Jun's body.

"What exactly is this for?"

He murmured softly, his consciousness gradually blurring.

Chen Feng shook his arm, curled his lips and said, "It's finally over."

The crowd of spectators also expressed their opinions.

"This is the end?"

"I haven't seen enough, so why are you killing me?"

"Bad movie, refund your money."

Lian Qiangliang and Jiufeng also smiled, relaxed and prepared to say hello to Chen Feng.

No one noticed that after the time traveler left the body, the real body of Emperor Jun Da Luo suddenly opened his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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