Chapter 69 Fuxi’s big plan
Following Daozu's words, all Da Luo present looked at Chen Feng.

For a moment, he felt stressed.

Especially Hou Tu and Nu Wa looked at him at the same time, one expressionless and the other smiling, their hearts ached when they saw them.

Daozu wishes he could die.

Could this be the punishment for those who sit on the fence?

Taking a deep breath, Chen Feng's thoughts raced crazily in his mind.

First of all, this conversation is definitely not acceptable.

One bad move offended both sides, and He Xini didn't work well, and before he knew it, both sides were about to start a fight.

He had a terrible headache.

At this time, the other Daluo looked at him happily, as if they were watching a show.

It is common for the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan to fight, and it is nothing to be alarmed about.

Today's thing is just a little more fun.

Not looking at the generals on both sides counts as restraint.

Even Qiang Liang just sat there with a cold face and said nothing.

He is a victim.

Opposite him, Di Jun sat next to Donghuang Taiyi with a smile on his face, looking like a winner.

After all, according to the situation, Qiang Liang is indeed "dead".

Daluo is immortal and transcends things, but the great trend of the ancient times will continue to unfold after all. If every Daluo stalks and refuses to recognize it, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, in the script, they also have such a thing as a "blood bar upper limit".

If you really knock out the opponent's "blood bar", you will naturally be considered dead in the ancient times.

In this era, you can no longer appear in this identity. Even if you want to continue playing, you have to change your account.

It's just that the "blood bar" of the ancestral witch is extremely thick. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to break through the defense, let alone kill it.

Compared to this, they were more concerned about how Chen Feng would handle it.

Many people are very concerned about the younger generations who have achieved enlightenment in this era.

After all, no one has proven the truth for three epochs in the ancient world and even the endless multiverse.

"No, you have to kick the ball out."

Chen Feng made up his mind that anything he said in this situation was wrong and he must not speak.

But who to hand the ball to is also a matter of knowledge.

First of all, the opponent's body must be strong and not afraid of the Lich and Lich clans.

Secondly, the opponent has a good temper, and you can't just get hatred in vain just because you kicked the ball over.

His eyes quickly scanned the Zixiao Palace.

The magic gate definitely won’t work.

Not to mention whether they are afraid of the Lich clan or not, given their vengeful character, if you dare to push them on them, don't even think about it in the next few epochs.


Chen Feng's eyes stayed on these three big guys for a moment... It was a good choice.

But the problem is, these three big guys are really hard to mess with.

This is the largest black force in the prehistoric times, even the Lich and Lich clans are weaker.

Don't talk about anything else, just say that these three people have never changed the position of "Pangu" since their debut, so you know what the concept is.

It is said that the Battle of the Gods came about because they were too bored internally and felt that other forces in the ancient world had nothing to do without causing some "civil strife".

Moreover, Yuanshi Tianzun in the prehistoric era was not a good-tempered master.

In addition, Lingbao Great Heavenly Lord’s Jie Jiao has always wanted to recruit him to join the group to fight the battle of the gods.If he were to kick the ball over now, he would probably catch the ball, but if he drank and pecked it, there would be cause and effect. When it came time to become a god, he might be forced to get on the black bus.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

He looked at the other big forces, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and he found the one who was recognized as having the best temper among the big Luo.

The most important thing is that this person is not only good-tempered, but also powerful. He also has a powerful force and is not afraid of the Lich or Lich clan at all.

He smiled: "Fellow Taoists, after all, I am a participant in this matter. Even if I don't know about it in advance, it would be biased for me to judge. Why don't we ask a fair person from Daluo to judge this matter."

After speaking, he didn't wait for others to speak, and continued: "Buddha, you are an enlightened person and you have never lied. It is better for you to judge this matter."

When Chen Feng mentioned this person, many Da Luo were startled at first, and then subconsciously looked in the direction of Buddhism.

Haotian and other big players looked at Chen Feng calmly, with hints of praise. This ball was played well. Buddha is really a perfect candidate.

Among the Buddhists, they had no idea that Chen Feng would throw the ball to them.

The Buddha sitting on the lotus platform opened his eyes with a compassionate expression on his face.

Beside him, there is a Bodhi tree and a green lotus, manifesting human bodies.

The three of them are the strongest men in Buddhism and have the strength to compete for "Pangu".

But Buddhism has never produced a "Pangu".

Buddha is enlightenment and is the way to salvation. "Pangu" is not their way.

The Buddha is a descendant of Buddhism, and his enlightenment time was later than that of Chunti Buddha Mother and Jie Yin Buddha.

But in Buddhism, the master is the first, but today's Buddhism is dominated by him.

The Buddha clasped his hands together and pronounced the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, since Fellow Taoist Chen Feng has asked a question, the poor monk will just say a few words."

"This matter has been understood. There is no trace of Emperor Xi's layout across an era. Even the poor monks are not aware of it. Although they are covered up by people who have traveled through time, the heavens are also within the general trend. The Witch Clan should not be like this."

He spoke impartially and matter-of-factly.

At the same time, it was pointed out that the layout was made by Fuxi.

Many Da Luo have speculated on this point. Apart from Fuxi, there is no other person among the demon clan who is best at planning and can hide their moves from the eyes of Zhulong and Houtu.

After all, he was Fuxi, the first winner of the "Pangu" battle.

And many Daluo are still guessing in their hearts that Fuxi's layout may not stop there.

The Witch Clan lost their strength and fell into a disadvantage in the Lich War. Once the Lich Clan wins this Lich War, their luck will immediately rise, and they will get more benefits from the next opening of the sky.

Nuwa even dared to get her hands on the power of reincarnation.

After the Lich, comes the rise of the human race.

If the demon race wins, it will inevitably block the way of the human race, and there will definitely be a battle between the two sides.

This is the crux of the problem. You must know that Fuxi is not just a demon clan leader.

He also has another identity, that of the Human Emperor.

In this way, he will single-handedly lead the rise of the two "protagonists" in this era. If it succeeds, he may be able to go further in the next era.

Many Da Luo's hearts trembled, and they had the intuition that Fu Xi had a big plan.

Maybe he wants to regain his position as "Pangu"?

Many Daluo didn't dare to think deeply, but they kept an eye on it. If it was true, they would have to make plans early. The competition for "Pangu" before the next era would probably be extremely fierce.

Hou Tu and others obviously knew this, and it was for this reason that they continued to mess around in spite of their shame.

Fuxi's move was not only immediate, it had a great impact on the follow-up.

If he really wants to regain the position of "Pangu" from Sanqing, he will feel uncomfortable on his side.

So Zhulong spoke, he opened his eyes and said: "What the great monk said is biased. If the skills are really inferior to others, we will have nothing to say if we lose, but there is no precedent for using time-travelers to achieve this, so That’s why we have to argue.”

(End of this chapter)

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