High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 71 Da Luo and Da Luo are different

Chapter 71 Da Luo and Da Luo are different

The light of one Da Luo is a hundred times greater than that of fifty Da Luo combined.

The whirlpool of the Witch Clan expanded and immediately occupied the center of Zixiao Palace. Compared with it, the whirlpool of the Demon Clan became inconspicuous.

The corners of Chen Feng's mouth moved slightly.

What about the "democracy" promised by Da Luo? What about the promised one person, one vote?

Yes, it is one person, one vote.

But the gap between votes is too big.

Chen Feng's mouth moved slightly and he glanced at Dao Ancestor beside him calmly.

He was suddenly curious, a man named Xiangzi had such a great influence, what would happen if Dao Ancestor also cast his own Great Luo Light.

Could it be that all the big Ronaldo's votes together can't compare to his vote?

Chen Feng suddenly came up with this idea, which shocked him.

Daozu seemed to sense something, turned to look at him, and said with a smile: "Don't think about it, I won't vote."

Chen Feng was shocked. Didn't Daozu turn off the omniscient and omnipotent perspective? How could he know what he was thinking?
Daozu saw this and said happily: "I didn't open it, but you are not the first to think so."

"..." Chen Feng was speechless.

While the two were talking, some more Da Luo cast their own Da Luo light.

Most of them are casual cultivators who have not joined the forces and focus on playing "single player" in all the worlds.

It is called the Party of Life by all the great people in ancient times.

Like Chen Feng, they did not dare to offend anyone and silently abstained from voting.

As their Da Luo light fell into the third vortex, there was no movement.

It seems that it disappears directly after being invested, without causing any change in the vortex.

The demon clan, on the other hand, did not sit still and wait for death after Kunzi took action.

The old man in green robe who had ridiculed him before also cast his own light.

I saw a light of transcendence rising, and the breath of terror was hidden in it, constantly changing and reshaping.

This is the original light of Da Luo.

It is Da Luo’s own way.

Chen Feng saw endless terror in this ball of light. Any trace of breath was enough to crush the multiverse.

It is more than a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger than the ordinary Daluo.

The old man's name is Kunpeng.

He is the companion of the demon clan's great supernatural powers.

As soon as his Da Luo light fell, the whirlpool of the demon tribe immediately expanded, and in one rotation, it surpassed the witch tribe, no more, no less, exactly one circle.

Careful calculation can reveal that the size of this circle is exactly the result of the previous fifty votes.

Now that the top executives of both parties are gone, there is no need to act coy like a little daughter-in-law.

The eight ancestral witches of the Wu clan immediately let go of their hands and feet, summoned their own great light, and smashed it towards their own whirlpool.

Suddenly, eight groups of sun-like rays of light rose in the Zixiao Palace, and the Dao of Daluo surged in the light, majestic and majestic, like the brilliant power of heaven.

Even if not a trace of breath leaks out, he is so domineering and superior to all the heavens that even other Da Luo are suppressed and can't breathe.

And as the light of the Great Luo of the eight ancestral witches fell, the vortex representing the witch clan expanded again. This time, the vortex expanded violently, forming a dark abyss, in which a dark multiverse was nurtured.

In just one moment, it has completely surpassed the demon clan.

The two sides are no longer on the same level.

If there is a drop of water on the Monster Clan side, it is already a lake on the Witch Clan side. The gap is so huge that it is despairing.

This is the power of the great psychic.It wasn't until this moment that Chen Feng deeply understood the true meaning of Zhao Gongming's emotion when he was chatting with him shortly after his sermon.

This prehistoric period is Da Luo's game, and it is also a game for those with great supernatural powers, but in the final analysis it is still a game for those with great supernatural powers.

Only at this moment did Chen Feng deeply understand the sense of despair that Zhao Gongming felt when he said these words.

Are these guys really Da Luo?

How arrogant do you have to be to think that they are also Da Luo?

Maybe they are Da Luo just because they are still willing to be Da Luo.

A glimmer of enlightenment arose in Chen Feng's heart. Instead of being hit, he felt an inexplicable motivation.

After attaining Daluo enlightenment, he had a salty attitude because he had reached the pinnacle of all heavens and worlds and had nothing more to pursue.

But at this moment, he discovered that there was still a way to go after Da Luo.

It's just that you can only walk this road by yourself. Others can't help you walk, let alone follow other people's paths.

But at least at this moment, he really had the idea of ​​becoming a great supernatural power.

He also wants to go to the center of the great stage, and he also wants to be that person. I am Da Luo, just because I am still willing to be Da Luo's person.

His eyes lowered slightly, and at this moment he made up his mind.

He glanced at Haotian calmly.

As long as Haotian really gives up his position as the Jade Emperor in the next era, as long as he can firmly sit on the throne of the Jade Emperor for an era, he will be able to join the ranks of those with great supernatural powers.

In this way, in the next era, I will be able to gain more say and have more authority.

If everything goes well, even the position of "Pangu" may not be unimaginable in the future era.

The senses of Da Luo are extremely sharp, and there is absolutely no situation where others cannot notice you even if they glance at you.

In other words, this will never happen when there is a gap in strength.

Haotian turned to look at Chen Feng, and suddenly smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Chen Feng looks very energetic."

He chuckled, and then added: "Very good, there are not many big Luo people as motivated as you now."

Chen Feng also smiled and nodded towards him.

At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi from the Monster Clan took action and threw his Great Luo Light into the vortex representing the Monster Clan.

There are 12 ancestral witches in the Wu Clan. In terms of the number of people with great supernatural powers, they are more than the Demon Clan.

The reason why the demon clan is not afraid, and even every time the two sides go back and forth during the Lich Tribulation, the winning rate is not low, is because they have an extra "Pangu".

Among the Wu clan, only Zhulong and Houtu had done "Pangu".

Among the demon clan, there are three "Pangu" statues: Donghuang Taiyi, Fuxi, and Nuwa.

The reason why the demon clan cannot gain the upper hand is that the other ancestral witches of the Wu clan are also very powerful, and the second reason is that neither Fuxi nor Nuwa is a pure "Pangu" of the demon clan.

The two of them also hold a lot of "shares" in the human race, and they can be considered half of the demon race at most.

During Lich's calamity, most of his attacks were from the side, not many from the front.

And with the appearance of Donghuang Taiyi's Great Luo Light, Chen Feng truly realized what kind of concept "Pangu" was.

The Zixiao Palace was shaken, and Donghuang Taiyi's Great Luo Light rose, and the dazzling light of transcendence performed his Golden Crow Avenue.

Even Da Luo couldn't look straight and closed his eyes subconsciously.

At this moment, he is the end of Tao, he is the beginning of all things, the origin of everything, and "Pangu".

This great light is as vast as the universe, and is larger than the previous eight ancestral witches combined.


(End of this chapter)

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