High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 74 Dao Ancestor’s Magical Powers

Chapter 74 Dao Ancestor’s Magical Powers

As Yuanshi Tianzun's great light fell, the whirlpool of the demon clan expanded violently.

In the blink of an eye, he completely surpassed the Wu clan.

Yuanshi Tianzun showed Sanqing's attitude with his actions.

As for the Three Pure Ones, they have always advanced and retreated together when dealing with the outside world. His vote represents the votes of the other two.

The end is set.

Hou Tu sat at the head of the Wu clan, his face expressionless when he saw this.

She had already expected this situation. To put it bluntly, to be in the current situation, she was considered very popular.

After all, it was revealed that the Wu Clan was making trouble unreasonably and had somewhat broken the rules of Da Luo.

Now that the results are out, she doesn't intend to persist.

Da Luo is eternal, and there is no need to fight for temporary gains and losses in a long time.

Just when everyone thought everything had settled, Chen Feng took advantage of this opportunity and quickly cast out his Great Luo Light.

It was a ball of palm-sized Da Luo light, which also contained his Tao, rising and falling, and quickly fell into the whirlpool of the Witch Clan.

All the Da Luo were stunned for a moment, and then they remembered that there was a new Da Luo who had attained enlightenment in this era.

However, his vote was like pouring a basin of water into the ocean, and it was impossible for the Wu clan to make a comeback.

It has no impact on the general trend.

But at least it showed its attitude.

Hou Tu glanced at him in surprise, his face warmed up, and he smiled at him, with a hint of appreciation.

Chen Feng sat next to Dao Ancestor and did not dare to respond.

He originally wanted to abstain from voting, but the Witch Clan was really tricked this time, and he was also involved.

Although I didn’t know it at first, I later found myself riding a tiger with difficulty.

But subjectively, I really didn’t want to trick the Witch Clan, and this vote also showed my attitude.

In addition, the overall situation has been decided now, and his vote will not have any real impact, so Nuwa should not care.


He was unsure and subconsciously looked in the direction of the demon clan. He saw Nuwa Empress smiling at him. Her smile was as bright as a flower, which could make the stars eclipse and the flowers dim.

Chen Feng's heart thumped, and his expression turned bitter.

Okay, I have to go around a bit from now on.

And as Chen Feng cast his vote, all Da Luo present also finished casting their votes.

Daozu smiled and said: "The results have come out. The demon clan has won. It remains unchanged and Qiangliang died in battle."

After Daozu finished speaking, he tapped the jade chime beside him, and the long sound echoed in Zixiao Palace.

The space in front of Chen Feng changed, and everything happened naturally. The Zixiao Palace disappeared, and the Taoist ancestor also disappeared. In front of his eyes, there was only the ancient land that had been destroyed for hundreds of millions of miles.


Not far from him, there was a majestic man in royal robes, still keeping his palms down.

In front of him, the original earth and the strong tribe of ancestral witches disappeared, leaving only a heroic woman standing in the air.


When Chen Feng came to his senses, they both came to their senses at the same time.

Di Jun retracted his palm, and Jiu Feng reacted very quickly. He jumped up, turned into light and walked away, directly escaping in the Da Luo way and disappeared without a trace.

If she had reacted slowly, Di Jun might have slapped him down again. In this case, Di Jun wouldn't mind killing another great witch.

Seeing her escaping, Di Jun had no intention of pursuing her. Anyway, Qiang Liang was "dead" and their goal had been achieved.

Chen Feng was immersed in the glory days of recovery.

He looked around, his eyes sweeping across the endless land of the wilderness. Everything was restored to its original state, just like the previous era of annihilation was just an illusion.He raised his head again and looked beyond the wilderness.

You can clearly see the sea of ​​boundaries surging, and the endless multiverses rising and falling, no different from before.

Everything before was restored with a knock from Daozu.

Chen Feng was not surprised by this result, because he could do this kind of thing, at most it would take a little more time than Dao Ancestor.

What surprised him was that he didn't feel any Daozu's tricks at all.

Everything was so natural that he didn't even notice it.

After all, he is a serious Da Luo.

Shaking his head, Chen Feng drove this thought out of his mind.

Forget it, or else he is a Taoist ancestor.

After experiencing the blow from Zixiao Palace, he has become indifferent to such things.

Di Jun turned to look at him at this time, cupped his hands with him, and said with a smile: "Thanks to the help of Fellow Daoist Chen, this matter went so smoothly. I still need to thank you. If nothing happens to Fellow Daoist, why don't you go to Heaven with me?" Be a guest.”

Facing Di Jun's invitation, Chen Feng shook his head like a rattle and flatly refused.

"Don't mention it, Your Majesty. I didn't know anything about this beforehand. You should go back on your own. I am responsible for guarding the wilderness and need to check whether there are any time travelers coming. I am not worthy of you to go back."

Seeing him shirk, Di Jun did not force himself and said with a smile: "In that case, I will go back first. If Fellow Daoist Chen has time to come to Heaven, we will welcome him at any time."

He cupped his hands again, and after Chen Feng returned the greeting, he carried Yun toward the heaven.

After watching him leave, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

If he followed Di Jun back to heaven, everything would be really unclear.

He looked up at the sky again and saw that the [-] Xuanxian guards he had brought before had completely disappeared, and they were all completely annihilated under Di Jun's palm.

Daozu did not trace him back.

This is normal. After all, Qiang Liang's "fall" was the result of Daluo's vote. Even Qiang Liang's tribe was wiped out, and the "aftermath" of the fight still exists. In order to seek truth, those Xuanxian Guards will naturally be affected by the aftermath. Die.

And for all sentient beings who are not Daluo, not even the memory of the previous destruction of the prehistoric world will be left behind.

They will only remember that Emperor Jun led the Tianting Xuanxian Guard to sneak attack on the Qiangliang tribe. The battle was so shocking that it even alerted Zhulong to come to the rescue, but was blocked by Donghuang Taiyi.

The final result was that Qiang Liang's ancestral witch died in battle, the entire army of thirty thousand Xuanxian Guards was annihilated, and billions of miles of prehistoric land were destroyed.

Everything is very reasonable.

Chen Feng pinched his chin and reflected on what he had done this time.

At the same time, he also increased his vigilance.

Before, I was too vigilant against this group of big guys, so I was tricked into getting into a black car. When I wanted to jump out of the car, it was already too late.

I just hope that the Wu Clan won’t bear a grudge against me because of this matter, otherwise I will really be no longer a human being inside and out.

Just when he was thinking about this, a voice appeared next to his ear.

He was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

It was Hou Tu who asked him to go to Jiuyou to see her.

Chen Feng immediately grimaced, unsure in her heart, she was not going to attack to accuse him, right?
Even at this moment, he had the stupid idea of ​​running away altogether, since she had reincarnated and would not be able to escape Jiuyou.

The next moment he was crying because of his own thoughts, and he was also confused. How could she not get out of Jiuyou.

It was performed for others to see.

If she really dared to run, she would have [-] ways to catch her instantly.

After experiencing the Zixiao Palace group and seeing the light of "Pangu", he had no doubts.

There is only one way left, let's take a trip to Jiuyou.


(End of this chapter)

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