Chapter 77 Fuxi’s secret gift

After clarifying the pros and cons, Chen Feng made a decision.

He didn't beat around the bush and said directly: "Sister Houtu, how are you going to help me?"

Hou Tu nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "This looks good."

"Do you know how Da Luo will go in the future?"

Chen Feng shook his head. Isn't this nonsense? He needs to know why he is still confused.

Hou Tu asked again: "Then you should know why you can become a great supernatural being when you become the Jade Emperor in the next era, right?"

This time Chen Feng nodded.

"I know this. Because the Emperor of Heaven itself represents the prehistoric power and can complement the Daluo Way. Being the Emperor of Heaven will definitely make a further step in the Daluo Way and make everything stronger."

"Then why can the prehistoric power be complementary to the Tao of Da Luo?" Hou Tu asked again with a smile, very much like a teacher in class.

It's a pity that Chen Feng is obviously not a top student.

Facing Teacher Houtu's question, he fell into deep thought.

Yes, I have always known that these prehistoric powers are beneficial to Da Luo, but why?
Logically speaking, the only thing that can improve Da Luo is their own way.

Hou Tu explained without making things difficult for him.

"The essential reason is that these authorities and the great trend of the ancient times themselves are part of the Daluo Way."

"For the entire world, the Great Desolate is the most special, not only because this is the first plane created by our Daluo, and it is the origin.

But because this place was opened up by 'Pangu'. "

Chen Feng gradually came to a realization, his eyes lit up and he said, "Could it be that this general trend of heaven and earth is Da Luo's path to seek the Tao?"

Hou Tu showed a teachable expression and chuckled.

"Yes, the strongest among Da Luo is 'Pangu', and Pangu is the Tao itself."

"The prehistoric era was created by Pangu, and nature is the evolution of Tao. It is the origin of Tao among all the worlds."

"If it were just like this, this world would just be Pangu's way. Daluo could learn from it, but he couldn't follow it directly.

But Pangu Kaitian wanted to kill three thousand demon gods. "

When Hou Tu said this, Chen Feng suddenly said: "So that's it. It turns out that this is the truth about the power of the ancient world."

Hou Tu smiled and said: "That's right, before every era, after Pangu's candidate is determined, all Daluo will transform into three thousand demon gods in the chaos, fight with Pangu, and eventually be killed by Pangu.

And the Tao of Sanqian Daluo will naturally merge with the prehistoric world as Pangu opens the sky. "

"This world is the birthplace of all Daluo Dao fruits. As long as you influence the general trend of the world and master the key authority, you are comprehending the Daluo Dao, and you will naturally be able to improve your strength."

"This is also the reason why it is easier for the creatures in the prehistoric times to cultivate into Daluo."

After listening to Hou Tu's explanation, Chen Feng fully understood what the Honghuang Game Field was all about.

To explain it simply, it is like an online game.

Daluo is a full-level player. It is useless to continue to increase the experience value. He needs something special, called "Tao".

The most terrible thing is that this "Tao" is useless if you apply it to others, only your own specific one.

At this time, you need to do the "main mission" of the prehistoric era, which is to participate in the so-called "catastrophe of heaven and earth".

The better you perform during the great tribulation, the greater your role, and the more "Tao" you gain.

Moreover, this "Tao" still includes "Pangu", a mixture of all the "Tao" of the Three Thousand Daluo, and can be used by yourself.

It’s no wonder that so many people in Da Luo are keen on causing trouble. It turns out there are benefits to be gained.

In addition, there will be fixed rewards for mastering "powers" such as Hou Tu's reincarnation, Emperor Jun and Taiyi's demon emperor, Nuwa's creation of humans, Fuxi's human emperor, Haotian's God, etc. .

Because their authority itself is an important part of prehistoric times.Among all the authorities, Pangu's authority was undoubtedly the heaviest.

When the world opened, Pangu killed three thousand gods and demons, and scattered all the Tao of Daluo in the wilderness. At the end of the world, the prehistoric era reincarnated, and all the Tao returned to Pangu.

This is why, once you have done Pangu, there is such a big gap in strength between you and other great Luo.

After thinking about all this, Chen Feng broke into a cold sweat.

Only then did he realize that he had underestimated the position of the Jade Emperor before.

This is the position of the Emperor of Heaven, the Supreme of Heaven and Earth after becoming a god, and countless great people are watching eagerly.

If you sit on it without knowing anything, even if you win over a few powerful Da Luo, you will definitely be overthrown by others if you are not strong enough.

They didn't dare to grab the position in Haotian's hands, but that didn't mean they didn't dare to grab the position in their own hands.

Maybe in the next era, as soon as I take the throne, and my butt is not even hot, ten or eight monkeys will pop out and break into the Lingxiao Palace.

Thinking about it now, what Haotian said to himself when he was in Zixiao Palace was clearly a warning.

After everything was smoothed out, he raised his head and said, "Sister Houtu, what can I do to become stronger in this era?"

Hou Tu smiled and said: "Simple, just make trouble during the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. The greater the role you play, the more benefits you will get."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Of course he knew how to cause trouble.

But the problem is, this catastrophe of heaven and earth has been controlled to death by several major forces. It is really a matter of people with great supernatural powers flying around. You, a little big man, rashly participated in it. Let alone causing trouble or changing the general situation, you can come out "alive" That’s pretty good.

Nowadays, some of the stand-alone parties who travel all over the world did not want to play stand-alone at first, and they have also tried to participate in the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

But the reality is too ruthless. If they are large casual cultivators, they won’t even be able to make waves if they fill it in.

In the end, I became disheartened and had no choice but to play stand-alone.

and many more!

Chen Feng suddenly realized something, subconsciously raised his hand and unleashed his Great Luo Light with all his strength.

He saw the light of transcendence lighting up in his hand, like a dream, and continued to expand until it reached the size of a washbasin before stopping.

He opened his mouth wide, with surprise in his eyes.

He could remember clearly that when he voted in Zixiao Palace before, Da Luo's Light was only the size of a palm.

Hou Tu took a look and said calmly: "You finally remembered, yes, this is the benefit of helping Di Jun kill Qiang Liang.

Although you did it without knowing it, this matter is related to you after all. You can be considered to have participated in the Lich Tribulation and played a big role. It is normal to have such an improvement. "

Chen Feng silently put away his Great Luo Light, without much joy, but said in a deep voice: "Fuxi..."

Hou Tu shrugged: "You guessed it right. It's obvious that this is also part of Fuxi's calculation. It seems that you are really a rare commodity. Even the investment is being snatched by so many people."

There was no joy in Chen Feng's heart, only extreme coldness.

I didn't realize it.

The time traveler, Emperor Jun, Qiang Liang, the demon clan, the witch clan, and even the human clan, all these are like a big net. I originally thought I was outside of it, but when the net tightened, I suddenly found that I was already in it.

This kind of traceless move is simply terrifying.

But such a terrifying Fuxi could not shake the position of Sanqing Pangu for more than ten epochs.

Can Hou Tu's plan really succeed?

He couldn't help but wonder.

But no matter what, he wants to become stronger as soon as possible. This feeling of hindsight always makes people particularly uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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