High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 8 Tearing up the backstory of the script

Chapter 8 Tearing up the backstory of the script

Some things and authorities in the prehistoric times were beneficial to Da Luo.

Such as creating human beings, establishing heaven, establishing religion, and passing on inheritance.

Doing these things will help Daluo people grasp themselves, recognize their true self after transcendence, and go further in the realm of Daluo.

Although it is essentially just that, it cannot transcend Da Luo.

And among all these things, the most beneficial thing is to become "Pangu", create the world, and control the voice of a prehistoric era.

You can tell who are the strong ones in Daluo just by looking at whether they have done "Pangu".

In addition to the fight for "Pangu", there were other major events in the prehistoric era that were beneficial to Daluo. After the creation of the world, there were the creation of man, the establishment of the sky, and the establishment of reincarnation.

These major events are controlled by some tyrannical Daluo and are regarded as the fundamentals.

Evolutionary reincarnation is one of them.

It has been controlled by Hou Tu for more than ten prehistoric eras, and it is difficult for outsiders to get involved.

Now, in this era's timeline, it's time for her to reincarnate again.

Standing by the sea of ​​blood, she thought in her mind that when she reincarnated, she would replace it with the trumpet she had snatched from Nuwa before the beginning of this era.

According to the agreement made before the beginning of this era, her original form after reincarnation, that is, the ancestral witch Houtu will not be able to leave Jiuyou.

In the past, there was no such agreement, or it was, but it was not mandatory.

Da Luo transcends everything, is unrestrained, and can follow his heart for thousands of years. No rules or power can restrain him, not even other Da Luo.

But... Houtu has a criminal record.

In the last era, in order to express her dissatisfaction with the lich script formulated by Nuwa, she openly tore up the script with her hands.

That time, although she was reincarnated, something happened with Emperor Jun of the Demon Court. It seemed that she got tired of the Lich War and wandered into the multiverse, leaving only her Daluo Dharma body in the wilderness. , let Donghuang Taiyi play for him.

Donghuang Taiyi, who was playing two roles, was not used to it. The ancestral witches seized the opportunity to counterattack, and almost pushed the demon clan's heaven to the ground in the lich war.

Nuwa became anxious when she saw this. Donghuang Taiyi was her quasi-ally. Although they were not sworn brothers and sisters like Fuxi, they could still be considered a group.

If the Lich War in this era is pushed back by the Witch Clan, their right to speak will be reduced next time the world reopens.

On the contrary, a group of people gathered around to watch the show were enjoying themselves.

They also don't like scripts that stick to the rules. Except for the main line of the rise of the human race until the destruction of the prehistoric world, there is nothing else that cannot be changed.

Some of the great people of the human race are gearing up. They have already thought about how to lead the human race to survive in desperate situations after the destruction of the Demon Clan. Then they will develop silently when the Wu family is the dominant one, and then launch a final wave of counterattack.

Then... Nuwa took action directly to forcefully preserve the Demon Clan's heaven.

This made Hou Tu angry. Okay, I will follow the rules and then watch the show with peace of mind, but you little bitch broke the rules first.

She was out of reincarnation at that time, tore up the script and fought with Nuwa.

Everyone present, including Da Luo who was watching the show, was stunned.

Seeing this, Donghuang Taiyi couldn't get off the tiger, so he simply gave up Di Jun's Da Luo Dharma Body and concentrated on playing his own trumpet. He also used all his firepower to confront the ancestral witch head-on.

That battle was really a mess.

Many Da Luo who had stayed out of the demon clan were involved, but in the end it was Dao Ancestor who came forward to clean up the mess.

He lightly scolded both parties, especially Nuwa Houtu, saying that they had ruined the gaming experience for all Da Luo.In the end, he simply waved his hand and gave an ending where the two lich clans perished together.

The great people of the human race were beating their chests and stamping their feet. What a great script for the rise of the human race against the odds. It was played out on the spot. However, the script was torn apart because of two women who disliked each other.

Is there still the law of heaven, and is there still the law of the king.

It was also because of this that in the chaos before the beginning of this era, a group of human beings collectively accused this kind of tearing up the script and strongly asked them to reflect on it.

Something like this must never happen again in this era.

Nuwa and Houtu settled their differences and did not mess around.

However, Hou Tu used this incident to accuse Nuwa, saying that she broke the rules first and then took action himself.

Nuwa showed no sign of weakness and immediately retorted that she was not bound by reincarnation in the script beforehand and could take action whenever she wanted.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again at the Daluo meeting, and even had a tendency to fight, Sanqing, Fozu, Jieyin, Fuxi, Zhulong, Taiyi, and other powerful Daluo people quickly broke up the fight.

The final result of the discussion at the meeting was that Hou Tu would never be allowed to reincarnate again in this era. Accordingly, Nuwa could not take sides in the Lich War.

At the same time, considering that the large body was restricted in its area of ​​activity after reincarnation, Nuwa had to choose one of his incarnations to let him go.

That is to say, Hou Tu was given a small account so that she could play in it after reincarnation.

Hou Tu still accepted this result.

Although she has many incarnations and will not really be trapped in reincarnation, the fact that she can make Nuwa suffer is worthwhile in itself.

Finally, she chose a trumpet that Nuwa liked very much, Mazu.

Now she wanted to laugh when she thought of Nuwa's painful expression.

A woman's happiness is that simple.

With a decision in her mind, she stood up by the Netherworld River and stretched lazily.

Graceful curves emerge on the bank of Jiuyou, making even this gloomy place seem a little brighter.

At this moment, waves surged in the blood sea, and then an old man appeared on the waves, smiling and holding his hands towards Houtu: "Is Queen Houtu about to reincarnate?"

Hou Tu nodded lazily, not surprised by the old man's appearance: "Yes, something happened in the last era. You know, let's move forward this era to avoid the gossip of the big Luo people who are waiting to come on. Four, and they said I was dragging the drama."

Seeing the old man smiling and nodding, she suddenly thought of something, her eyes moved slightly, and she said with a smile: "By the way, Patriarch Styx, you are also very powerful, and you can be ranked high in the big Luo, but every time you are in During Chaos meetings, they were all alone and had little say. You, the Shura clan, were reduced to a foil every time.

How about it, do you want to consider coming to our Wu Clan in the next era?I'll give you the identity of an ancestral witch. "

The old man sat cross-legged on the waves and said with a smile: "Empress Houtu really never forgets to attract people. Unfortunately, the old Taoist is the founder of the demonic way. Now the righteous way is prosperous and the evil way is declining. Only two Taoists, Luo Hu and me, are struggling to support us. If If I leave again, I’m afraid even the devil’s path will be gone in the future era.”

Hou Tu said indifferently: "In this case, you and I form an alliance. In the next era, help me snatch Nuwa's right to create human beings at the meeting. I will help you suppress Luo Hu and make you the boss of the devil."

While the two were talking, Jiuyou, not far away from them, had a pair of eyes silently peeping in the shadows.

The owner of these eyes is anxious.

"What's going on? Who is Houtu talking to? Why doesn't she reincarnate?"

"How can I stop it and complete the system's tasks?"

(End of this chapter)

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