Chapter 80 A wave of bankruptcy
In Chen Feng's eyes, he saw a sky-reaching monster with eight human faces, a tiger body and ten tails, slamming into an indescribably majestic portal.


There was a loud noise like the creation of the world, and countless creatures throughout the ancient world were shaken.

The illusory portal was shattered, revealing a vast dream-like world in the wild sky.

Monster Race Heavenly Court!

Countless powerful monks in the ancient world were alarmed.

They stared at this scene with their mouths open. The sky was collapsing, and the space in the heaven was constantly collapsing.

The ancient land also collapsed rapidly under the aftermath of this collision.

The howling wind swept across hundreds of millions of miles, tearing everything apart like dry matter.

The earth roared and collapsed, and the winding cracks formed a criss-crossing dark canyon, which was bottomless, enough to swallow stars, and spread endlessly.

The whole world is shaking, and there are huge waves rolling up to the sky, flooding the coast of countless trillions of miles.

This is just the beginning. Fire from the sky, fire from the earth, thunder, and heavy rain are sweeping across the vast land at this moment.

Countless creatures were shaken to pieces by the loud noise, including many who had cultivated the immortal way.

Many powerful Taiyi Golden Immortals were alarmed and turned into a ray of light and came out, looking towards the sky with pale faces.

They knew that there would be a battle between the two Lich tribes, but they did not expect that the Witch tribe would react so quickly.

Ancestral Wu Qiangliang had just died, and Ancestral Wu Wu, the back leg, smashed the Zhongtian Gate with his true form.


There was another loud noise, but this time it came from the demon clan's heaven.

Deep in the heaven, an extremely terrifying aura appeared, and suddenly, a ball of blazing fire turned into a high-altitude sun, crashing down, getting bigger and bigger, almost filling the sky.

Tian Wu reached out his hand, passed through the layers of void, instantly covered the sky, and went straight to the big sun!

He saw a monster with eight human faces wrapped in the piercing sun, falling straight into the wild land.


The ancient land collapsed and cracked, and successive explosions set off a terrifying impact storm and an incandescent fire that destroyed everything.

The depths of the earth seemed to have turned into nothingness. The plates fell down one by one, leaving no trace, leaving only darkness. The wild beasts and birds were frightened and took off one after another, but they had no time to react before they were wiped out.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

In the blazing white light, Tian Wu, with eight human heads and a tiger body and ten tails, roared, tearing the flames apart, sweeping away the heat, and roared towards the sky.

At the same time as the roar sounded, eight consecutive sounds appeared, and eight equally terrifying demon gods appeared from the ancient land.

Leading the endless witch clan towards the heaven to kill like a tide.

On the prehistoric land, hundreds of millions of witch clans also rushed out, sweeping and spreading, killing demon clans directly whenever they saw them.

Since the last battle between the Lich and the Lich, the masters of the demon clan have retreated into the heavens and the ancient starry sky. Most of the demon clans that remain in the primitive world are those with low strength or those who have not yet transformed.

Of course, there are also hidden old demons among them, who are powerful and powerful, and there are even some strong men from the Taiyi Golden Fairyland.

But under the crazy attack of the Wu Clan, it was only a drop in the bucket.

The quantity is too rare.

The Demon Clan obviously did not expect the Witch Clan to be so crazy. The moment the Zhongtian Gate was breached, only Di Jun, who was deep in the Heavenly Court, took action.

Then the eight ancestral witches led an army into the heaven.

At the beginning, they felt like they were in a no-man's land, and the demon clan in heaven collapsed at the first touch.

Led by eight ancestral witches, they have no enemy until the great supernatural powers of heaven take action.

But this is just the beginning. Although the portal of the Heavenly Court has been broken, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court is also vast and boundless. There are 33 levels of heaven. Each level is a big world, and it is supported by the ancient starry sky. It is extremely deep and wide, and there is enough time to adjust. Soldiers dispatch generals.

Suddenly there was a cry!
The sound shook the world!

Deep in the heaven, a giant bird stood out, flapping its wings, covering the sun, and howling across the boundless void.A ancestral witch who went straight to the front of the witch clan.

This ancestral witch is the color of green wood, has a bird face and a human body, with two green dragons on his feet. He glares angrily, like a world-destroying god and demon walking out of chaos.

Ancestral witch, Jumang!
The two sides collided fiercely, and in an instant the void opened and the whole sky shook.

The giant bird flew away at a touch. It spread its wings and transformed into an old man in green robes. He sneered and said, "Jumang, are you so impatient that you jumped over the wall?"

Demon master Kunpeng.

As Kunpeng appeared, tyrannical auras appeared one after another from the depths of the heaven, and the phantoms of the stars in the sky appeared. The same endless number of demon clans, led by the demon god, rushed out of the wild starry sky.

The two sides didn't say much and fought fiercely together.

This scene is so heroic. The spatial cracks in the Zhongtian Gate that initially collapsed are still expanding rapidly, and the witch tribes in the prehistoric world are constantly killing each other.

No words are enough to describe this war, the shattered space, the torn wilderness, and the aftermath of destruction.

The blood of the demon clan and the blood of the witch clan mixed with the heavy rain fell on the ancient land.

A body as majestic as a star falls like raindrops from the sky.

The sky and the earth have become the most terrifying meat grinding ground at this moment.

Chen Feng looked at this scene and pinched his chin in wonder.

He also didn't expect that after the Demon Clan's Emperor Jun had just attacked Qiang Liang, causing the Wu Clan to lose a powerful ancestral witch, they would actually go head-to-head.

It seems that this is to take advantage of the demon clan's unpreparedness to fight a battle that will determine the outcome of the war.

Chen Feng held Yunluo on top of his mountain and watched the battle with great interest.

The aftermath of the battle was terrifying, the prehistoric world continued to collapse, and the majestic mountains like stars collapsed one after another.

The mountain where Chen Feng's cave is located is not big, and it should have collapsed long ago under such aftermath.

But from the beginning to the end, his cave was stable, not even a stone shook.

Chen Feng fell behind the cloud and waved his hand. A comfortable sofa and recliner appeared in front of him, and a table automatically appeared next to it.

There are snacks such as melon seeds, cola, popcorn and so on on the table.

He turned over and lay down beautifully, sinking his body into the soft sofa. He picked up the Coke next to him and took a big sip through a straw, smiling as he watched the lich battle in heaven.

It's like watching a blockbuster movie in a movie theater in my previous life.

The only pity is that he is the only one here and there is no one to watch with him.

He was a little lazy and didn't want to join in the fun with other Da Luo, so he just gave up.

The fight between the two Lich tribes was extremely exciting. Even if Kunpeng and the Demon God stepped forward to stop it, it only slightly delayed the attack of the Lich tribe.

In just half a day, the Wu Clan was overwhelming and had already conquered the seventh heaven.

But Chen Feng knew that despite the fierce fighting between the two sides, the battle was still far from over.

On the side of the demon clan, neither Di Jun nor Tai Yi took action.

On the side of the witch clan, Tian Wu, who broke through the Tianmen, also rejoined the battle, but even including him, there were only nine ancestral witches.

Zhulong never showed up.

Chen Feng was watching with a smile when he suddenly noticed something. He frowned slightly and looked at somewhere in the tenth level of the demon clan.

There, a vague light of transcendence fell, and several vague figures appeared.


"It doesn't feel like it."

He silently put down the Coke in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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