High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 83 Is this world full of monsters?

Chapter 83 Is this world full of monsters?
The dissipation of the light of transcendence.

The four of them opened their eyes one after another.

What appeared before them was a dream-like scene.

The earth is paved with mist and turbulence.

Thousands of golden lights fall from the sky, thousands of red clouds roll in, and the auspicious aura turns into purple mist.

Bichen's palace towers above the clouds, stretching as far as the eye can see. There are countless immortal palaces and pavilions.

In the distance, teams of golden-armored gods holding halberds and whips were running back and forth, as if they were rushing to somewhere for support.

Not far from them, there was a white jade and gold bridge, filled with fairy white mist, like a dream.

The mythical beasts carved on the white jade bridge, including the colorful phoenix and the purple longevity jade unicorn, were all lifelike. When they noticed these two carved mythical beasts, their eyes turned slightly.Suddenly he seemed to come alive and was watching them too.

Adam was shocked and waved his sleeves without hesitation.

He and three teammates entered a special state at the same time.

The Golden Bridge mythical beast that was being activated showed a blank expression, a little confused, and finally returned to its sculpture form.

The four of them breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

The ability Adam used was not a conventional invisibility technique.

It's something akin to conceptual invisibility.

They are not really invisible, they just exert an influence on the surroundings. All living creatures will be affected. Even if they see them, they will subconsciously ignore them and regard them as stones or other dead objects.

Only the Supreme God of the same level as him could possibly see through it.

Fennier whispered: "What the hell is this place? It's too extravagant. Even the gods of Olympus, who are famous for their enjoyment, are not like them. Look at the two mythical beasts on the bridge. sculpture.

Oh my gosh, those are clearly two artifacts. If they were activated, they would probably have the strength of a high-level god. Are these artifacts actually used for decoration? "

Adam didn't speak, his face was a little solemn, and he felt vaguely that something was wrong.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a terrifying force beyond their understanding erupted.

The four of them were shocked. In their shocked eyes, the world in the distance collapsed.

A power beyond their understanding exploded, everything was distorted, reality was redefined, and the earth made of dense air disappeared at the same time.

At the end of the vision, hundreds of millions of miles in radius were directly erased.

A giant who was as majestic as a star, holding a huge ax, rushed in from below, and with one swing of the ax, everything collapsed.

The rules are like playthings in his hands. Every time the ax is struck, it brings the power of destruction, the space is destroyed, and reality returns to emptiness.

He was so terrifying that just the aura he exuded made Adam and others tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

"What kind of monster is this, the Supreme God?" Fenrir exclaimed in a low voice, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

He has never felt such a terrifying aura, not even the Great Demon God at the bottom of the endless abyss can compare with it.

He was not even sure whether the other party was in the realm of the Supreme God, but in his perception, the Supreme God was already the strongest.

The gap between the Supreme God himself is also huge. Although Adam next to him is also the Supreme God, he has just stepped into it. Compared with those truly powerful Supreme Gods, he is just an ant.

The giant roared, and from under the space he broke, countless golden lights followed, the first batch numbering tens of thousands.

Looking carefully, these golden lights are all gods wearing golden armor, and their auras are equally powerful. According to Adam's knowledge, the weakest ones have reached the level of high-level gods.

Tens of thousands of high-level gods...

The expressions on the four people's faces turned even darker.Then, as they watched in disbelief, the giant swung his axe.

This was an extremely common ax for a giant, but with this axe, tens of thousands of golden-armored gods were wiped out without any resistance.

The terrifying power spread, shattering and reorganizing everything, and a void of chaos appeared around the giant.

Everything happened in an instant, tens of thousands of golden-armored gods were destroyed, but with just one breath, countless golden lights rushed up, also wearing golden armor, with the same powerful aura, and the number was greater than last time.

They rushed towards the giant regardless of their own safety, and shouted in unison: "Xingtian has killed the tenth level of the sky, report to the demon god quickly!"

This battle scene was so terrifying that all four of them became stiff.

They have been to countless planes, witnessed countless divine battles, and even personally participated in the catastrophes of the gods.

But I never thought that one day, I would see such a scene.

Countless high-level gods rushed towards a giant like crazy. They were powerful and had sharp artifacts, but they were unable to harm the opponent in the slightest.

On the contrary, the giant took away the lives of countless golden-armored gods with just one casual slash.

Eve's face was also pale. Among the four, she was the weakest in frontal combat. She whispered: "Aren't we really dreaming? Xing Tian, ​​is he the ancestral witch of the Wu clan mentioned by the Lord God?"

Zhao Wuxia also looked at this scene with a pale face. Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "No, as far as I know, Xingtian is the great witch of the Wu clan, one level lower than the ancestral witch."

"What?" Eve's voice became obviously sharp, pointing at the giants that were being slaughtered on the horizon: "A monster like him is not an ancestral witch?"

Adam's expression was extremely solemn: "Don't worry about it. This world is more terrifying than we imagined. Eve, immediately find the location of the Hall of Creation. We will quickly complete the task and leave immediately. This world is too dangerous."

He looked at Xing Tian without blinking and said word by word: "This giant, he has surpassed the realm of the Supreme God."

"What?" The other three people were shocked.

Fenrir said in disbelief: "Adam, do you know what you are talking about? Supreme God, that is rated as the highest realm of the multiverse in the main temple. How can there be an existence beyond this realm?

You must be scared and confused. He is just the most powerful supreme god we have ever seen. Yes, that's it. "

He said to Adam, as if comforting himself.

Adam looked ugly and said in a deep voice: "Fenrir, don't deceive yourself. I am the Supreme God and I know the difference between them.

When facing other supreme gods, even if the other person's power is ten thousand or one hundred thousand times stronger than mine, I can still feel that the other person is in the same realm as me. "

He pointed at Xing Tian and said painfully: "But when I saw him, I couldn't see anything at all. It was like I was observing an unfathomable abyss. We are not at the same level of life at all.

No, he has broken away from the so-called concept of life.

Facing him, I felt vaguely like when I faced the main temple. "

The three of them were silent. They didn't know how to describe their mood at this moment. It was extremely complicated.

It's like summer insects surviving into winter for the first time.

Or like the frog in the well jumping out of the well for the first time.

Fortunately, they have all experienced hundreds of battles and are experienced reincarnators. After realizing the terrifying tip of the iceberg in this world, they did not seek death or want to participate in it at all.

At the same time, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

Eve closed her eyes and let go of her senses with all her strength, trying to detect the location of the Hall of Creation mentioned in the mission.

At this moment, the heaven and earth shook again, and a cry came out, which shook the world!

The temperature on the tenth level rose sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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