High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 86: Those who explain the religion have dark hearts

Chapter 86: Those who explain the religion have dark hearts

Chen Feng!

After silently reciting the name, Adam smiled and said, "Adam."

Then he pointed to his side and said in sequence: "Fenrir, Eve, Zhao Wuxia."

Chen Feng nodded, indicating that he knew, then he rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, now that everyone knows each other, don't waste time. The Wu Clan's offensive is very fierce, and the tenth level may be breached at any time. , you follow me closely."

He said and was about to turn around, but Adam stopped him with his hand.

He glanced at it in confusion: "Fellow Daoist Adam, what does this mean?"

Adam showed a gentle smile: "It's nothing, it's just that we and you, Taoist friend Chen Feng, have just met each other for the first time. Although we have the same interests, we still need to strengthen our mutual trust."

Chen Feng asked doubtfully: "How do you want to strengthen it?"

"It's simple."

Adam's smile remained unchanged, but he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at him.

"Shackles of Original Sin!"

A bit of dark light splashed at his fingertips, and in an instant it turned into a big black snake and pounced towards Chen Feng.

This snake carries the power of endless darkness, carrying pride, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust, etc., like a collection of all sins.

Before Chen Feng could react, this snake of darkness had invaded his body.

His expression changed slightly, and he immediately said angrily: "What did you do to me?"

He quickly used his magic power to explore his situation, but didn't notice anything strange.

Adam smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Chen Feng, don't panic. I said this is just to strengthen mutual trust. This is original sin, the inherent darkness of living beings. Even the Supreme God cannot get rid of it, and he will not treat fellow Taoist now." cause any harm.

As long as you, fellow Taoist Chen Feng, take us to the Hall of Creation, I will naturally help you eliminate it without leaving any hidden dangers. "

Chen Feng did not become angry as he imagined. In addition to the angry rebuke just now, he quickly calmed down and showed a serious thinking expression, and then asked: "What if, I mean what if, this original sin is not lifted?"

Adam showed an expression of admiration: "Fellow Taoist Chen Feng's xinxing is better than I imagined. It's quite simple. If the original sin is not taken out, it will naturally take root in the heart and eventually grow into a giant.

At that time, he will become a puppet of desire and completely become an ugly monster who only knows how to satisfy his own desires. "

"This thing sounds very vicious." Chen Feng curled his lips and said.

Adam smiled: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Chen, this is only temporary. As soon as you arrive at the Hall of Creation, I will help you lift this curse as soon as possible."

"Haha." Chen Feng smiled and did not dwell on this topic.

Then he turned around and walked towards the west: "Okay, follow me. The Hall of Creation is located in the center of the tenth heaven, not too close to here."

The four of them, Adam and others, quickly followed. Eve quietly revoked her hidden realm, while Adam blessed Chen Feng with his conceptual invisibility.

Just after the blessing, Chen Feng exclaimed: "Hey, your stealth ability is pretty good, you can actually modify the concept directly?"

He found out?

Adam was slightly startled, and he was just about to say a reminder.

He was secretly paying attention, but not too vigilant. He had been to countless worlds, and he knew that the power systems in the worlds were different, and many worlds had special abilities.

Being able to detect his conceptual invisibility is nothing to be surprised about.In addition, Chen Feng had been imbued with original sin by him and could not pose an actual threat, so he only paid attention to it instinctively.

"It's just a little trick, fellow Taoist, don't worry about it." Adam said with a smile.

Chen Feng became interested: "Small tricks, can I learn them?"


Adam was silent, why is this man so thick-skinned?
And didn't you just get the original sin from me? Shouldn't you be secretly resenting it now and lead the way without saying a word? What's with this familiar attitude?

His face remained calm, and he just said: "I'm afraid this Taoist friend won't be able to learn."

Chen Feng didn't seem to hear the rejection implicit in his words at all, and still said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I am very knowledgeable."

Adam was silent for three seconds again, and then said helplessly: "Heaven is dangerous and not suitable for teaching. It is better to wait until we leave here and I will hand it over to fellow Taoists."

Chen Feng nodded: "It makes some sense, so you can remember it and don't be sure next time."

Adam could only nod, holding his breath very uncomfortable.

He has met gods and powers from many worlds, but this is the first time he has seen one like Chen Feng.

However this is just the beginning.

He discovered that this man named Chen Feng was a talkative man.

While leading the way, he kept talking to them.

"By the way, where are the four fellow Taoists practicing? Do they have teachers? It is indeed not easy to do what we do. Once caught, they will be hunted down by all the major forces. If you are unlucky, you may be killed on the spot. .

It's better to be a disciple of a great sect. They don't need anything and don't say anything. If they cause trouble, their master will protect them. They are really comfortable. "

He sighed, as if lamenting the injustice of fate. Adam and the other four ignored him, but he continued to chatter.

"By the way, what are the four Taoist friends' plans after completing this order? The Lich War has spread to the entire prehistoric world, and we don't know how long it will last. Loose cultivators like us are very precarious. Maybe one day it will happen. Swept to death by an aftermath.

I have a friend who has some connections and can get in touch with Jie Jiao. Why don't I act as a guarantee? A few Taoist friends will come out with some good things to bribe Jie Jiao's Taoist friends. Maybe we can also join the sect of Master Tongtian. , In the future, if you enjoy spicy food, you will no longer have to do such dirty work. "

"Why don't the four fellow Taoists say anything? Could it be that they are not interested in Jiejiao? It doesn't matter. I also have a friend who has some connections in Chanjiao. However, the people there are sanctimonious on the surface, but in fact they have a darker heart. This The asking price is also higher, I don’t know if the belongings of the four fellow Taoists are enough.”

He chattered endlessly along the way, which annoyed the four of them, and they were also confused as to what kind of explanation or interception he was talking about.

I don’t understand what he is talking about at all, but I probably know that they are two very powerful sects.

Similar to the Church of Light?
They can only rely on their own knowledge.

On the other hand, Zhao Wuxia listened carefully. She suddenly answered: "Do you have a way to become a disciple of the Sanqing Taoist ancestor?"

Chen Feng immediately showed a smile: "Hey, I finally have someone who knows what I do. That's right, as long as I can afford the price, I will take care of this matter. Jiaojiao itself is a mixed bag, so it's not difficult to pretend to be an outer disciple. Even being a third generation disciple is not a problem.

The Chanjiao side is a bit troublesome. They are more strict in controlling the situation, and the prices they charge are very low. They are only willing to fool around with the number of registered disciples.

It's okay if we don't consider joining the Renjiao. There is definitely no hope of direct inheritance. However, Master Xuandu has accepted many registered disciples when he preaches. They can also be regarded as disciples of the Renjiao. The price of going to activities may be lower than that of Jiejiao. "

Zhao Wuxia pondered for a moment, and then said seriously: "If we separate this time, how will I find you next time in the wilderness?"

(End of this chapter)

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