High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 88 Chen Feng, just be a human being

Chapter 88 Chen Feng, just be a human being
Facing Adam's proposal, Chen Feng shook his head decisively.

He sneered: "When I arrived at the Hall of Creation, I wanted to kick me out. There was no door. We had agreed in advance that I would get [-]% of the good things I got.

Now I haven't even entered the door, I haven't even caught a hair, and you want to drive me away. How can such a good thing happen?I tell you, if you don't give me your benefits, I will run away immediately and make your robbery of the Hall of Creation known to everyone.

Believe me, even if Heavenly Court is having a lively fight with the Wu Clan, it will still be very easy to deal with you guys. "

Hearing his ruthless speech, the four of them had a headache.

How come I got caught up with such a die-hard money fan? It's really terrible.

The key is that they really don't dare to gamble.

Adam thought for a while and said: "Fellow Daoist Chen, we have no intention of doing this. Why don't you wait for us here, and we will go to the Hall of Creation to take out the treasures. When we come out, we will give you your [-]%. I don't know what to do." ?”

Adam said in a consultative tone that he never thought that one day he would be threatened by a sub-god-level figure.

With this kind of strength, in other worlds, he could only slap him one by one, which is really frustrating.

But he didn't dare to gamble, especially after seeing the other party's ridiculous speed when he was on the road.

This world is too scary. Once Chen Feng escapes, there will be endless troubles.

But as long as Chen Feng agreed to his proposal, he would have achieved his goal.

Their mission is only to obtain the innate spiritual treasures in the Hall of Creation. As long as they succeed, they can return directly.

At that time, who will care about Chen Feng.

He made a good calculation, but he didn't expect that Chen Feng didn't buy it at all.

"Don't even think about it. I can't trust you. Who knows if you will give me my share after you get it? And if I don't follow you in, who knows how many treasures you took? You just make up the number, and then give me a few What should I do if I throw away a defective product?

I must follow him in. "

This time, not only Adam, but also Eve had the urge to curse.

Fenrir became even more angry and almost took action directly.

But in the end, they held back.

Adam gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, if you insist on coming, then come, but we cannot guarantee your safety. Also, the curse of original sin in your body will not be lifted until it comes out."

Chen Feng smiled: "Don't worry, I don't have any other abilities. I am still confident in saving my life. I will never hold you back."

The two sides reluctantly reached an agreement, and Eve removed the secret barrier.

Adam set his sights on the two teams of golden-armored gods in front of the Hall of Creation. If he wanted to enter, he had to deal with them.

And it must be fast and not cause too much noise.

Chen Feng appeared next to him and whispered: "These golden-armored heavenly soldiers are the elites of the heavenly court and have the strength of Xuanxian. There are 16 people in these two teams. Don't underestimate them. Once they form a formation, even if they are too powerful Yi Xuanxian will be trapped to death.

Also, although the golden armor on their bodies was mass-produced by Heaven, it was made of Taiyi fine gold, which was extremely strong and difficult to damage by ordinary means. Even if the Golden Immortal wanted to get through without making a fuss, it would not be easy.

By the way, we are also considered a team. I don’t know your strength yet. "

To be honest, Adam and the others didn't want to pay attention to him, but considering that ignoring him might make him even more annoying later, they could only speak patiently.

"Wuxia and I have the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Fenrir and Eve are both at the level of Golden Immortal."

Because Zhao Wuxia chose the path of a qigong practitioner, they knew where each other's strength compared.

Chen Feng showed a surprised expression, as if he had recognized them all over again, and exclaimed: "Oh my God, you are so powerful?"

Fenrir showed a proud smile, this money-crazed man finally knew how powerful they were.

"Then why is it so slow?"

The smile that Fenrir had just raised froze on his face.As expected, there was not a human word in this money-crazed man's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng said excitedly: "Since you have such strong strength, why should we be afraid? Let's go straight in. Let me tell you, the opportunity is rare now, and all the defensive forces have been mobilized."

Seeing that he was more excited than himself, Adam always felt that something was wrong.

He coughed dryly and said: "Calm down, I don't know if there are any enemies in the Hall of Creation. Even if we have the strength, we have to be cautious."

He began to lay out tactics.

"Eve, come and cover the space in front of the Temple of Creation."

"Fenrir, you lurk over there and take out the eight golden-armored heavenly soldiers on the left. You must be fast and it's best not to make any noise."

"Wuxia, the other eight golden-armored heavenly soldiers will be left to you."

"I'm responsible for taking care of everything for you."

"After taking care of them, we will go directly into the palace and quickly find the Xuantian Fortune Bead."

He assigns tasks simply and directly, and his actions are not sloppy.

As soon as she finished speaking, Eve opened the secret barrier and silently enveloped the space in front of the Hall of Creation.

The two teams of golden-armored heavenly soldiers were completely unaware.

Fenrir's body has merged with the shadow, quietly approaching his target.

The two teams of golden-armored gods in front of the temple were completely unaware. They stood expressionless, but in their hearts they were worried about the war in the ninth heaven.

I don’t know how the fight with the Wu clan went, or whether it stopped them in their tracks.

As for the danger here, they never thought about it.

Since the establishment of Heavenly Court, they have not encountered any accidents, and they do not even have this concept in their minds.

Because of this, there was a sudden wolf howl, and a figure jumped out of the shadows.

His upper body had transformed into a werewolf, his claws were swung down, and a cold and violent energy suddenly fell down.

This energy is so terrifying, containing the doomsday of the gods, tearing space apart and cutting off everything!
The eight heavenly soldiers on the left had no time to react. Only two raised their halberds in an attempt to resist.

There were two sounds of gold and iron, and the two heavenly soldiers who reacted groaned, and the halberds in their hands burst into flames, and they stepped back one after another.

The other six heavenly soldiers did not have such good luck, because their reaction speed was too slow, and their bodies were directly torn apart by this claw.

Blood sprayed out, and all six heavenly soldiers died without making a single sound.

Fenrir didn't stop at all, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the two heavenly soldiers again.

A layer of shadow energy rose up on his body, corroding everything.

The eight heavenly soldiers on the right were shocked when they saw this, and they reacted extremely quickly. They all waved their halberds and were about to attack.

At this moment, a golden light rose.

How should I describe this sword light? It is extremely condensed and extremely sharp. It is like the end of the sword, containing endless destruction, cutting off everything tangible and intangible in the world.

"Oh." Chen Feng let out a soft cry with a faint look in his eyes, "One sword can defeat all magic."

The sword light flashed across, and the eight heavenly soldiers on the right were unable to even react and all froze.

For three full seconds, their heads were thrown up together, and pillars of blood shot into the sky.

Zhao Wuxia silently sheathed his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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