Chapter 90 Your strength is too weak
"Oh hoo."

Seeing the appearance of this figure, Chen Feng made a sound of gloating.

His voice was extremely annoying, and Adam and others glanced at him subconsciously, feeling annoyed and helpless.

You can actually laugh at this time, as if the other person will let you go.

But not necessarily!
The four of them had serious expressions on their faces, and they were deeply vigilant in their hearts, not only towards the Tsing Yi God who had just appeared, but also towards Chen Feng.

His behavior along the way was too abnormal, and even though he had an explanation for the pass to the Hall of Creation, it was not enough to win the trust of Adam and others.

The reason why it was not made clear is that the first point is that Chen Feng did play a key role, and the second point is that he is not strong enough to pose a real threat.

But in their hearts, they have never ruled out the possibility that Chen Feng is from heaven.

But the next moment...

The Qingyi God's eyes moved slightly, and Chen Feng's gloating voice reached his ears. His brows furrowed, and he suddenly took action without warning.

A ball of green light bloomed in his hand, and thunder suddenly roared towards Chen Feng.

The lightning was filled with green light, containing terrifying energy. Adam's and Zhao Wuxia's pupils shrank at the same time. Only they could sense the terror of this green thunder.

The thunder light contains two completely different energies, destruction and rebirth. They are like Yin and Yang opposing each other. They are constantly conflicting and annihilating in the thunder, just like the big bang at the beginning of the universe, which is getting more and more intense.

Even the Supreme God was frightened when faced with this thunder. If he was not careful, he would be in danger of being wiped out in ashes.

This kind of power cannot be resisted by a secondary god like Chen Feng.

Sure enough, they saw Chen Feng looking like he had seen a ghost. He turned around and his body instantly appeared cascading, as if he had directly entered the cracks of endless space.

In a ten thousandth of a second, his figure jumped and appeared behind Adam like a ghost.


There was a loud noise and bursts of thunder, as if a universe containing thunder exploded.

The blue thunder landed on Chen Feng's original location, and the Creation Palace shook slightly.

A deep pit one foot long appeared on the golden ground.

The god in green looked at Chen Feng in surprise, not expecting that he could escape.

Adam's team was even more shocked. They didn't expect that the terrifying thunder of the Qingyi God would only leave a deep hole in the palace, causing the Hall of Creation to shake slightly.

It contains the power of the beginning of the universe.

The strength of this Creation Palace is probably beyond that of the entire world itself.

Moreover, in the aftermath of the Qing Lei, the altar barrier containing the Xiaguang Sword only had ripples, but remained intact in place.

This was just one of them. Adam glanced behind him. Even though he was staring at Chen Feng, he didn't see clearly how he escaped.

It seems that he has not lied before, and he does have a skill when it comes to escaping.

"Fellow Daoist Adam, he is the Qingyi God, the Taiyi Golden Immortal who was previously responsible for guarding the Hall of Creation. You must be careful."

Chen Feng warned in a serious tone. As he spoke, he stepped back. In the blink of an eye, he had already escaped behind a coiled dragon pillar. Only his head was exposed and he shook his fist at them.

"Fellow Daoist Adam, come on!"

Adam opened his mouth, feeling extremely uncomfortable holding the breath in his throat.

He had never seen such a brazen person.

But in front of the Tsing Yi God, he couldn't have an attack now. He could only stabilize his mind and focus all his energy on the Tsing Yi God.

After the thunder just now, he could see that the other party was stronger than himself and Zhao Wuxia.

This battle must not be taken carelessly.

However, this is also in line with the style of the main temple and will never let you pass easily.

"I'll be the main attacker, Fenrir will distract him, and you can find your own opportunity if you don't have time. Eve will assist."

Adam quickly distributed, and the four people immediately dispersed.

Chen Feng hid behind the Panlong Pillar with only one head exposed, looking on happily.Compared to the vast battle between the two Lich clans that could shatter the heavens, he felt that it looked better here.

After all, no matter how grand the scene is, when you know that the top management on both sides are a group of immortal drama queens, the viewing effect will be greatly reduced.

It's not like here, it's a bit weak, but the real thing is more important.

Death is really death.

As for the god in green, he didn't recognize Chen Feng either.

Even if Chen Feng didn't change deliberately, and even served as the chief priest in Heaven not long ago, and appeared at the Heavenly Court, he didn't recognize him.

Heavenly Court is too big, and Chen Feng's time in Heavenly Court is short. He mostly appears in the Demon Emperor's Palace, and not many people have seen him.

As for the Great Chao Hui, Demon God Zhou Tian had seen him before.

But this god in green clothes, although he is also known as the demon god, is actually an honorary title and is not included in Zhou Tian's calculation.

Demon gods like him are like crucian carp crossing the river in heaven, and there are not many of them.

His real position is just the spiritual officer guarding the Palace of Creation, which is equivalent to the head of the palace's security.

In view of the special nature of the Creation Hall, he is considered a high-level security chief.

At this level, there is no qualification to go to the Great Court Meeting, so it is naturally impossible to recognize Chen Feng.

At this time, the god in green clothes had already entered the Hall of Creation. He glanced at the four people and sneered.

"While the Wu clan is attacking heaven, the rats who come here to steal, do you really think you will have a chance?"

With a wave of his green robe, the door to the Hall of Creation slammed shut.

The interior of the temple was bright, due to the light emitted by the treasures on the altar.

But as the palace door closed, the protective formation opened again, completely isolating the Creation Palace from the outside world, forming a closed world.

The green-robed god stood proudly in the field with blazing eyes. He said in a cold voice: "Two newly sublimated Taiyi Golden Immortals and two Golden Immortals. With such strength, you dare to come to heaven to steal. It should be said that you are extremely brave, but you still don't know how to live or die!"

Adam didn't speak, his energy was completely concentrated, and his eyes were fixed on the figure of the green-robed god.

He has performed tens of thousands of tasks in the main temple, and has experienced countless life and death battles.

But in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer battles that can make him feel threatened.

But today, the long-lost sense of crisis came again, and the hairs all over his body stood up. It was his spiritual sense that was giving a crazy warning.

The opponent is very strong, much stronger than him.

But in this battle, there is no way out.

For a moment, he seemed to have returned to the days when he first entered the main temple. He had to risk his life to fight for every mission.

He hates this feeling.

He opened his mouth.

"God created everything, and God controls the world."

"God said that what is to be destroyed will not exist!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he used all his strength, and the firepower of the great prophecy technique was fully unleashed.

With his words, the invisible rules were twisted and reshaped.

In the body of the Qingyi God, an indescribable force of destruction surged forward, trying to devour his Taiyi Golden Immortal Dao Fruit and destroy the more than six thousand worlds in his body.

This force is so terrifying, just like an established fact, it will definitely happen.

In the blink of an eye, more than three thousand worlds in his body were destroyed by this force.

He showed a sneer: "Strange power, but it's too weak!"

(End of this chapter)

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