Chapter 1

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the darkness on the fields. As soon as dawn breaks, the fields in Wangjia Village are filled with busy villagers.

At this time, there was a thin girl in the Song family's field, wearing a simple ponytail.She uses her thin body to pick up more ears of wheat than an adult man.This girl is none other than Song Yunxi.

Song Yunxi, who was carrying wheat ears, also wanted to scold her mother at this moment. Who knew that she was just a small laborer in the 21st century, busy going to work and moving bricks to earn money every day.

Apart from reading novels, I haven’t done much else.As a result, that night I stayed up late chasing a counterattack novel that I had been looking for for a long time, and when I woke up, I became Song Erya from Song Xiucai's family in Rongshu Village.

She has also shrunk a lot, becoming a little girl in her 10s.Before she could react, Tao opened the door and called her.

Then, after drinking a bowl of water and rice soup in a daze, I was dragged to work in the fields.Song Yunxi, who felt the pricking ears of wheat on her back, really wanted to die.

I thought that although she was born in a family that values ​​boys over girls, she had never done much work.It's embarrassing to say that because grandma didn't think her work was that serious, she didn't even need her to do housework.

"Erya, what are you dawdling about? Why don't you hurry up and wait for the sun to rise? It's too hot." Mrs. Tao looked at her usually deft eldest daughter with some confusion and didn't know what was going on.

"Hey, I understand, mother." People have to lower their heads under the eaves. You wait, and when I get back, I will try to see if I can put it back on.As for now, let’s just work honestly.Song Yunxi silently cursed in her heart while reluctantly transporting the wheat ears to the drying field.

Logically, such work should be done by the strong laborers of the family, but Song Yunxi, who had obtained the memory of Song Erya here, knew that when Song Erya was one year old, he could not control his strength and smashed the big stone table at home to pieces, which caused a stir. Attention everyone at home.

Later, as she grew older, her strength became stronger. When she was five years old, her strength was comparable to that of Uncle Song in the world.Speaking of which, we have to mention the Song family. The Song family is headed by Mr. Song and Mrs. Song.

Mr. Song and Mrs. Song gave birth to three children. Song Xiucai was the third father of the original owner. They said that the younger son and the older grandson were the lifeblood of the older generation.These words are very appropriate for the Song family.

Strange to say, I don’t know which deity the Song family offended.Before Mrs. Tao married into the Song family, both the eldest and the second eldest child in the Song family were daughters.

At that time, Mrs. Song and Mr. Song were so worried that they couldn't even eat anything. After Mrs. Tao came in, she gave birth to the eldest grandson of the Song family, Song Erya's brother Song Yunzhang, and this curse was broken.

Originally, because Tao's family background was good, she married the youngest son whom the two elders loved most.The second elder gave her a high look, and now he even held the third house in the sky.Even if the eldest daughter-in-law Li gave birth to a son, it would not change Tao's position.

Especially the original owner who was born later was really strong even though she was a girl.Therefore, Mrs. Song always believed that Mrs. Tao was blessed. Mr. Song did not say it, but he was somewhat lenient with his daughter-in-law.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck from the clear sky and struck the village.Everyone who was busy, including Song Yunxi, was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, isn't this the Liu family? Oh my God, come here quickly! The Liu family has been struck by lightning." Suddenly, a panicked woman ran out of the village and said.

Hey, it looks like there is a lot of fun. Song Yunxi, who loves to join in the fun by nature, immediately became energetic after hearing this.Then he pulled Tao who was busy.

"Mom, let's take a break! You see they have gone and I want to go too." I don't know if it was an instinctive reaction, but she pulled Song Yunxi, who was still a little embarrassed by Tao.What came out of her mouth was coquettishly, "You, I don't know who likes to watch the fun so much. You can go alone, mother has to be busy. When the sun comes up, you won't be able to work." Tao pointed helplessly Daughter.

When Song Yunxi heard this, she quickly let go of Tao and chased the people who were already rushing to where they were.After all, although he has the memory of the original owner, the road is still a bit unfamiliar when he first arrived.

Suddenly, the people running in front stopped in front of a yard not far away from the field, and some familiar people gathered around and talked.Song Yunxi, who was rushing behind, was very curious. She looked at the people surrounding the front and squeezed in because of her young age.

I saw that the roof of that house, which was tight but should have been made of thatch, was scorched black at this time, probably because it was struck by lightning.Everyone who was in the house also ran out.

"Hey, the Liu family was struck by lightning during the day. It couldn't have been something bad." The woman standing next to Song Yunxi lowered her voice and said to the woman next to her.
"I guess I got retribution for what I did before." The woman next to him also said in a low tone.

"What did you do before??" the younger woman asked curiously.

"You see, you are a newly married woman. I didn't know that the new daughter-in-law of the Liu family gave birth to a daughter as soon as she got married. But Mrs. Liu thought about her first child and didn't say anything. After all, there are many first-born girls in the village. To put it aside, look at the Song family, not only are the first-born girls born, but the third daughter-in-law is so powerful that the first-born is a son." The woman went off topic as she spoke.

Song Yunxi, who was standing aside, couldn't laugh or cry, talking about how it felt to eat melon on her own body.

Anyway, Song Yunxi was quite speechless. At this moment, the young woman was just as speechless as her.

"Auntie, you are off topic. We all know about the Song family. Why haven't we heard about the Liu family? There seem to be three girls in his family!" The young woman said helplessly.

"Aunt Chunhua, please pull her down, let me say it! The first three of the Liu family are girls, Mrs. Liu can tolerate it, but she won't be able to bear it when the fourth one is a girl.

However, before she could do anything, the extremely angry Liu Laoer threw her to death.The poor baby just cried and got pregnant a few more times.

Some were not saved, and some were killed right after birth.Tsk tsk tsk!Didn’t it mean that Liu Lao’s second daughter-in-law was pregnant with a child?Is she about to give birth? "

The woman who spoke said with an ugly face, after all, there were relatives in her family.It can be regarded as a clan because her family is in ruins and his son is still single.He said that he was afraid that her family would be like this, and it would be an unjust death.

Song Yunxi next to her was shuddering when she heard this. She didn't expect that this was something that could only happen on the news.

It's really like this. Oh my God, it's so scary. If I can't, I'll go back and take a nap and maybe put it back on again.

"Wow, wow, wow." Song Yunxi, who was suddenly deep in thought, was interrupted by the cries of several babies. Then he looked around curiously, wondering who was watching the fun and bringing the child? ?
Many people present had the same reaction as her, but everyone soon discovered.The crying came from the Liu family's house. Look at Old Mrs. Liu, whose face turned dark when she heard the crying.Everyone present was busy talking in low voices.

At this time, the daughter-in-law of the head of the Liu family who had just spoken hurriedly spoke to Aunt Chunhua next to her. "Look, I'm telling you that her wife is about to give birth!"

(End of this chapter)

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