I secretly thought to myself, how can these women last for a while?

When Mother Rong saw the triumphant smiles of these singled out women, she felt a little sympathetic.

She shook her head carefully and sighed secretly. When the owner has had enough fun, he will come back and the flowers in the backyard will bloom more beautifully.

"Wife-in-law Yun, come and pick two to take back." After Mrs. Shen finished picking, she gave them to Mr. Shen and ordered Song Yunxi, who seemed to be invisible, to the side.

Song Yunxi's face didn't look good when she heard this. She turned around and looked at the fifteen beautiful girls left in front of her, feeling a little blocked in her heart.

In fact, because Mrs. Shen specifically requested it, Wang Yaozi brought some standard beauties. Even if Mrs. Shen picked the five most outstanding ones. The remaining 15 are not bad either. It can even be said that he is much prettier than Song Yunxi.

She casually pointed at the two least outstanding people among them and signaled that they would be fine.

Mrs. Shen turned to look at the person she had chosen, and paused without saying anything. He doesn't want to push Song Yunxi into a hurry right now. If a quarrel breaks out, it won't do him any good.

Just choose. She was quite curious. How long can this love for my son last? Maybe I can withstand the temptation now, but I don’t know if I can in the future.

Thinking that Song Yunxi often contradicted her son, Mrs. Shen secretly gritted her teeth.

She cannot accept her son, who has been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child, because a woman repeatedly collides with her. She is still a wild girl who does not follow the rules.

However, Mrs. Shen was really in no mood to make things difficult for Song Yunxi today. After all, she had to find a way to accommodate these women.

And although I know Mr. Shen’s temperament, what if something unexpected happens?
She endured it for so long just because. The huge Shen mansion belongs to her son from now on. How could Mrs. Shen tolerate another woman's son raping her son's things?

"Now that you have made your choice, take the two women back to your yard and find a place for them to settle." Mrs. Shen rubbed her aching head. He said in a particularly nonchalant tone.

"It's mother!" But no matter how dissatisfied Song Yunxi was, she couldn't possibly make Mother Shen look bad in front of so many people.

"I've been feeling a little unwell these past few days, so you don't have to come to say hello. When I get better, I'll send someone to call you."

Hearing this, Song Yunxi complained crazily in her heart, "No, please don't call me." Nothing good happens when you call me.

Song Yunxi took the two young girls back to her yard, her face gloomy and ugly all the way.

The servants they met were all very respectful, but as soon as Song Yunxi left, they started talking crazy.

Not long after, the young mistress brought back two young women. The news that it was suspected to be a reward from the madam spread throughout the whole house. Everyone in the Shen family knew about Madam's disdain for Young Madam.

Of course Father Shen knew that, but he didn't think there was anything wrong. It was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

As long as you don't spoil your concubine and destroy your wife, it won't be a big problem. My own son knows it well, and it has been particularly worry-free since he was a child.

But Shen Yunzhi was not in the Shen family. Because he had already married, Shen's father gradually handed over the power to his son.

After all, he only had this son, who would he give it to if he didn't give it to him?

But when he learned that Mrs. Shen had taken several concubines for him, he frowned.

Somewhat dissatisfied, I got up and went directly to the backyard.

Mrs. Shen was giving lectures to these newcomers, but she was shocked when she saw Mr. Shen.

"Why are you here so early today?" Mrs. Shen asked with a forced smile on her face.

"If I hadn't come, how would I have known that Madam gave me such a big surprise?" Mr. Shen raised his head gently and stroked Madam Shen's hair at the temples. Mrs. Shen's pupils tightened and she tilted her head unnaturally. Trying his best to suppress his fear, he forcefully pulled out a hint of danger.

"What did the master say? Why can't I understand it?"

"Isn't this a surprise for me, madam?" Mr. Shen gestured behind him.

The girls chosen by Mrs. Shen lowered their heads, and two of them bravely raised their heads and smiled at Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen looked at the two girls with some amusement and sneered, "Madam still understands me so well."

"Husband, what you said is obvious. You and I have been married for many years. How can we not understand?" Mrs. Shen pretended to be shy and lowered her head. In fact, she was afraid that Mr. Shen would see the unnatural look on her face.

"You're good. It's you today." Mr. Shen casually nodded at a girl who just raised her head, but kept his eyes on Mrs. Shen.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Shen did not look up at him. Seeing this, Mr. Shen turned around and left.

After Mr. Shen left, Mrs. Shen breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't even look at it. It was the person the old man ordered. He waved his hand directly and signaled Rong's mother to take them to resettle.

After everyone left, Mrs. Shen's whole body began to tremble, trembling non-stop, as if she was extremely frightened. She got up and went to the Buddhist hall at the back.

She knelt on the ground and kept reading scriptures, hoping that the Buddha would forgive her sins.

Wait until the next day. While the concubines were paying their respects, the newcomer Mr. Shen ordered yesterday did not come.

Mrs. Shen did not speak, but waited quietly at the top, as if she had already known that this would be the case.

After a while, someone from the concubine's courtyard said that my aunt was not feeling well. So she came here specifically to say it.

The aunt who looked up yesterday was suddenly dissatisfied, and said in a sour tone, "You really don't understand the rules."

Mrs. Shen pushed Mao away without saying a word. Because he knows. The person who came was not from the concubine's courtyard. But it was what Mr. Shen ordered.

Thinking of this, she closed her eyes. My stomach was churning. I couldn't help but retched. Every time at this time, she would always think of it.

She had seen the horror with her own eyes. So the hand turning the beads became even faster.

As the wife of the Shen family, she is destined to pretend that even if she knows some things, she can only ignore them.

This is the tragedy of noble ladies from aristocratic families. They enjoy a dignity that ordinary people cannot match. Naturally, one has to pay a price beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It was clear from the time they were born that they were destined to guard the honor of their family throughout their lives.

Although I often say that I have no voice, yes. I will be together, divorced and married, but on the other hand, I don't know.

That’s it, just hang in there! Half of my life has been here, and a lifetime will pass if I close my eyes.

"Okay, I understand. You guys should go back too! I don't have to come to say hello because I have nothing to do." Mrs. Shen looked at the young and beautiful girl below and closed her eyes.

Song Yunxi over there looked at the two girls in front of her and felt sad.

After taking them back, he darkened his face, turned around and entered the house.

(End of this chapter)

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