"Madam, why don't you let me take you to Wanfo Temple to pay your respects?" Shen Yunzhi from the Tianxia Yamen suddenly came over and said to Song Yunxi!
  "Why are you free today?" Song Yunxi was surprised when he heard this. After all, Shen Yunzhi had to do everything in person since he came here!
  Even the number of people has only been fully recruited in the past two days. Because of the previous incident, everyone does not trust the government office very much, for fear that this government office will be the same as the last one!
  In the end, Shen Yunzhi had no choice but to increase the monthly rate. Seeing such a good monthly rate, he came over to see the situation because he was short of money!

"Recently, we have recruited all the manpower, and I have settled a matter on my mind. I heard that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple here is quite effective, why don't we go and pay our respects!"

Chen Yunzhi looked at Song Yunxi with a smile. It was obvious that he was in a particularly good mood today!

Song Yunxi saw a smile on Shen Yunzhi's face for the first time in such a long time!

After all, the situation in Rongan County is indeed very different from what they thought!

"Okay!" It was rare that Shen Yunzhi was in a good mood, and Song Yunxi didn't want to disappoint and nodded!

When everyone arrived at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple with the carriage, even the capital of Chenyun was stunned!
  Because Wanfo Temple was so spectacular, Song Yunxi looked at Wanfo Temple in amazement and couldn't help but said, "I have never seen such a prosperous temple!"

After going up the steps and looking at the unusually dressed monk in front of him, even Shen Yunzhi's expression didn't look much better now!

When they came here, they saw too much poverty in Rongan County, but the Wanfo Temple in front of them was incompatible with the entire Rongan County!
  But he had never heard of the Wanfo Temple in Rongan County before!
  "Amitabha, would you like to burn incense or worship Buddha?" The young monk at the door seemed not to notice Shen Yunzhi's scrutiny and smiled gently!
  Even Song Yunxi realized something was wrong now. She had gone to worship Buddha with Mrs. Song before, but she had never encountered such a situation!

"Burn incense!" Shen Yunzhi looked at the young monk seriously, not knowing what he was thinking!
  "I wonder if pilgrims have been here before?" the little monk then asked gently!

"Never!" Song Yunxi looked at Shen Yunzhi curiously, so wasn't this incense burned casually?

"Can I ask for anything from the donor?" The young monk looked at Shen Yunzhi seriously and stopped smiling!
  "I thought you should know!" Shen Yunzhi glanced at the little monk and walked in without talking nonsense!
  Song Yunxi was at a loss the whole time. She didn't know what was going on, and she didn't know what riddle they were playing!
  Following Shen Yunzhi, he turned left and right and entered the bamboo forest. Seeing his familiar look, Song Yunxi knew that this was not his first time here!
  But I didn’t see him leaving the house much during this period!

But seeing Shen Yunzhi's serious expression in front of him, Song Yunxi didn't ask anything!
  When he arrived at a room, Shen Yunzhi stood up and straightened his clothes and looked back at Song Yunxi with a worried look in his eyes!

"My lord!" Shen Yunzhi seemed to be a different person after entering the door. He saluted respectfully!

Song Yunxi looked curiously and saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man calmly making tea somewhere!
  He didn't seem to hear what Shen Yunzhi said! I didn't see Shen Yunzhi just continuing to make tea!
  Shen Yunzhi, who didn't get the order, just kept saluting. Although Song Yunxi didn't understand, she still followed the salute!
  "Is the granddaughter of that branch of the Shen family you are carrying behind you?" the middle-aged man at the head said calmly!
  But his words made Song Yunxi frown uncomfortably!

What is the granddaughter of a branch of the Shen family? Aren't she and her husband the only ones here this time? Is there anyone else!
  She looked around curiously and saw no one!

But soon she heard a conversation that she couldn't accept!

"Yes, my lord! She is also highly valued by the Zhenbei Marquis. She has some talent in the gold and silver fields! The Zhenbei Marquis planned to focus on training her!"

Before Song Yunxi could figure out the situation, she heard her always gentle husband describing herself in a tone she had never heard before!

She raised her head in surprise, looking at Shen Yunzhi for no apparent reason and at the same time, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.     That’s something even a stupid person can understand. As far as the current situation is concerned, Shen Yunzhi's so-called liking may not be that simple.

"That's right, a mere handsome man. The Marquis of Zhenbei has lost such a general. Are you willing to submit to me? I heard that you have a lot of money-making ability? Why don't you do something for me?"

Although the middle-aged man above said so, he didn't even turn his face! It can be seen that he doesn't seem to care about whether Song Yunxi agrees or not, and has a feeling of disdain.

Song Yunxi was rarely silent. Ever since she started her business, she has always felt an indescribable feeling of powerlessness.

Whenever she thought she had escaped from a prison with joy. Fate will always tell him that he is too naive.

She didn't understand why. Other heroines who have traveled through time have killed everyone. She traveled through time, but she couldn't help herself.

He didn't say anything, he just lowered his head. Smart people don't need to say anything. See his lowered head. The middle-aged man who got started knew his choice.

"What a smart girl." The middle-aged man was obviously very satisfied with Song Yunxi's knowledge of current affairs.

After all, to put it bluntly, Song Yunxi was not inevitable for him. The person under his command who was more capable than Song Yunxi was not a mortal. The reason why he accepted Song Yunxi was because he was more optimistic about Shen Yunzhi.

Fortunately, Song Yunxi didn't know. Otherwise, I'm afraid. She probably couldn't do much. Because he knew very well that she was lucky to be able to survive for so long in this troubled world from time traveling to now.

There are always some differences between fiction and reality.

When she came here, she discovered that in this era of supremacy of imperial power, privileges were only in the hands of the upper class.

Many people have already decided on their future when they are born. Even if they are not convinced, they will continue to toss and fight. In the eyes of those in power, this is just fun!
  The previous Zhenbei Hou was like this. Is this the middle-aged man whose identity is unknown? It will only go further!

After all, no matter how you say it, in terms of status, you can be regarded as a relative of Zhenbei Hou.

So I thought I had escaped control. Just fell into another person's trap.

Song Yunxi fell into deep silence as she walked out. Shen Yunzhi looked at his back, hesitated several times and opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

But Song Yunxi behaved like a normal person. He didn't ask who the middle-aged man was, and he asked hysterically, but he was just calm!
  Terrible calm, Shen Yunzhi didn't know what she was thinking!
  If the Lord hadn't wanted to see Song Yunxi, he wouldn't have brought him here!
  He also knew that what he did was not honest, but later he really fell in love with Song Yunxi.

Thanks to LiuAhmed Baby for the recommendation vote

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