Chapter 39

"Ah! I'm afraid my sister is about to give birth! Why did she come?" Tao said pretending to be surprised.

"No, it's only eight months," Su Huiniang said smoothly without thinking.After saying that, I was shocked.

"Eight months? Huiniang must have said it wrong! Isn't our child only five months old?" Song Laoer looked at Su Huiniang with some confusion.

"Yes, I made a mistake. I just said something wrong," Su Huiniang said hurriedly.I really wanted to beat myself to death, why did I just say it out loud just after I raised my guard?

The rest of the Song family were naturally not fools like Song Laoer and really believed that she was wrong.

"Huzi, go to the head of the village and invite Mrs. Qin here. Just say that I'm not feeling well." Mr. Song ordered the eldest son of the big house beside him.

Su Huiniang's face looked a little ugly. She felt that she didn't have any money on her body. What should I do?He pretended to be calm on his face, as if he was really wrong.

Mrs. Tao was also a little surprised. She didn't think much about it, but she just wanted to show off.Why does this look like there is still a problem?

But there should be nothing for the Song family to frame or worry about.

Mr. Song's expression was cold.Thinking of the sudden rebellion in the next county, he felt that things were not that simple.

But the other party sent a woman to seduce the second child. What did he want?I want to know the whereabouts of that person, and I still want to know if the Song family is still willing to follow that idea.

It seems that I have to go to the ancestral hall later. No one knows what Mr. Song is thinking while smoking a dry cigarette.

Li and Wang both looked at Tao with admiration. Sure enough, they must be the third younger brother and sister!No matter what the outcome is, it will give everyone a thorn in the side.

After a while, Huzi came back with a young man. Song Yunxi found that Su Huiniang obviously relaxed after seeing the young man.

She looked at the two of them suspiciously, but didn't say anything. At this time, they just needed to watch carefully.

"Old man, what's wrong with you? My grandfather went up the mountain to collect medicine today and hasn't come back yet. I'm brave enough to come and take a look first." Dr. Xiao Qin said with some humility.

"I don't feel uncomfortable at all. It's just that this little lady has been kneeling at the door for too long. She's afraid that she may have fetal force and wants to trouble your grandpa to take a look." Mr. Song glanced up and down at Dr. Qin and said with a smile.

"Children who know a little bit about this are not as good as me." Dr. Xiao Qin asked tentatively.

Mr. Song just looked at him and smiled without saying anything and nodded.

Dr. Xiao Qin walked in front of Su Huiniang and said, "I would like to ask this young lady to sit down so that I can diagnose her pulse more conveniently."

Su Huiniang sat down obediently after hearing this. She did not dare to make any suspicious move in front of so many people in the Song family.He just raised his head and glanced at him as if by accident.

Doctor Xiao Qin took a silk handkerchief and put it on Su Huiniang's wrist, checked her pulse, and then changed her hand to check her pulse.

He stood up and said to Mr. Song that there was nothing wrong with this young lady's stomach. I think she was in good health.

Su Huiniang said to herself before Mr. Song could speak, "My memory is not very good these days. I don't know how many months I have been pregnant."

"It's normal to have poor memory after pregnancy. You should be almost five months old." Dr. Xiao Qin said seriously.

"Oh. I'm just telling you! It must be Hui Niang, you remember it wrong." Song Laoer said hurriedly.

"Maybe it's because I'm pregnant with this little guy. My memory is always bad and I always make mistakes. I don't know this doctor, so I don't know if my sister can rest assured now." Su Huiniang said softly. "Look sister, that's what you said. I can't say whether I'm relieved or not, but does my sister really love my second uncle that much?" Mrs. Tao looked at Su Huiniang in confusion.

"Ahem, I'm bothering Dr. Xiao Qin today, but we still have some things to deal with. This is the cost of the consultation. Huzi, please send Dr. Xiao Qin back!" Mr. Song interrupted and said to Dr. Xiao Qin who was standing beside him. He bowed his hand.

"You're welcome, old man, so I'll take my leave first." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Of course I love Erlang." Su Huiniang said firmly as she watched him leave.

"Even if it's a concubine? Is this true even if it's a cheap concubine?" Mrs. Tao asked lightly, raising her eyebrows.

Su Huiniang was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Mrs. Tao to be so cruel.Now I can only take a gamble, "As long as I can be with Erlang, I have my original intention. Even if I am wronged for Erlang, it doesn't matter."

The second son of the Song family looked at Su Huiniang with some emotion, and couldn't bear that her sweetheart was wronged and couldn't help but say

"Aren't the third siblings going too far? We have already separated. This is my second wife's business. What does it have to do with my younger siblings?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Tao stopped talking and just waited to see what Mrs. Song and Mr. Song had to say.

"If she agrees to be a concubine, then she can be a concubine, so that she doesn't have to be a bitch concubine for the flesh and blood of my Song family." Mr. Song made the final decision.

Ignoring Song Laoer who was hesitant to speak, Wang couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard the result.This was much better than he thought, and she immediately looked at Tao gratefully.This time she really owed her siblings a favor.

After hearing this result, Song Yunxi couldn't help but sigh in her heart. After two years, she almost knew the rules of this world.I also understand that this is the best result that Tao can strive for for Wang.

In fact, it stands to reason that Song Erlang is a commoner and cannot take concubines, but this thing is not held accountable by the people.If they say she is a concubine, then she is a concubine, and there is still an advantage to this. If you really marry her as your equal wife, it will be included in the family tree.

The concubine is different. In the final analysis, she is just a toy.In the Jin Dynasty, the status gap between wives and concubines was very large, so concubines did not affect the wife's status.

It seems that from the moment Su Huiniang knelt at the door, she was destined to enter the Song family, but the difference was how she entered!

Song Yunxi had never known so clearly at that moment that it was simply too difficult to be together for the rest of her life.

Maybe it was because no one in the Song family had taken a concubine before, so she always had some naive fantasies.I think she will have one husband like her father and uncle.

But now I realize that some things are actually a kind of extravagant hope. No man in the world can guard a woman for his whole life.

Unless she marries someone who is not as good as her own, she will never be able to hold her head up even if she is under pressure for the rest of her life.But she asked herself, did she really mean it?
Since ancient times, it seems to be a default rule that women should marry young and men should marry young.I have seen many similar cases in my previous life, but their results were not good either.

She decided that she would have to find someone handsome in the future.After all, if you want three wives and four concubines, it's better to find a handsome guy with good conditions and good looks. She won't lose.

If you find someone with poor conditions in the province, you will still suffer. If you become rich, you may have to abandon your wife and children.I don't know why when he was thinking about this, the figure of Mr. Wei unconsciously appeared in his mind.

After all, that person's family background was better than theirs, he was handsome and he was a potential stock.But thinking about what her mother said, it seems like his family is in trouble, so let’s forget it.

Although she has traveled through time, she is self-aware and knows that she is not very smart.So it’s true to listen more to smart people.

 Thanks to Jijia Xinxiang Baby and Happy Lucky Star Baby for their votes. In addition, I am very grateful to Jijia Xinxiang Baby for voting every day.Thank you very much, your vote is really the motivation for me to write this article.

(End of this chapter)

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