Chapter 41

She and Song's father were both observant people, but they didn't know how they gave birth to such a rebellious daughter.

"I'm greedy, lazy, and love to watch the excitement. It seems I need to prepare more dowry. Otherwise, I won't be able to marry into any family." Mrs. Tao said with some sadness.

When Song Dalang heard this, he held back his laughter and did not dare to laugh out loud for fear of being beaten.

"Mother." Song Yunxi blushed in embarrassment and hid in the carriage. On the other side, the clan leaders also agreed to bring all the ancestral genealogies with them.Then the ancestral hall was locked up, and after discussing the countermeasures, everyone was ready to leave quickly.

After all, no one knew when they would be able to fight over, and Mrs. Song in the courtyard wanted to take away some of the things in the courtyard.

But the carriage was too small to fit in it, so I had no choice but to take some more valuable things.

After hearing the news, the first bedroom and the second bedroom hurried over. Fortunately, the first bedroom brought some valuable things, but the second bedroom was different. He even brought the big broom from home.

Mr. Song's face turned dark when he saw what they were carrying, but he couldn't point at his daughter-in-law and scolded him, so he could only point at his second son and curse.

"Can you think more about it day by day? We are running for our lives. If we are not moving, why are you bringing a broom? Are you sweeping the floor along the way? In such a big place, are you planning to carry it yourself with some useless things?"

Song Yunxi and her brother looked at each other in the carriage and saw each other's serious smiles. She could only sympathize with her second uncle who was being punished outside.

Finally, after a series of wars and chaos, things were finally tidied up, and Tao hurriedly ordered the groom to set off.The servant sent by the Tao family stood guard.

Seeing the Song family's carriage set off, all the Song family members followed.Because they were afraid of being discovered, after all, there were hundreds of them, so they only had small roads.

However, less than half a day after setting off, they met a group of people who were also driving a carriage and taking a small road towards the county seat.

Song Yunxi opened the curtain very curiously and met a pair of deep eyes before she could react.I heard the brother next to me shout in surprise, "Brother Wei, why is it you!"

When she heard her brother's voice, she couldn't help but stare at their position, although maybe due to the disaster, he might not be as innocent as before.

"But I have to say that even if he is equally dirty, he still can't hide his handsome facial features. As expected, good-looking people will always be good-looking no matter what. Unlike her, I don't know if the Beggar Clan has recruited a new disciple." Song Yunxi I thought with a hint of bitter teasing.

"Brother Song is also going to the county town?" Wei Changyun was also very surprised to meet them, and even more surprised that there were so many clansmen in the Song family.

"No, it sounds like Brother Wei, you are also going to the county seat! It seems that we can go together." Song Dalang said with a silly smile.

After hearing this, Mrs. Song looked over curiously, just because the young man in front of her looked so similar to someone in her memory.

I especially remember that that person was like this, even though he was down and out, he still behaved like a gentleman, but it was a pity that they were not destined to be together after all.

Mrs. Song stared at the young man in a daze, remembering the high-spirited young man in her memory.Can't help but feel a little nostalgic.

"How old is the young master this year?" She couldn't help but asked.

Wei Changyun looked up at Mrs. Song in confusion, but still politely replied, "Young man is just in his prime."

"Oh~ It's like the best years of a young man! Time really flies by." Old Mrs. Song couldn't help but sigh with emotion. In a blink of an eye, the loess was up to her neck.Mrs. Song said in a panic.

Feeling that her carriage had slowed down, the old lady of the Wei family couldn't help but lift the curtain and was about to ask when she saw two familiar faces.

She was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "Hey, isn't this Sister Mei? What a coincidence." However, no one noticed that her eyes glanced at Mr. Song unintentionally, and she was stunned for a moment.

When Mrs. Song heard the sound, she looked up and saw that familiar person!I couldn't help but look back and look like Mr. Song.Mr. Song avoided her sight unnaturally.

Song Yunxi was surprised that her grandmother and grandfather knew the old lady of the Wei family.Although they had met each other once, the feeling from last time was that they didn't feel like they were in the same boat.

"I wonder how this young master has the qualifications of an old friend. It turns out he is the son of an old friend." Mrs. Song said with some emotion, but as soon as she finished speaking, Mr. Song's face darkened.

That year, two lovers were separated in an accident, resulting in two pairs of resentful couples.It's just that after so many years, if they don't go to town, they won't know Banyan Tree Village. Everyone has a tacit understanding not to appear in each other's world.

They only heard news about each other from other people's mouths by chance. As they got older, it was time for them to let go of what happened back then.

But Menxin asked himself, could they really let go?Mrs. Song originally thought she had given up, but she still felt a little bitter when she saw someone who looked like him.

When Mr. Song saw his young lover, he couldn't help but recall everything that happened in the past.

Mrs. Wei also felt very uncomfortable. She was wrong after all, and one decision harmed three people.

"Jun'er looks very much like his grandfather." Mrs. Wei added with emotion.

"You should be living a good life, you still look like you were when you were a kid." Mrs. Song said with some complicated emotion.

"You are old in every way. Besides, I don't look as young as you."

Mrs. Wei meant what she said. She still lost after all.Mrs. Song praised her for being just like her childhood, but she could tell from her face that her life must be more comfortable than hers.

Moreover, she had successfully married him, but he did not live a good life like Mr. Song.

Or he blamed her, but she married him as she wished.But within a few comfortable days, he carried concubines one after another and gave birth to bastards one after another.

With so many children in the Wei family, she only had one legitimate son, and the rest were all concubines.

She could have told herself that she was right. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, she was the scholar's wife or the patriarch's wife of the Wei family.

But she married a man she didn't want and could only stay in that small banyan tree village for the rest of her life.

She lived a life with her face facing the loess and her back turned to the sky, but her pride only ended when her three sons were admitted to the scholar examination and her son failed.

And now, for the sake of her grandson's future, she has to let her grandson plot against her granddaughter just like she plotted against her back then.

Maybe this is retribution, Old Mrs. Wei looked at Old Mrs. Song and thought with some complicated thoughts.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again in our lifetime." Mrs. Song said with some emotion.After so many years, she actually didn't care about what happened back then. She could only say that she had no fate with him.

"Yes! You guys also rushed to the county seat after receiving the news." Old Mrs. Wei asked tentatively.

"Yes! Thanks to my in-laws for bringing the news. Otherwise, I would be as smart as my sister with a smile." Although Mrs. Song said she had given up, she still couldn't help but stab her.

 Thank you Pingxinbaby and Jijia Xinxiang

(End of this chapter)

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