Chapter 43

Although it is impossible for her to let her grandson marry a woman who is not helpful to her, this does not conflict with her current enjoyment of being sought after by others.

The thing she is most proud of in her life is this grandson. For the sake of her grandson, she even hates Song Yunxi who looks so much like Mrs. Song when she was young.

She would also try to get her to marry into their Wei family, just like when she actually hated the vulgar and unruly old lady Song but still became friends with her.

Song Yunxi didn't know that the seemingly amiable Mrs. Wei was plotting against her in her heart. She was currently holding Mrs. Tao in her arms and complaining.

"You!" After hearing what Song Yunxi said, Mrs. Tao angrily poked Song Yunxi with her finger. At the same time, she felt helpless how she could give birth to such a heartless girl.

She didn't notice at all that her brother was trying to save her, but looking at Song Yunxi, who looked childish in front of her, she looked pretty at best.

She really couldn't go against her conscience and say that Young Master Wei was attracted to her. How could such a person who looked like an immortal fall in love with her ordinary little girl?

I guess I think of her as my little sister every now and then!Mrs. Tao comforted herself like this in her heart, watching Wei Changyun glance at her daughter from time to time.

It always felt like that was not the case, so Mrs. Tao sent her daughter to play.So he went to Song's father's side.

"Ms. sir, look." Mrs. Tao touched Song's father with her arm and motioned her to look in the direction of Wei Changyun and Song Yunxi.

Song Yunxi, who felt that she had finished her complaint, went to provoke Song Dalang again. The two brothers and sisters were fighting and making trouble, while Wei Changyun looked at them with a smile.It's just that her eyes fell on Song Yunxi's body and looked particularly gentle.

Song's father looked over. As they were both men, he would not think like Tao that Wei Changyun just regarded his daughter as his younger sister.

He raised his eyebrows and said to Mrs. Tao, "I heard his wife said that his talent is no less than that of his grandfather. If it weren't for today's bad times, he should be talented and promising. Madam, I think such a person should be given to us. Isn't the son-in-law good?" Song's father looked at Tao with some doubts.

"But he is too smart. Our daughter's simple temperament is not suitable for finding such a person. And I heard that the Wei family's backyard is not quiet and our home environment is simple. It is not suitable." Mrs. Tao expressed her thoughts with some sadness.

"Isn't it good to be smart? A smart person will know what he wants. As long as we are beneficial to him, he will naturally treat Erya well." Song's father said with some disapproval.

"But my husband also said that he has good talent. If he gets Jinshi one day, he will never take us seriously." Tao expressed his worries.

"Erya is still young and hasn't figured it out yet. You have plenty of time to observe whether he is suitable for him. I don't think it will be good for her to marry into a family that is not as good as ours." Father Song calmly stated his point of view.

"That's all, let's take a look!" After hearing this, Mrs. Tao also felt that it made sense. Now that her daughter is only 12 years old, she was not in a hurry.

My daughter has to be 15 years old before she can get married, and the Wei family doesn't want to take a stand.Even if he is worried, he is just asking for trouble.

Song Yunxi, who was playing around with her brother, didn't know that her mother was worrying about her life-long events.

She stared at the circle of people surrounding Mrs. Wei, and couldn't help but tease Wei Changyun and said, "I can't tell, since Brother Wei is so popular."

After saying that, he turned to his brother and said angrily, "Look at me, look at you, you are the same age. There is a circle around my grandmother who wants to introduce her daughter to him. Look, there is no one around our grandmother." No."

"Hey, you little girl taught your brother a lesson, didn't you?" Song Dalang said, grabbing her ears with his hands and pretending to be angry.

"Ah! It hurts, please let go." Song Yunxi said as she went to break Song Dalang's hand.

Wei Changyun couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he saw it. He wanted to help but didn't dare to rush and said, "Sister Song's sister probably didn't mean it. Why don't Brother Song let go of his hand first." After hearing this, Song Dalang raised his eyebrows in surprise and glanced at Wei Changyun. He didn't know what was going on in his heart. Think about something.But he still let go of his hand, after all, he also felt sorry for his sister.Although he knew that Song Yunxi was pretending, he still couldn't bear it.

"For the sake of Brother Wei interceding for you, please let me go." Song Dalang said in a pretentious manner.

"Hey, I knew my brother was the best to me." Song Yunxi smiled flatteringly at Song Dalang and said.

"You?" Song Dalang helplessly patted Song Yunxi's head.

Wei Changyun stood aside and watched with envy, but he also knew that he did not have the status to play with her like Song Dalang.

In fact, the first time he saw her, he remembered this lively little girl.Later, whenever she went to play with Song Dalang, she would always raise her head sweetly and call them brother.

But he is the heir to the Wei family, and he has known since he was very young that he does not have the right to choose many things.Who his future wife will be is decided by his grandma.

No one knew that when grandma called him into the room to tell him.He was so excited when the wife she chose for him was Song Yunxi from the Song family.

The night he learned that his grandma asked him to get close to Song Yunxi, he basically didn't sleep a wink all night.He liked her lively, innocent and unrestrained feeling.

When he gets the chance to marry, he will definitely bring a matchmaker to marry her.He hopes that one day she can become his wife and be together with him.

It should be fun to marry her.Wei Changyun thought secretly in his heart and told himself not to rush.

Song Yunxi, who was standing by, didn't know that the person next to him was preparing to pass the examination and came to propose marriage.

In her heart, she only regarded Wei Changyun as her brother's friend, a handsome boy.Yes, it was a boy. After all, she was almost three years old when she died in her previous life.

Therefore, her appreciation of Wei Changyun is simply appreciation of beautiful things.

So he didn't notice anything wrong at all.

Everyone present had their own thoughts. The only ones who were innocent were Song Xiangdi, who was only a few years old, and Song Erlang.

But none of them noticed that the young Song Niandi sneaked up behind Su Huiniang and pushed her hard.

A scream of "Ah" instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone is attracted by the sound, looking for fame.Su Huiniang's face turned pale in pain, she clutched her stomach and shouted, "My child, who will save my child?"

Song Yunxi also gathered around, her face turned pale with fright when she saw the blood on the ground.Just as he was about to look further, his sight was blocked by a pair of big hands.

Unconsciously, he looked up and met a pair of concerned eyes. "Don't look if you're afraid." Wei Changyun looked at the pale Song Yunxi with some distress, and unconsciously raised his hand to block her sight.

Song Yunxi finally realized something was wrong. Although she had never eaten pork, she had seen pigs running away!
She finally felt Wei Changyun's different views on her, and her face turned red with embarrassment.He lowered his head in embarrassment.

 Thank you Ji Jia Xinxiang, thank you for ordinary life, thank /mn the god of reading for your votes
(End of this chapter)

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