Chapter 52

When Mrs. Song saw them leaving, she put it away and looked at the hairpin in her hand with a smile on her face.

She carefully wrapped it with a handkerchief and opened it. She pressed the hairpin on it and opened it from the middle to reveal the small note inside. She did not go to get it directly but went into the back room and took out the small white gloves hidden in the box.

Logically speaking, she dared to ask her grandson to send it without putting anything, but what if it happened?That is a cruel and ruthless master, and it will be scary if she goes crazy.

She opened the note with anxiety and saw that it said, "Find out the specific date of the arrival of the army." Mrs. Song put down the note with a grimace after reading it.As expected, I am afraid of whatever comes next.

It seems that her free days are finally coming to an end.

"Master Wei, let me take you to find my brother!" Song Yunxi looked at Wei Changyun and said with some embarrassment.

"Well, it just so happened that I haven't seen Brother Song for a long time." Wei Changyun noticed the little girl's discomfort and said with a smile.

"Okay." Song Yunxi's face was a little red, her head lowered and she led Wei Changyun towards the study, where her brother and father were reading.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door first. "Brother, are you in there?" Song Yunxi asked tentatively.

At this time, the door of the study room opened from the inside. Song Dalang opened the door and took a look, "Hey, Mr. Wei, why are you here free today?" Song Dalang looked at Wei Changyun strangely.

"Brother Song, today I am honoring my grandmother's order to come here to deliver something." Wei Changyun replied with a smile.

"Hey, it turns out to be Mr. Wei! Why don't we come in and chat." Song's father heard the voice and came over and was a little surprised to see it was Wei Changyun, but he still invited him to the study.

Song Yunxi couldn't follow her, so she went to find Mr. Tao.

"Mom, what are you doing??" Song Yunxi asked curiously as she watched Mrs. Tao rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, not knowing what she was looking for.

"I can't find the dragon and phoenix bracelet that your grandmother gave me as a dowry when I got married. I don't know where it was. By the way, I just heard that Mr. Wei is here? I'm still giving something to your grandma. Why have I never heard of Wei? Is the young master's grandma familiar with your grandma?" Tao asked casually while looking for something.

"I don't know either. I said it was a hairpin I promised to give to my grandma many years ago, so I patched it up." Song Yunxi replied casually without paying attention.

"Oh, hairpin! How beautiful is it?" Tao said with interest.

"It's just a silver hairpin, quite ordinary." Song Yunxi didn't know why, but she thought they were all very strange. Wasn't it just a gift from a friend she hadn't seen for a long time?How normal.

Tao didn't answer any more, and after a while Tao pulled out a box from the box.She opened it carefully, and Song Yunxi's eyes were dazzled by the bracelet.It's really beautiful, and there are actually dragons and phoenixes carved on it.Song Yunxi looked at the bracelet in surprise.

"How beautiful it is!" Mrs. Tao smiled and touched her daughter's head.

"Where did this bracelet come from? Why is it carved with dragons and phoenixes?" Song Yunxi looked at Tao curiously. Is this really okay?
"This is an heirloom of our family. It is passed down from daughter to son. It was given to your grandmother by Emperor Taizu, and then passed down from generation to generation. Now there is a clear path." Tao smiled at him said the daughter.

Song Yunxi was shocked when she heard this and looked at Mrs. Tao curiously and asked, "Is my maternal grandmother's family so powerful?"

"Of course, but it's a pity that your grandmother is just a concubine in the family, but she is still favored." Tao explained lightly.

"How could that happen?" Although Song Yunxi didn't finish her sentence, it was clear why she would marry her grandfather.

"You Mo Yan look down on your grandfather. No matter how bad your grandfather is, he is still a top-ranked scholar." Tao immediately understood what her daughter meant and explained calmly.

Song Yunxi was even more surprised when she heard this. Even though she didn't know much about ancient times, she knew that those with two rankings could become officials.How come her grandfather only became the county magistrate this year?She really couldn't understand it.Although she didn't say it out loud, Tao understood what she meant and said, "I don't know why, but your grandfather was indeed a Jinshi."

Song Yunxi always felt that things were not that simple, combined with the many novels she had read.Generally, this situation indicates that her grandfather may be the person selected for a secret mission.

But after thinking about her grandfather's normal appearance, it didn't look like him!Maybe she had read too many novels, so Song Yunxi shook her head in amusement.

"Third aunt, grandma said that Mr. Wei is here today, so we can all have dinner together." Song Xiangdi timidly opened the door and whispered.

"Ah, it turns out it's Xiangdi!" Mrs. Tao quickly closed the box, looked at Song Xiangdi with a smile and said, "I know."

Ever since the last incident happened, Song Xiangdi has been kept by Mrs. Song's side, which can also be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

"Then I'll tell the eldest aunt that I'm going to take my leave first." Song Xiangdi said obediently and went out.

"Erya, let's go to the kitchen with mother to help you breastfeed." Mrs. Tao turned around and put away the things and ordered Song Yunxi.

"Okay" Song Yunxi responded and followed Mrs. Tao to the kitchen.

Mrs. Song had been waiting in the kitchen for a long time. She was not surprised when Mrs. Tao came with Song Yunxi. She just said, "The third family is here."

"Mom, let me prepare lunch for you." Mrs. Tao smiled respectfully.

"You're interested." As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Li arrived. Mrs. Song, who was still smiling, looked at Wang's face and instantly fell down.

When Mrs. Li called her mother, she nodded with a smile. When Mrs. Wang called her mother, she didn't even glance at her.

Wang lowered her head in humiliation, her face looking very ugly.But there is no way.

Mrs. Li curled her lips towards Mr. Wang and rolled her eyes disdainfully.Then he walked towards Mr. Tao in a flattering manner and said with a smile

"Speaking of which, I have to thank the third brother and sister. If it weren't for the third brother and sister's parents still missing us, I'd be afraid that we wouldn't even know how we died."

"What do you mean, sister-in-law, we are all a family." Mrs. Tao said with a smile when she heard this.

"Hey, I just don't know when we can go back! It's not a problem to stay with the third brother and sister all the time!" Mrs. Li said a little unhappy.

Mrs. Song immediately perked up after hearing this. She didn't know how to speak. The boss's daughter-in-law asked this question well.

"No, I heard that the general is coming soon, but I don't know when he will arrive. Will we be able to go back when he arrives?" Mrs. Song continued.

"I'm not sure. It's said that the general left the capital secretly and no one knows when he will arrive." Tao said with a smile.

"Hey, I hope it's early! Let's get rid of those rebels quickly so we can go home. We came in a hurry and didn't bring a lot of things with us." Mrs. Li felt uncomfortable thinking about the things left at home.That's all money.

"Everyone thinks so. End it as soon as possible and live in peace. No one likes chaos." Tao also replied.

(End of this chapter)

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