Chapter 55

The meal passed by chatting and laughing. In the middle of the meal, Mrs. Song also tried to find out whether Mr. Tao knew about it, but the topic kept getting diverted and she couldn't ask again.

After dinner, Wei Changyun took his leave. After all, it was no longer appropriate for him to stay here for dinner today.His grandmother should be waiting for his reply at home.

Sure enough, when he got home, his third aunt told him that his grandma was waiting for him in the house and asked him to come back to her room.

"Grandma" just walked in and saw Mrs. Wei sitting at the table. She had been waiting for him for who knows how long. Wei Changyun hurriedly saluted and called her respectfully.

"But I asked you to give me a hairpin. Why are you back now?" Mrs. Wei put the cup on the table and asked calmly.

"Grandma Song, let me have dinner at home." Wei Changyun hurriedly lowered his head and replied respectfully.

"Oh, have the things been delivered?" Old Mrs. Wei asked knowingly.

"Yes" Wei Changyun replied respectfully.

"What's her reaction?" Mrs. Wei asked, staring at Wei Changyun without blinking.

"Grandma Song is very strange. She didn't go directly to get the hairpin. Instead, she wrapped it in a handkerchief before taking it." Wei Changyun couldn't help but replied thinking that it was strange when Mrs. Song took the hairpin.

"Oh, things are not going well these days. No one's family is rich in food. Don't leave food at other people's homes next time." Mrs. Wei looked at Wei Changyun calmly and said.

"Yes, grandson, I obey." Wei Changyun bowed his head and replied obediently.

"Go down!" Mrs. Wei replied softly.

Wei Changyun turned and left.

"She is quite vigilant. It seems that you have put a big shadow on her heart!" A man suddenly came from the back room and said to Mrs. Wei calmly.

"Do you really think she can complete the task you gave her?" Mrs. Wei did not answer, and looked at the person who came out.

"How is that possible? I just reminded her not to forget her identity. She may have forgotten her identity after living a stable life in the past few years." The man said coldly while looking at Mrs. Wei. .

"Who doesn't want to live an ordinary life? Why doesn't the general want to live an ordinary life?" Mrs. Wei asked.

"Don't forget who we are loyal to." The man looked at Mrs. Wei angrily.

"The master is dead. It's still unclear whether this young master is of that person's blood! Why should we sacrifice our lives for him." Mrs. Wei picked up the cup and took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Qin Lan, who gave you the courage to doubt me? Don't forget that you are just a slave. Shen Qingmei is a member of the Shen family and I can't touch her. You don't think that I can't touch you either! It's really hard for a low-ranking servant like you to be here today. I didn't expect that." The man chuckled lightly and said with disdain.

When Mrs. Wei heard this, her face instantly turned pale, and she instantly remembered that humiliating time.

She has been the eldest miss of the Qin family for too long and has forgotten that she is not the real miss of the Qin family, but the only legitimate daughter of the Qin family who loves her daughter and is in a dangerous situation.

So the shield she used was just that she kept telling herself that she was the Miss Qin family.As time went by, I even tricked myself into it.

"How can I really be sure? That little girl Su Qingmei was just fooled by you. She didn't even think about it. If you were really Miss Qin's family, how could the Qin family's strict family culture raise a daughter who would steal someone else's fiancé?" Then Seeing that he had hit Mrs. Wei's Achilles' heel, she smiled proudly.

"But don't forget, if you tell me, I won't be the only one who will die. I am just a lowly person who has been Mrs. Wei for so long. I have earned a living, and it is not a loss to be able to drag such a distinguished master to be buried with me. "Old Mrs. Wei quickly calmed down and said sarcastically.

"Qin Lan! Are you threatening me?" the man said in disbelief. "I was the one who threatened me first." Mrs. Wei said calmly, turning the prayer beads in her hand.

"Okay, okay, it's true that a biting dog doesn't bark. I really underestimate you. Ansheng should be your Miss Qin, otherwise! I don't think you will know my methods." The man sneered. Turn around and leave.

Mrs. Wei closed her eyes and kept turning the beads in her hand to suppress the embarrassment in her heart from recalling the past.But she failed in the end. She slapped the beads on the table angrily, with a stern look in her eyes.

Xindao really should have been cruel and killed him as well.If she wasn't afraid of the investigation from above, how could she let him live to this day.

These useless young masters are really annoying, especially the young masters of the Qin family.Seeing them will remind her of the days when she was young and had to commit herself to Mr. Qin's side as a roommate in order to survive.

It was Shen Qingmei who was blessed with good fortune and had a more noble status than her.So what, she still won that year.

Man, huh.These are not good things, she should be grateful to herself.I am grateful that I entered this wolf's den for her.

She was right, she definitely couldn't be wrong.She wins, she won't lose.Mrs. Wei Qin Lan kept telling herself in her heart.

She took three incense sticks and inserted them respectfully and devoutly, staring at the statue and standing quietly.As if waiting for an answer.

On the other side, Mrs. Tao slowly stood up and walked into the study after confirming that her husband was asleep.He lit the candle on the table and leaned over the desk to write something.

After I finished writing, I picked up the whistle around my neck and blew it, but no sound came out.But she opened the window, and soon a pigeon flew in.

She tied the written letter to the pigeon's leg and watched it fly away quietly.She just leaned against the window in a daze.

She didn't know how long it had passed before the door to the study room was pushed open with a squeaking sound. She walked over and saw Song Minghao pushing the door open.He was not surprised at all to find her in the study, he just said, "What's the matter? I have something on my mind. Are you still not sleeping yet?"

"Can't sleep. Why are you up too?" Tao replied with a smile and asked.

"I woke up at night and saw that your seat was empty. I guess you should come here and take a look." Song Minghao said with a smile.

"In a blink of an eye, our children are getting older. Even if the son marries a daughter-in-law, he can still teach him. But the daughter always has to get married. If she doesn't choose this person well, it will be a lifetime problem." Mrs. Tao looked at The sky seemed to be talking to him, but also seemed to be talking to itself.

"Is it Mr. Wei's performance that makes you anxious?" Song Minghao asked clearly.

"You are a man and you should know better than me what men think. I don't deny that he likes our daughter very much now. But how long can such love last?" Tao said calmly, looking at Song Minghao.

"You still can't let go of what happened back then." Song Minghao smiled bitterly and said slightly weakly.

"Why should I let it go? Why do you ask me to let it go?" Tao looked at Song Minghao coldly.

"It was really not what I wanted, it was really an accident." Song Minghao said bitterly.

"Song Minghao, you wanted to bring her back like your second brother. I respect you as a man, but you chose the most ruthless method." Tao looked at Song Minghao mockingly.

"That's enough. Tao has been making trouble for so many years and it's time for you to relieve your anger." Song Minghao avoided Tao's eyes and said a little embarrassed.

Tao closed his eyes to cover up the sadness in his eyes.He turned around and went back to the house, ignoring Song Minghao standing there.

(End of this chapter)

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