Chapter 6

"Coo, coo" In the early morning, before dawn, the big rooster used its loud voice to wake up everyone in the Song family from their deep sleep.

At this time, Song Yunxi, who was awakened by the crowing of a rooster, looked at the roof in a daze.

She thought she would be able to go back after taking a nap, but it seemed she was overthinking it.

It seems that Song Yunxi in the 21st century is destined to be in the past. If he can't go back, he has to think of ways to survive the famine in two years.

The first thing must be food from the village. Fortunately, Song Yunxi was also in the countryside in his previous life and knew a lot of wild vegetables and other things.

Last time I went hunting, I also noticed that there were a lot of wild vegetables in the back mountains. After all, Rongshu Village was considered a relatively wealthy village in this area.

There were few people in the village who were so poor that they could only rely on wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger, so she could go to the back mountains to dig more wild vegetables.

Moreover, the original owner was considered favored at home, and in her memory, her scholarly father was quite open-minded.

Unlike most people in this village who don't take their children's words seriously, Mrs. Tao is a doting child.

Naturally, her only daughter is also spoiled, so she can take advantage of it.

In fact, Song Yunxi accepted not going back very quickly. After all, there was nothing worth remembering in her previous life.

And she felt in Tao the maternal love she had always wanted.

While thinking about it, suddenly Mrs. Tao shouted from outside the door, "Er Ya, are you up?" When the rooster crowed for the first time, Mrs. Song and the third wife all got up.

After all, it is no less busy than usual, and the weather is hot, so you usually have to get up and prepare things as soon as the chicken crows.

Today it was the second room's turn to cook, so Wang went directly to the kitchen when he came.

And Mrs. Tao found that Song Yunxi, who usually should have gotten up long ago, had not moved yet today because he was afraid that he had acted harshly yesterday.He hurriedly knocked on the door and asked.

"Mom, wait a minute, I'll get up right now." Song Yunxi heard Mrs. Tao knocking on the door and hurriedly grabbed her clothes and ran over.Tao opened the door suddenly, and Xu, who was banging on the door, never thought that she would move so quickly.Suddenly he stumbled forward and almost fell.

Song Yunxi was also startled and hurriedly helped Mrs. Tao up, "Mom, are you okay?"

"You're so old and you're so hairy." Mrs. Tao was supported by Song Yunxi, and she was so frightened that she repeatedly slapped her chest and yelled angrily.

Song Yunxi stuck out her tongue and said with a bit of embarrassment, "I didn't expect that. Who asked my mother to knock on the door so early in the morning?" As she spoke, Song Yunxi said a little confidently.

"Okay, you are blaming me, and you don't even care what time it is."

Mrs. Tao glared at her troublesome daughter angrily.I didn't suspect it, after all, my daughter usually has the same personality.

If she apologizes to her obediently, then it means something is wrong. Mrs. Tao naturally loves this daughter like a treasure.

Song Yunxi knew exactly that, so she learned the personality of the original owner to argue. Otherwise, how could she not be discovered when she suddenly changed her personality without being greatly stimulated.

Song Yunxi stretched her head to look at the dark sky outside, and was speechless.

But even if she was killed, she would not dare to say something so unreasonable before dawn, because she would really be discovered.Hey, life is hard!

Song Yunxi sighed and hurriedly followed Mrs. Tao to the kitchen.

"Second sister-in-law, how can I help you?" Mrs. Tao led Song Yunxi straight to the kitchen and looked at Mrs. Wang who was busy, and asked politely.

Because she knew that her mother-in-law standing by would not let her help.Sure enough, Mrs. Song spoke up before Mrs. Wang could say anything. She took Erya to wash her face early in the morning. There was hot water in the pot, and your second sister-in-law could do this work herself.

"It's okay, you and Erya go wash your faces first. I'll take care of it now." Mrs. Wang reluctantly smiled at Mrs. Tao, lowered her head and continued busy.

After hearing this, Mrs. Tao picked it up and took Song Yunxi to get a willow branch and the coarse salt jar for cleaning teeth.

After giving Song Yunxi a look and telling her to hold the water, the two of them went to the yard together.

Then he saw Ms. Li who was also washing her face and said hello with a smile, "Sister-in-law."

"Hey, you two are up." Li, who always had a bad look on the third room, smiled at Song Yunxi for the first time.

Song Yunxi felt flattered. After all, this man had given her eye drops yesterday.I can only sigh, meat is still very powerful.

Naturally she wouldn't think she was more lovable than the original, that could only be the effect of yesterday's spores.

But the elders couldn't ignore the greetings. Song Yunxi hurriedly smiled and replied, "Auntie." After asking, the person quickly dipped a willow branch in some coarse salt and started washing.

After everyone had packed up, Wang's meal was ready, so everyone went directly to the main room and sat down.

Waiting for Mrs. Song to share the meal. Yes, you read that right.Why is Mrs. Song so majestic in the family? It's because she is the one who divides the food.

If you offend her, you won't be able to eat, so Song Yunxi doesn't want to try it at all.

It's already very embarrassing to have poor food, but it would be even more terrible if you can't even eat.

In her previous life, Song Yunxi suffered from hunger when she was very young.So she has always been obsessed with eating enough, and she doesn't care about anything else as long as it keeps her full.

The meal was finished in silence. After finishing the meal, Mr. Song took the lead in going to the place where the farm tools were kept to pick up the farm tools and prepare to go out.

Seeing Mr. Song's movements, the two brothers of the Song family speeded up their movements in unison.

I was busy chasing Mr. Song, and before I left, I didn't forget to say to Mrs. Song, "Mom, dad and I will go first, and you can go after eating." After that, he disappeared.

"You damn old man, why are you eating so fast? It's like this every day." Mrs. Song wanted to reach out and stop her, but she was a step too late, so she could only mutter in a low voice.

Everyone present did not dare to answer the conversation and pretended not to have heard it.Only Song Yunxi silently speeded up her movements because she had a hunch that if she didn't eat quickly, she might not be able to finish the meal.

Sure enough, Song Yunxi's premonition was quite accurate. As soon as she put down the bowl, Mrs. Song said, "Why don't you hurry up and eat? Why don't you see that all the bosses are gone? There are still ink marks there."

In fact, Mrs. Tao and Mrs. Li know Mrs. Song better than Song Yunxi.So when Mrs. Song reached out her hand, she quickly finished her meal.

It was only Wang. Maybe she was busy late so she didn't eat much.So as soon as Mrs. Song spoke, Wang's eyes filled with tears and she couldn't shed them.

Old Mrs. Song saw this and couldn't bear to look down on her petty behavior at all.So I can't help it

"If you don't want to eat, don't eat. Dani will wait for the unfinished food on the table to feed the pigs, and those who have finished will leave quickly."

Mrs. Song gave orders to the eldest girl in the old man's house and said to everyone.

Song Yunxi looked sympathetically at Wang, who turned pale. After all, she knew the feeling of starvation.

As for Mrs. Tao and Mrs. Li, they are not hungry anyway, so they don't care at all.

(End of this chapter)

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