Chapter 62

"Uh, mother, do you believe me when I tell you that I really studied hard?" Song Yunxi looked at Tao innocently.

Tao sighed deeply and said, "Don't you tie the knot in the front?"

"Did I get beaten?" Song Yunxi looked at Tao in confusion, not understanding why she asked.

"Then why does it turn on?" Tao said with deep doubts in his tone.

"Maybe, I just learned it and I'm not proficient yet." Song Yunxi smiled sheepishly and quickly made an excuse.

"I've done it to you six times, and you've been sewing all morning." Mrs. Tao said with some collapse. Her mother demonstrated it once when she first learned it.

She also thought that there was no need to learn such a simple thing, and the sewing would be ugly at worst.But what happened when it was completely mended? The key was that she saw it with her own eyes.The steps are all correct!She didn't see why she opened it again.

"It's okay, mother, how about I do it again, and it will definitely work this time." Song Yunxi thought deeply and then asked tentatively.

"No, forget it. If you can't do it, just don't do it. At worst, you'll have to pay someone to do it. It won't cost you a few copper coins anyway. I just use it to kill time."

Mrs. Tao finally realized belatedly that asking her Erya to learn needlework was not only embarrassing her but also embarrassing herself.

After saying that, he brought the clothes in Song Yunxi's hand in front of him and sewed them up within a moment.

Song Yunxi was very impressed when she looked at the clothes with no trace of mending, and couldn't help but said, "Mom, you are really amazing!"

"Isn't this a very simple matter?" Mrs. Tao looked at her daughter with some embarrassment, not daring to say too much for fear of hurting her daughter's self-esteem.

"It's so simple." Song Yunxi also felt hurt, but her brain told her that she would learn.The hand said no, she didn't learn.

But fortunately, I can buy clothes without any problem.Song Yunxi comforted herself.

"You! I don't know how you can be so clumsy when you are so clever. How would it be if you married into an ordinary family!" Tao sighed helplessly.

"Mom, why don't we buy a servant when the time comes? Why don't our family buy a servant?" Song Yunxi has always been curious about this issue. Last time she went to the Wei family and saw many servants of the Wei family, she wanted to Asked.

"According to the rules of the court, our family is allowed to mate, but your father doesn't like it, so our family has never bought one." When Tao heard this, he didn't know what he thought of, and his face was a little ugly, but he still explained.

Song Yunxi was a little surprised but still asked tentatively, can we buy it?Can't we find someone to do a lot of work like this?Is it difficult to buy some people at this time?
Mr. Tao stopped what he was doing and frowned and thought for a long time, "I will discuss this matter with your father. I think it will be more convenient for you and your brother to have someone around you now that you and your brother are older."

Song Yunxi was very happy when she heard this, "Mom is so kind, I like you the most." Song Yunxi said with a smile.

"Mom is not good, there's a fight ahead." Song Dalang hurried over and said to Mrs. Tao anxiously.

When Tao heard this, the corners of his lips that had been raised suddenly froze.Then he hurriedly grabbed Song Dalang and asked anxiously, "How is it possible? Don't they have no weapons? How can they attack them?"

"I don't know! They obviously didn't have weapons the day before, but in just one night they were fully equipped, even better than the guards in the city." While Song Dalang was talking, a boy quietly came to the Song family.

"Why are you Damin?" Mrs. Tao looked at the boy kneeling on the ground in surprise.

"Miss, this servant came here to deliver a message on the order of the master." Damin kneeled on the ground and said respectfully.

"Tell me quickly, what did my mother bring me?" Mrs. Tao asked quickly after hearing this. "Daughter! If something happens to your father at this old age, Mom can't live alone. But your brother's son is still so young, so I have to trouble you to take care of him all the way to your brother.

If I had known today, I would never have let your brother and sister-in-law keep the child. I will send someone to deliver the child later.Mom, only you can be trusted. " Damin repeated Tao's mother's words word for word, which made Mrs. Tao burst into tears.

Seeing that Mrs. Tao was just crying and not talking, Song Yunxi quickly asked, "Where is my cousin?"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tao perked up and asked, "Where is Hancheng? Did you bring him here this time?"

"The young master is still behind. I came to report the news first. I think it will be here soon." Damin said respectfully.

"Quick, follow me out to greet your cousin." Mrs. Tao hurriedly used Song Dalang's hand to help her stand up.

At this time, the city wall was like a purgatory on earth, with blood staining the city wall red.From time to time, corpses fell from the city wall, and then the people behind kept climbing up on the ladders built by others.

The guards on the city wall were already furious, but there were too many rebels.It was almost several times as many as the bodyguards, so how could they kill them all?

"Sir! This won't work. We don't have enough people. If we attack like this, the city will be destroyed very quickly!" said a man dressed as a master.

"No, go and ask people to pour oil and set fire to it. Tell them that when the city is broken, it will not only be us but also their families who will die."

If he is allowed to enter the city, Yongcheng will be our future. Think about our parents, wives and children who are still at home.I have received accurate information that reinforcements will be arriving soon, and I only need to hold on for a few days.It must be delayed. "Father Tao roared.

"Your Excellency, Madam is here," a subordinate said as he hurried over.

"What nonsense? Why did she, a woman, come here when she's not at home? Let her go back if she doesn't want her life." Tao's father said angrily after hearing this.

"Aren't I worried about you too?" Tao's mother walked out directly after hearing this.

"Go down! I'll tell him." Upon hearing this, Tao's father glared at Tao's mother angrily, and when he saw his subordinate leaving, he quickly pulled her to the corner.

"What are you doing here? You're not at home to pack your things. If there is an emergency, take Brother Cheng to your daughter and ask her to take you to Shengjing." Father Tao said anxiously.

"I've already sent Brother Cheng away, and asked everyone at home to be mentally prepared when I came out. Everything at home has been packed, so I won't go with you, but I'll stay here with you!
I am left as an old woman and will be disliked by others. "Mother Tao said calmly.

"How dare you, little bastard, you know where the things in your house are if you obey me. They don't dare to treat you harshly with these things." Tao's father said a little unhappy after hearing this.

"Forget it! If you ever get lonely by yourself, I'll stay with you." Tao's mother smiled and held Tao's father's hand.

"Okay, you just stand here, it's safe here." Tao's father choked up a bit when he heard the words, and the young couple said.

Twenty years of ups and downs have passed, although the initial love has faded.But something more important than love emerged.

After Tao's father gave the instructions, he went to the city wall to watch the battle, while Tao's mother was in the back corner, staring at Father Tao's back in a daze.

 Thank you CHENZHI baby for your vote, thank you baby from ordinary life for your vote

(End of this chapter)

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