Chapter 65

When Song Dalang appeared in front of the Song family, lying motionless with a pale face and bleeding from his stomach.

Mrs. Song fainted again before she could take a breath. Tao's tears fell down as soon as she brushed them away. With trembling hands, she carefully put her hand under her nose to feel that she was still breathing.

Suddenly she collapsed on Tao Mu who was worried about her standing behind her.

Song Yunxi was also startled and hurriedly came forward, "Brother"

Wei Changyun saw that she was trembling and stood behind her, looking at her worriedly.

Mother Tao glanced at her inadvertently and raised her eyebrows slightly, not knowing what she was thinking, but in the current situation, it was more important to comfort her daughter.

"I asked the doctor to check on him. His internal organs were not injured, but he looked a little scary. As for him not waking up, the doctor said he was too frightened."

When Song Yunxi heard this, she suddenly relaxed. She thought, wouldn't it be the result of being overly frightened and fainting?Okay, okay, she thought something had happened to her brother.It scared her to death.

Although Mr. Song and Father Song's reaction was not as big as that of Tao and others, Mr. Song still loosened his grip on the hand behind him after hearing the result.Father Song also breathed a sigh of relief and quickly helped carry Song Dalang in.

"Hey Dalang, what's going on?" Li Shi just entered and was about to go out. Seeing Song Dalang being carried in, he was startled and asked hurriedly with concern.

"Don't worry, it won't work!" Wang, who was standing aside, said coolly. She had long been unhappy with Tao and wished that her third wife would be unlucky.

Li Shi glanced at her in surprise when she heard this, and quickly caught up with Song's father.She was ready to see if there was anything she could do to help, but she was too lazy to pay attention to Mr. Wang right now.

When Mrs. Wang saw her reaction, she sighed angrily, and said angrily, "Why are you pretending to be a good person? My sister-in-law has not known anyone for more than ten years. She is a spineless person who just wants to get married when her third wife becomes prosperous. She doesn't even think about it. See if people talk to you. What the hell."

Song Niandi, who was standing next to him at this time, didn't care what his mother said, because as soon as the young man appeared.She unconsciously circled around the young man, and could no longer see anyone else in her eyes.

Fortunately, Ms. Li didn't hear what Mr. Wang said about her, otherwise she might not have been able to hold her tongue open.

Ever since Su Huiniang entered the family, the Wang family began to let themselves go and no longer pretended to be weak.She has started to take the path of resenting women, and makes everyone feel sour when she looks at her.

It's as if she can live well when others are having a bad life.It really left people speechless, so no one in the Song family liked to talk to her.

At this time, everyone in Song Dalang's room was busy making a ball, boiling water, boiling medicinal herbs.

In the end, Wei Changyun bandaged his wound because neither Mr. Song nor Song's father knew how to do it.

After finally finishing her work, Li finally understood why her nephew was injured.

I have to say that she felt quite complicated when she found out the reason. Compared with her son, who only ate and slept, it was obvious that her nephew was better.

Suddenly I felt relieved. I always felt that the old lady and the old man were partial to Da Lang. Even if it were her, she couldn't guarantee that she would not be partial.

Mrs. Tao, who finally recovered, noticed Wei Changyun who was busy at the side, and hurriedly cheered up and smiled.

"It's all thanks to Young Master Wei today. If it weren't for Young Master Wei, I don't know if I could have come back safely. But I really don't have time at home today. When I get better, I'll ask him to go to Wei's house and invite you to play."

"My aunt is serious. Brother Song and I have been friends for many years. We are brothers and sisters. This is what Ziyun should do. I have to resign now. My grandmother is still waiting for me to come home. When Brother Song is well, I will come to play, Ziyun Jun, please leave first." Wei Changyun offered to leave sensibly. "Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Why don't you stay here for lunch? It's getting late." Mother Tao poked her daughter behind her, and Mrs. Tao hurriedly said a few words of understanding.

"My grandmother is also waiting for me to go back and report that she is safe. I won't stay. Next time I have time, Ziyun will definitely not refuse." Wei Changyun didn't know that Tao was just talking for a moment, so he said hurriedly.

"In that case, I won't keep you as the young master. Erya, go and see off the young master Wei!" Mrs. Tao waved her hand, and then stared at her son intently.She held her son's hand with some distress.

Song Yunxi agreed and hurriedly got up to see Wei Changyun off.

"I heard my grandmother say, thank you for protecting my brother." Song Yunxi smiled at Wei Changyun sheepishly.

"It's okay. Brother Song's injury is not serious, so don't worry too much. It's okay." Wei Changyun looked at his daughter's somewhat sad face and reassured him.

Song Yunxi was about to say something when she was blocked by Song Niandi. She looked at Song Niandi with some confusion, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"I heard that Mr. Wei went to the city wall. This is the purse I embroidered with my own hands to worship in front of the Bodhisattva. Why don't you give it to Mr. Wei? It should keep you safe." Song Niandi looked at Wei Changyun with a shy face, hoping that he could accept this purse.

Song Yunxi stood there quietly, ready to see how he would react.

When Wei Changyun heard this, he quickly glanced at Song Yunxi to see that she showed no signs of anger, and then said, "Men and women are not intimate, Wei is a serious person and would not do such a private thing." Wei Changyun said seriously.

Song Yunxi burst into laughter when she heard this. She had thought about countless possibilities, but she didn't expect him to say this. How could she say it? It was quite funny.

Song Niandi's face turned ugly when she heard this. She glared at Song Yunxi and turned away angrily.

Song Yunxi felt a little aggrieved for being glared at for no reason, and she glared at Wei Changyun angrily and ignored him.

Wei Changyun touched his nose helplessly. He didn't expect her cousin to be so brave!Most women would just give hints, but it was better for her to express her feelings directly.

It was really the first time he encountered such a situation and he didn't know what to do so he could only talk nonsense, but it seemed that he made the little girl angry.

What should I do? I have to think of a way to coax the little guy.Wei Changyun thought to himself and walked to the door after only a moment.

Song Yunxi said to him, "Goodbye, young master, I won't send you any more." But as soon as he turned around, Wei Changyun pulled the hairpin off his head.

She stared at Wei Changyun in surprise, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Wei Changjun said with a smile, "Don't Erya want to thank me? I really like the hairpin on Erya's head, why don't Erya bear the pain and give it to me?"

"This is not good! After all, men and women are not intimate with each other, how can serious people teach each other in private?" Song Yunxi grabbed the hairpin and said what he said to him.After saying that, Song Yunxi turned around and left as if she was victorious.

Wei Changyun shook his head fondly, and at the same time secretly thought in his heart that he would have to study hard when he went back. Then he would be able to marry her openly and openly with the reputation of being a scholar.

Song Yunxi went back with a blushing face, a little embarrassed, but as soon as she entered the door, she bumped into Song Niandi who looked ugly.

Song Niandi stared at her with a gloomy face, and she shivered unconsciously.
(End of this chapter)

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