Chapter 68

Tao's father didn't refute what Tao's mother said, because what she said was indeed true.Just because she is his granddaughter, no one can marry her in Yun County.

"How come Erya also likes her?" Tao's father asked curiously after hearing this.

"That's natural. That girl didn't like handsome doctors when she was a girl. But maybe she didn't realize it because she was still young." Tao's mother sighed lightly.

"You think highly of this young gentleman!" Father Tao asked curiously.

"I don't know what the young man's character, personality, or academics are like. But one thing is, he is really handsome!" Tao's mother said excitedly after hearing this.

But Father Tao's face was visibly darkened. "What's the use of being handsome? A man still has to be capable. He doesn't care about his face when he makes his wife Yinzi."

"Hey, why are you always going against me?" Tao's mother glared at Tao's father unhappily.

"It's getting late, madam, you should go to bed early." After Tao's father said this, he turned around and didn't want to talk to Tao's mother at all. He was already very annoyed and now he was even more annoyed.

On the other side, Song Yunxi was leaning on Song Dalang's bed and staring at Song Dalang.

Mrs. Tao was afraid that he would have a fever at night. Mr. Song and Mrs. Song were old.

Recently, she was worried about not getting enough rest, so in the end she had to ask her daughter to take care of her.Wait until midnight to ask Song's father to change his daughter.

Song Dalang finally couldn't bear her gaze and slowly opened his eyes and said, "Sister! Don't stare at me like this, you really can't sleep!"

"Brother, does it hurt?" Song Yunxi stared sadly at the wound on Song Dalang's abdomen.

Song Dalang was silent for a while, "Sister! If you can't talk, don't talk, and don't ask nonsense questions. Why don't you feel pain if I stab you with a knife?"

Song Yunxi was just feeling a little bit distressed, but when she heard his words, she was instantly thrown into the Clawed Frog Kingdom.

She glared at him angrily and said angrily, "You really deserve it."

"Hey, can you speak? Why do I deserve this? Is this how you talk to a great hero?" Song Dalang said angrily, unconvinced.

"Oh, it's just you." Song Yunxi glanced at him disdainfully.

"I don't know what Brother Wei likes about you." Song Dalang said unconvinced.

"Why do you all say that he likes me, but he never said that he does. Why do you think so?"

Song Yunxi was really speechless. Basically everyone told her Wei Changyun.But he didn’t express it either!
"Didn't he make it obvious?" Song Dalang looked at her in confusion when he heard this.

"For example?" Song Yunxi was not convinced and decided to argue with him. Tao's mother did not dare to argue.Doesn't she dare to confront her brother?

"First, haven't you noticed that he basically doesn't talk to you little girls? But he just talks to you." Song Dalang raised a finger and waved it in front of Song Yunxi's eyes.

"I'm confused. She can't treat me as her sister. Or he plays well with you, so he talks to me naturally. Then don't all your former friends also talk to me." Song Yunxi argued unconvinced.

"Second, didn't you notice the way he looked at you? Do you think it was the way he looked at your sister? Is that how I looked at you?" Song Dalang pointed out the second point.

Song Yunxi recalled the look in his eyes, and then paused for a moment.She actually guessed that she was just not convinced.He was also a little unhappy, but he didn't say it clearly.

Song Dalang saw that Song Yunxi had stopped talking and knew that she was convinced, so he stopped arguing with her. "Brother, do you think we are suitable?" Song Yunxi asked Song Dalang in confusion, although she was much older than Song Dalang in her previous life.But she has never met love or been in love.

She actually also looked forward to that kind of sweet love, so she especially liked novels in her previous life.

Because only love in novels is passionate and beautiful.She was very envious of the heroine in the novel as she was pure and unadulterated.They have a love that is unique to the male protagonist and remains consistent.

Unfortunately, the reality is always the opposite.She despaired of relationships and marriage when she was very young, because she had seen too many situations where you had to marry someone else.But within two years after getting married, they started to quarrel over some trivial things.

In the end, they parted ways, and there were many people who said that I would not marry anyone unless I am in this life.But she turned around and had someone else, so she never understood what love was.

I am also very curious whether there are people who are really consistent and holding hands with each other to go to the end of their lives together.

She always felt that she was just an ordinary person, although she was lucky enough to have a fresh start in life.

But she was quite ordinary in this life, her appearance was barely pretty, and there was nothing special about her.She didn't understand why such an outstanding young man would fall in love with her.

Or maybe she doesn't understand what she wants.In her previous life, although she seemed to have a successful career, she was always a loser.

She has not gotten over the shadow of her childhood, and it is even difficult for her to trust others because of what happened in her childhood.

Her best friend once commented on her, saying that she was kind but also cold.Wei Changyun would hold out her hands without hesitation because Wei Changyun showed some difficulty, but she would break up with friends who have been together for many years.

She is a very contradictory person, but she never felt anything was wrong.

She loves to fantasize, but when everything she fantasizes about actually happens.She was timid again, she couldn't believe it was true.

Song Dalang looked at his silent sister. Although he didn't know what she was thinking, he could still feel her unhappiness. "Didn't you say that you are going to be a common man who is greedy for money and lustful? You should be prepared to let go of this lust after it has been brought to your door. You won't be afraid anymore, right?"Song Dalang joked.

"You're the one who's scared. Aren't you just a man? If this doesn't work, then change it." Song Yunxi said with an inward look.

"My sister is ambitious, but don't let mother know about it. Otherwise, it seems that your legs will not be saved." Song Dalang looked at his sister who was pretending to be calm in a funny way.

"If you don't rest yet, look at it, it's already dark." Song Yunxi said, but Song Dalang could only change the topic.

"Okay, okay, but don't keep staring at me. I can't sleep." Song Dalang was also tired. He didn't know if it was because of the medicine that he was already sleepy.It was just that his sister wanted to chat, so he could only hold on.

In the middle of the night, Song Yunxi couldn't hold on anymore and felt sleepy. As soon as she lay down on her stomach, she felt like she touched something very hot.

When it was hot, Song Yunxi was suddenly awakened. As soon as she touched her brother's forehead, she could fry an egg at the hot spot.Thinking about the old-fashioned method of using wine to wipe the body, it was not suitable for her!

She could only go to her parents' room and knock on the door, because she was too anxious and the sound was too loud.Not only did her parents get up, but so did her grandparents.

Her mother was frightened when she heard that her brother had a fever.After all, fever can really burn people to death these days.

Then she told her parents about this method, saying that she heard it from an aunt.Her mother also knows that she likes to listen to gossip and doesn’t doubt it.

So he quickly asked his father to wipe Song Dalang's body with wine. The wine was saved from Mr. Song's mouth.

He felt quite distressed when he took it out. After all, it was gone when it was not too much.If his grandson hadn't used it, he wouldn't have given it up.

(End of this chapter)

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