Chapter 75

So she was also curious about where his son had the courage to challenge him.Now she is not so angry. For them, the only child who can inherit the identity is more important.

If it's their duty, they don't mind being pampered a little bit. But if they can't even do the basic duty of obedience, you can't blame them for being cruel.

When Wang and Su Huiniang saw Mr. Song's screams, they were all startled and quickly shrank back for fear of being discovered by Mr. Song.

Song Niandi also quickly released his hold on Mrs. Song and knelt down obediently.

"I'm telling you, don't think that because you are my son, I can't bear to touch you. I have tolerated you for a long time. If you hadn't looked a little like me, I would have suspected that I had made a mistake in the first place, otherwise how could I have given birth to such a stupid thing like you.

Tell me who took you to gamble and how much you lost.If you can't explain clearly today, I will make you lie in bed for the rest of your life. "Mr. Song stared at Song Laoer gloomily.

Song Laoer was so frightened that he trembled and reflexively looked at Su Huiniang.Although he quickly took it back, Mr. Song and Mrs. Song still saw it.

The two people's eyes suddenly shot towards Su Huiniang like knives.

Su Huiniang suddenly cursed something useless in her heart, and felt blind at the same time.Otherwise, why would I find such a thing? It would be of no use at all.

But she didn't even have the courage to raise her head now. Mr. Song's actions frightened her a little.

However, when Song Laoer was really in love with Su Huiniang, he knew very well that if it had anything to do with Huiniang, how could he let her go if his father could make Huiniang disappear.

So he took it upon himself and said, "I discovered it by accident, and no one took me there. I owed them more than ten taels and couldn't pay it back, so I took Niandi's idea."

Kneeling on her knees, Su Huiniang breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay."

Mr. Song and Mrs. Song were completely disappointed with their son and didn't want to care about him. However, Mr. Song still asked whether it was his biological son. "Which casino?"

Song Laoer didn't know why his father asked this, but he still said honestly, "Red Maple Casino"

"Okay, I got it. Don't worry about it. Don't do it again or I'll make you never get out of bed again." Mr. Song stared at Mr. Song fiercely.

Song Laoer was stunned for a moment and then became ecstatic, which meant that he was not allowed to return the favor.As long as he doesn't let him return it, the broken leg will be broken and should be reattached.His father can't really kill him. "Hey, thank you dad."

Li's face turned dark when she heard this, she pinched Song Dalang secretly and glared at him.

Mrs. Tao's face didn't look good either, but she still held it together.She knew that her sister-in-law would definitely have an attack first, so she would check the situation first.

Mrs. Song didn't notice the ugly looks on her other two daughters-in-law's faces, but no one was happy about this matter.

But the old man has already agreed, and there will be trouble again later.Mrs. Song had a headache and covered her head.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Yunxi looked at Mrs. Song worriedly.

Mrs. Song held Song Yunxi's arm and said it was okay.

"Dad, this isn't fair. My second brother owes me this money. Why should you help him pay it back?" Li finally couldn't hold it back. This was more than a dozen taels!The separation of families is only a little more than this.

When Mr. Song heard this, he said to Song Dalang with an ugly expression, "The boss is in charge of your wife. Do I still need her to hand over her to me if I want to?"

Boss Song quickly stepped forward to pull Li, but Li shook off his hand.

"Dad, my husband-in-law is relatively honest, but we can't bully others like that. I don't care if you usually supplement the food with the second child. Anyway, it's all given by the third brother and sister, so I don't have the right to say anything. But this money thing It’s different!” “It’s not that I, the sister-in-law, don’t want to give my brother-in-law a living, that’s more than a dozen taels! It’s not just a few taels, even the third younger brother and sister who have the best conditions can just take it out if you ask her, don’t you feel bad?”

"If you really have a lot of money, you also feel sorry for our Chen'er. Yunzhang's nephew will be able to take the exam soon, and my Chen'er can't even pay for school." Mrs. Li started to cry as she spoke. stand up.

Mr. Song's face became increasingly ugly, but he knew that what his daughter-in-law said was also true.

So he said, "Third brother, you go and write an IOU. This money will be treated as if I lent it to the second brother, and I will pay you back every penny when the time comes."

Song Yunxi couldn't help but praise in her heart, "Jiang is still hot when he is old!"She was worried about her grandfather in her heart. After all, the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh!

"Then what if he doesn't pay back?" Although Li saw Mr. Song's dark face, she still mustered up the courage to ask.

At this time, Mrs. Tao somewhat admired her sister-in-law. As expected, she was not afraid at all as long as her interests were violated.

Even if she didn't dare to say anything after seeing Mr. Song's current expression, it was only Li who was brave.

Mrs. Song noticed that Mr. Song was extremely depressed and quickly answered, "If he doesn't pay back, let's mortgage his land and house as a mortgage! I'll give it to him when I pay it back."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li was finally satisfied. She was satisfied, but Mrs. Song and Mrs. Wang were dumbfounded.

Let's talk about Song Laoer first. He was originally happy that he didn't have to pay back the money, but after a long time of trouble, his father broke his legs.

Why did he have to pay back the money? He stared at Mr. Li angrily with cannibalistic eyes.I thought that she was the only one who had a lot of things to do every day, so don’t let her get the hang of it or else...

Wang's situation was even worse. She originally wanted Mr. Song and Mrs. Song to help.As a result, the goal was not achieved and he had to pay back the money, and Song Laoer resented him again.

He thought to himself that he was unlucky, and at the same time he stared at Song Niandi with some anger.I thought it was all about this damn girl. If she had just followed her father, she would still be in this kind of movie.

Sure enough, the loser is just a loser who is not well-raised. I will go back later and see how she deals with her.

Song Niandi shrank her neck in fear, but she had no regrets as long as she was not scolded or beaten.She was used to it, as long as he didn't beat her to death.

It's okay, just hold on, she'll be fine once she takes down Mr. Wei.

Mr. Song no longer wanted to see them, so he waved his hand and entered the main room.When Mrs. Song saw it, she quickly stepped forward to tell him, fearing that he would be angry.

Li glanced at Wang like a victor, raised her chin, and led Song Erni into the house.

Song Yunxi looked at her kneeling on the ground with some distress. Song Niandi wanted to help her but was held back by Mrs. Tao.

Mrs. Tao took Song Yunxi and turned around without looking at the person in the second room.

Mrs. Wang pooh-poohed as they left, feeling like a bitch in her heart.

Song Dalang and Song Sanlang didn't leave. Together they carried Song Laoer who was lying on the ground to the room.Although they wanted to beat him to death, he was their brother after all, but they still couldn't bear to watch him lying on the ground and wailing.

He put him on the bed and turned around to leave without caring whether he listened or not.

Song Laoer, who saw them leaving, shouted directly in the room, "Ms. Wang, are you dead? If you don't go find a doctor for me, you will treat me like I'm lying on the bed and I can't deal with you."

(End of this chapter)

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