Chapter 82

"You may not have paid attention. By the way, do you know the criteria for accepting disciples of layman Yuheng? Can we let you also become his disciple?" Mrs. Song unnaturally changed the subject.

"How is it possible? Master Yuheng said it depends on fate. Fate and talent are indispensable. It's only taken so many years to accept Brother Wei." Although Song Dalang was surprised by his mother's idea, he still replied seriously.

"Hey, how old is this gentleman?" Song Yunxi keenly felt that her mother was very interested in this layman Yuheng.

"This gentleman is already in his sixties. I heard that he practices in Yuqing Temple and these are all side jobs. He seems to be good at Feng Shui metaphysics." Song Dalang thought for a while and listened to everyone discussing what this gentleman said to his grandma during the break. .

Song Yunxi was stunned when she heard this. She didn't believe in such mysterious things.But she couldn't help but believe it now that she was here.

"Oh, I've also heard that he is good at hexagram numbers. Let's do this! Erya, come with me to Yuqing Temple in two days. What if something happens? If you can seek guidance from a famous teacher at this critical moment, it will be even more powerful!" Song The old lady said hurriedly.

Song Yunxi actually didn't want to go. Her brother said that this gentleman should be quite powerful.What if he sees something?But even though she had spoken, she could only nod.

"Nai, it's not easy to meet layman Yuheng. And I heard that you have to pay for sesame oil. Don't we have no money at home?" Song Dalang noticed that Mrs. Song's eyes could only grow softer as she spoke.

"Don't worry about it, even if you can't see the gods, it's fine.

Our family has been going through various troubles recently, and I don’t know if it’s because of the villain. Even if I can’t see my husband, I have to find someone to kill the villain. "

When she talked about the villain, there was a trace of murderous intent in Mrs. Song's eyes. She was not a good man or woman.

He dared to plot against her and think she was dead, but she wanted to see who was behind it.

Song Yunxi and Song Dalang didn't know why they felt a little cold, and Song Yunxi carefully cried out.

Mrs. Song instantly came back to her senses and turned into the ordinary and loving grandmother again. She smiled and said, "Dalang, please just leave it alone. Erya, talk to your mother later and you can accompany me."

Song Yunxi didn't know what kind of changes Mrs. Song's move would bring to her. She just replied seriously, "Oh, I understand."

After Mrs. Song finished speaking, she returned to the main room, while Song Yunxi and Song Dalang looked at each other.It was Song Dalang who spoke first, "Sister, do you think our breasts are weird?"

"You think milk is weird too!" Song Yunxi raised her eyebrows.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I'm not stupid." Song Dalang rolled his eyes angrily.

"I'm telling you that I have a bold idea. Do you think our grandma will know that Yuheng layman?" Song Yunxi approached her brother mysteriously and said carefully.

"What are you thinking? How can we, an old lady from an ordinary family, know the layman Yuheng who is like an immortal?" Song Dalang mocked his sister's whimsical idea with disdain.

"That's right, but have you met the layman Yuheng!" Song Yunxi thought about it and thought it was impossible. Based on her observation in the past two years, she was just like an ordinary little old farm lady.

"I was lucky enough to meet him once with Brother Wei. This person only exists in heaven and is rare to see in the human world!" Song Dalang said with emotion as he remembered the layman Yuheng he met last time.

"What are you talking about? Can you really take the exam? I can't even understand what this sentence is about." Song Yunxi complained unceremoniously.

Song Dalang blushed when he heard this, and said angrily, "If you have the ability, come."

"I know myself. If I don't come, I won't." Song Yunxi spread her hands and said with an indifferent expression.

"You don't know how, are you still reasonable?" Song Dalang choked and glared at Song Yunxi. "Haven't you heard? A woman's lack of talent is a virtue." Song Yunxi rolled her eyes at Song Dalang.

"What are you talking about? I don't know if you can stop talking nonsense. Women have no talent, and arguing is a virtue."

"It means that although a woman has no talent, if she can make up for her shortcomings with virtue, it is also an excellent quality.

Didn’t I tell you that not having talent is a good virtue? Does it really mean that you can’t read more books if you are also literate? "

Song Dalang glared at his sister angrily. Zhang Dai knew that his words were misinterpreted in this way and was so angry that he probably came to his senses.

Song Yunxi looked at Song Dalang in confusion. She remembered that at that time, a certain voice said that it was a good beauty for a woman to have no talent!Was it wrong?

But he still quibbled, "How dare I touch a book that's so expensive? What if it gets damaged?"

"No one talks about you, what are you afraid of? Who stops you from entering the study every day?" Song Dalang looked at his sister speechlessly.

"Then, your study room is full of Analects of Confucius, university, etc. I can't understand them."

"My aunt, why don't you put these? Talk books? Why did the exam start to test the contents of the talk books? You didn't even notify me!" Song Dalang said angrily.

Song Yunxi pinched her fingers and smiled sheepishly at Song Dalang.

"You can't understand, right? Do you want to learn? I'll teach you after I finish the exam."

"I don't want it. You go to school every day and have a hard time taking exams, so don't bother yourself. Sister, I just know a few words and can read the deed."

Song Yunxi thought about how she studied until one o'clock in the morning every day in order to get into the school of her choice in her previous life.

I couldn't help but shudder at the life of having to get up at five o'clock in the morning, and quickly rejected Song Dalang's kindness.

But Song Dalang couldn't understand Song Yunxi's fear of learning, and he was very unhappy with Song Yunxi's behavior of not seeking improvement.

So he ignored the pity on his sister's face and said forcefully, "No, it's settled that I will hand it over to you after my county has tried it."

Song Yunxi's face suddenly fell, she glared at his brother and ignored him.

Song Dalang looked at his angry sister in amusement and explained, "The husband your mother will choose for you in the future must be a scholar. How will you be able to talk to your husband like this?"

"Why do I have to talk to him? I'm marrying a husband, not a scholar." Song Yunxi glared at her brother angrily, feeling that her brother was taking the opportunity to retaliate.

"That's what they say. Even so, you can't understand everything! When the time comes, people will be fooled and they won't even know." Song Dalang did not give up and continued his good-tempered persuasion.

"Come on, if you want to take revenge on me, just tell me why you did so much." Song Yunxi didn't listen and rolled her eyes.

"Okay, okay, just think that I want to take revenge on you!" Song Dalang felt that she couldn't make sense, so he rolled his eyes angrily and didn't want to deal with this annoying sister.

(End of this chapter)

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