Chapter 91

Therefore, many of them can only marry into their wives, which is already the best ending for men.Isn't that what Wang Da in their village is like?
This is still a man, and the world is inherently harsher on women.It would only be worse if it were a woman.

But she had harmed her brother after all, so she couldn't sympathize with her plight.

When Mrs. Tao heard what Mr. Song said, it was not good to cause trouble for the second roommate. According to her idea, she wanted to drive the second roommate out.

After all, there was no reason to leave her enemy's family to watch over her, but Mr. Song's actions made her decision unspeakable.

She even suspected that Mr. Song had already guessed what she was thinking, so he said this.

Mrs. Tao returned to the house full of anger. After all, she wanted to take it out on Song Niandi.But Song Niandi couldn't be found and wanted to kick out the second bedroom. The old man said that she couldn't kick them out.

In the end, my son suffered such injustice in vain and couldn't even take the exam.

She saw how hard her son worked for the two-month provincial examination and always hoped to pass the provincial examination and go to the county examination.

He was still in a coma and didn't know that he couldn't take the exam, otherwise he would be so sad!
Tao, who became more and more angry as he thought about it, could not show his previous calmness. When he saw Song Laosan coming in, he smashed a cup at him.

Song Yunxi who was following behind was startled. Seeing Song Yunxi who suddenly appeared, Tao was also startled and hurriedly got up and hugged Song Yunxi to check and ask questions.

"Did you get hit? Why are you hiding behind your dad?"

Song Yunxi looked at Tao innocently and said, "I didn't hide behind my father. My father was too tall and blocked me."

It is true that Song's father was at least 180 and above according to the standards of Song Yunxi's previous life. With such a tall father, Song Yunxi should also be quite tall.

But I don't know what went wrong. She is now 13 years old and only over 150. She is also very distressed about this.

Before Mrs. Tao could recover from her embarrassment, Mrs. Wang's abuse could be heard in the courtyard.

Just because before leaving, Mr. Song said that if the second wife lost something, it was their second wife's family matter.

Let Mr. Wang resolve this matter himself. If it cannot be resolved, he does not recommend changing the second wife to a wife.

Hearing Mr. Song say this, the Wang family was completely frightened, and they didn't even care about the disappearance of their daughter and the possibility of being exterminated.Now all she can think about is not to be divorced by the Song family. She is already so old and her children are married.

She paused when she thought about getting married, that's not right!If Song Niandi is missing, what will happen to her good son-in-law?
She was stunned when she thought of the son-in-law whom she was very satisfied with and the betrothal gift of 20 taels of silver.

At this time, Su Huiniang came to her and asked for money, and she asked for 20 taels.

"Why, tell me again how much you want?" Wang asked Su Huiniang in disbelief.

"Your daughter took away my 20 taels, which is my private property. You have to return it to me." Su Huiniang said unceremoniously.

"Are you kidding? I don't even have 20 taels. How can you have it? If you really have 20 taels, what kind of good person can you find? I can't find a way to be a concubine for Song Laoer." Wang roared incredulously. She felt that Su Huiniang was Take advantage of the situation.

She felt that her daughter could just talk nonsense if she didn’t know where she was going, and there were no witnesses anyway.

"That's what my brother just gave me." Su Huiniang said anxiously. "Who told you not to keep your own things? How could a little girl like her know where your money is?

It’s not that you were careless. Besides, if you said 20 taels, it was 20 taels. What evidence do you have? Wang said without giving in at all.

"If you don't give me back, go report it to the official." Su Huiniang stamped her foot and said angrily.

"Hey, who are you trying to scare? You should repay it! Just find out how you got this money. Brother, I haven't heard of you having a brother in all the years since you married in Rongshu Village!" Wang didn't know that she was being tricked by Mr. Song. Scared or something, she was suddenly sober now.

Song Yunxi lay on the window and watched with gusto. The Li family and her daughter opposite also watched everything in the courtyard from the window.

Mr. Song, the principal of the house, heard the commotion in the courtyard and said something rare and complimentary: "Ms. Wang is not confused today. As long as she is bitten to death and disowned, she will definitely not dare to see the official."

"How do you know she doesn't dare? What if she really sues the court? What will happen to the reputation of other girls in our Song family!" Mrs. Song said with some worry.

"How can she dare to take the risk and report to the official if she is not very clean herself? If she really dares to report to the official, don't blame me for being cruel." Mr. Song's eyes flashed with a stern look.

"You want to use the same method again." Mrs. Song looked at Mr. Song disapprovingly and said.

"It's a woman's kindness. If she doesn't die, she may be one of our Song family members. Who told her not to open her eyes and provoke our Song family." Mr. Song said indifferently.

After hearing this, Mrs. Song looked at Mr. Song with some fear. She thought of the woman who was forced to die by the Song family's rumors, and she suddenly shuddered in her heart.

"Mom, you see Aunt Su has gone back." Song Yunxi said to Mrs. Tao in surprise as she watched Su Huiniang return to the room as if she had given up.

Mrs. Tao didn't think there was anything wrong. She had already guessed the result.After all, unless Su Huiniang doesn't want to stay in the Song family anymore, she can only admit that the reputation of the female members of the Song family cannot be stained because of her.

If she really ruined the reputation of the female members of the Song family by summoning people from the government, neither she nor the Li family would let her go without waiting for the old man to take action.

Not to mention that there are so many unmarried girls in the clan. As the saying goes, everyone will be prosperous if they gain, and everyone will suffer if they lose.

No matter who of them has a problem, they will always say, oh, it's the Song family member of Rongshu Village.

This is the reason why Mr. Song proposed to exterminate the clan by sending Niandi, because the reputation of the Song family cannot be ruined just because of her.She couldn't afford it.

Therefore, many things will not alert the government at all and they will resolve them privately.The clan's voice has always been stronger than the government's. Some people don't take the government's decisions seriously, but the decisions made by the clan are different.

Once the clan's decision is made, it must be followed.Otherwise, the consequences would be much more serious than those for the government.

Therefore, if you don’t have the confidence to do something, you can only endure it even if you feel dissatisfied.You see, after marrying into the Song family for so many years and giving birth to four girls and a son, Wang is still overwhelmed by Su Huiniang.

I have to say that Niandi's girl is very courageous, but it's a pity that she was born a girl.If a man is well groomed, he may be able to achieve a great career, be ambitious and courageous.

Then he looked at Song Yunxi, who was lying in front of the bed with his butt sticking out and looking out, feeling a little headache and pinching his forehead.

This one of my own is just a child who has not grown up. Usually, at this age, children start getting engaged.But if she were to be engaged to her like this, how could she feel relieved?
(End of this chapter)

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