Chapter 93

"Ah! Why do we have to stay at Yuqing Temple for a few days?" Song Yunxi looked at Mrs. Song in confusion and asked curiously.

"Hey, things have been happening at home recently. I don't know if something happened. I have to go up the mountain to find someone to check." Mrs. Song thought of the bad things at home recently and felt that she didn't know which god she had offended.

Song Yunxi didn't understand what this had to do with staying at Yuqingguan, but she didn't dare to ask.

I could only stand up and accompany Mrs. Song to continue climbing the mountain.When she set foot on Yuqing Temple, the sunset was almost gone, and her legs were trembling.When I passed the last step, I couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

"Is the good believer okay?" The Taoist priest guarding the gate asked quickly as he looked at Song Yunxi who fell.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just need to slow down a bit." Song Yunxi waved her hands quickly.

"Taoist Master is fine. She is just too tired. Don't worry about him. Is Master Yuheng in the temple? We are here to see Master Yuheng." Mrs. Song did not take Song Yunxi who fell to the ground seriously and waved it off. The Taoist priest who was guarding the door waved his hand and asked.

"Good believer, you are so polite. Layman Yuheng is entertaining guests today. If you want to see the layman, I'm afraid you have to wait until tomorrow." The Taoist priest said quickly.

After hearing this, Mrs. Song smiled nonchalantly and said, "Then tomorrow! I wonder if the guest rooms in Guanzhong are still open?"

"It's open. I'll take the devotees there." The Taoist priest heard this and hurriedly led the way. Since the layman Yuheng came to Yuqing Temple, the incense in the temple has become much better.

The Patriarch was also very happy. They all learned Taoism more easily than before.It’s really thanks to the lay people.

As soon as you enter the Taoist temple, you can feel that the Taoist palaces are numerous and beautiful built on the mountains; the landscape of the blessed land and the facilities are beautiful and strange.

In the Taoist temple, wisps of incense rose.The statues of gods are solemn and solemn, and believers and good women kneel on the ground to pray for their families, make wishes, and seek peace.

The wishing tree was even hung with dense red silk, which made the tall trees bend slightly.

Passing through the main hall is a quiet path, which is quiet and peaceful unlike the busy front yard.

There is a large bamboo forest in front of the quiet path, but the bamboo here looks very strange and is actually purple.Song Yunxi couldn't help but curiously asked the Taoist leader leading the way. "Why is this bamboo purple?"

"Ah, this bamboo forest is the place where layman Yuheng rests. This bamboo is a precious species specially brought by layman Yuheng from far away.

Originally there was only one seedling. It took everyone's careful care over the years to get this small piece. It can be regarded as a major feature of our Yuqing Temple. "

The Taoist priest was obviously a little more proud when he mentioned this purple bamboo forest. After all, bamboos are not common these days, let alone purple bamboo.

Mrs. Song was also a little surprised when she looked at this piece of purple bamboo forest. She was not an old lady who had never seen the world, but she remembered the time before she left for Beijing.Once upon a time, a purple bamboo seedling was sold for a sky-high price. Unexpectedly, it was bought by Yuheng.

In the time they were talking, they arrived at the guest house. "Since the good believer guest house has arrived, I will go to the front first."

The Taoist priest said hello and left quickly. After all, this was a place reserved for women. It would not be good for her to stay here all the time.

Mrs. Song quickly thanked the Taoist priest and then led Song Yunxi into the courtyard.

It was not her first time to come to Yuqing Temple, so she was quite familiar with everything inside.

Mrs. Song quickly put away her things and took Song Yunxi to the dining hall to see if dinner was served.Of course, Song Yunxi felt that it was not very good to eat and drink together like this.But she is really hungry!So I had no choice but to be shameless and go to the dining hall with Mrs. Song.Fortunately, the time they went there was just right, but when Song Yunxi saw the food in the dining hall, her face suddenly fell.

Because there may not be anything good in the current situation, the dining hall only makes thick flour pancakes and wild vegetables.

Holding a plate of green wild vegetables in her hand, Song Yunxi's face turned green.She felt like she was cheated by her breasts, and she stared at her breasts silently without saying a word.

Perhaps sensing her resentment, Mrs. Song looked up at her and cursed angrily. "How do you know if it tastes good or not if you don't taste it?"

Song Yunxi thought for a while and it seemed that this was the case, and then tentatively picked up a chopstick of wild vegetables.

How should I put it? It just feels like this!Just ordinary wild vegetables, um, it's good for her to coax her.

But Song Yunxi, who had been hungry for a long time, ate even ordinary wild vegetables that were very delicious at this time.

Mrs. Song saw her eating without saying anything, and she breathed a sigh of relief.After all, she was careless and didn't think of preparing breakfast today.

I feel wronged for this child, who is thirsty, hungry and tired after walking so long.However, this child does lack practice, now that he is so tired.Thinking about Mrs. Song, she shook her head.

Song Yunxi didn't pay attention to Mrs. Song's actions. She was struggling with the food on the table.

They had a good meal soon, and Mrs. Song wanted to take Song Yunxi to visit Yuqing Temple.However, Song Yunxi was unwilling and had to give up and went back to the yard to rest.

As soon as Song Yunxi got on the bed, she couldn't help but close her eyes, and fell asleep because she couldn't bear it anymore.

She had never snored, but she started to snore surprisingly, but she didn't know it because she was asleep.

Early in the morning, the crow of a big rooster pierced the darkness and woke up everyone in their slumber.Yuqingguan, which was originally very quiet, suddenly became lively, with people practicing kung fu and reading morning classes.

Mrs. Song, who was awakened by the rooster, originally wanted to go next door to wake her granddaughter up.But thinking that she was indeed tired yesterday, and they were already here and were not in a hurry to see anyone.

Since the death of her master, she has not contacted her husband for many years.After all, Mr. is so powerful that nothing can be hidden from him.

Her husband has always been the goal she pursues, but unfortunately, that is a height she will never reach in her entire life.

While I was thinking about it, the sun had already risen, but there was no sign of the door to the yard next door being opened.

Mrs. Song quickly ran over to Su, who was probably Zhong Shi, and knocked on the door.But this time Song Yunxi was too sleepy. Although she was conscious, her body was still sleepy and she didn't want to get up.

So Mrs. Song's hands clapped outside were almost red, and Song Yunxi had no intention of coming out.

So in the end, Mrs. Song had no choice but to attack the door.

He opened the door and went inside, looking at his granddaughter sleeping obediently inside.After all, the anger I was feeling was not vented.

She knew it was not easy to get here yesterday, so she just walked over and gently pushed Song Yunxi.But maybe her movements were too gentle, and Song Yunxi still had no intention of thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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