Chapter 95

"Well, it is true. But you probably won't come to me for such trivial matters." Hearing this, Master Yuheng didn't take Mrs. Song's inquiry to heart.

"Sir, you also know that I have been silent for a long time, and the people and forces under me are not the same. It is not helpful to the general situation." After hearing this, Mrs. Song gritted her teeth and said.

"Why do you want to quit?" Upon hearing this, Master Yu Heng immediately understood what she meant.

"I'm not of much use to the organization, am I? And I'm no longer young, no matter what I do or what I do, I am always inferior to young people." Mrs. Song replied respectfully.

"Qingmei! We have been cooperating for a long time!" Layman Yuheng said with emotion after hearing this.

Mrs. Song didn't know what Master Yuheng meant, so she lowered her head and didn't answer.
Seeing that she didn't answer, Lay Practitioner Yu Heng wasn't angry at all. He just said lightly, "After entering this realm, it's so easy to get out.

You can quit if you want, I think your granddaughter is pretty good.Didn't you bring her here because you wanted her to inherit your position?

It’s better to keep her!I feel like this girl and I are somewhat destined. " Layman Yuheng touched his beard and said calmly.

Mrs. Song's face turned aside when she heard this. She didn't understand that her husband was warning her.He quickly knelt on the ground and did not dare to speak.

The layman Yu Heng glanced at her lightly and said, "Just think about it, if the young master succeeds, you will be a minister of merit. Even though you can't be crowned king and prime minister like a man, you can still benefit your descendants, right?"
And I heard that my useless apprentice has a crush on your granddaughter? "

Mrs. Song lowered her head and didn't dare to answer. She didn't know what he meant.

"I took a look and found that your granddaughter is very lucky. These two are a good match. I think they make a good couple. What do you think of Qingmei?" Layman Yuheng took a sip of tea from the cup and looked at Kneeling Old Mrs. Song asked.

Song Yunxi, who was staying outside, was counting ants boredly. She didn't know what she wanted to say to the layman Yuheng alone.

But I have to say that the layman Yuheng is really scary, his eyes can see through her.It's so scary that such a person is actually Mr. Wei's master.

Thinking of Wei Changyun, Song Yunxi's little face couldn't help but feel hot.

After her brother was poisoned, he came to see her again and secretly called her out to give her a hairpin.

It's even more like her promise to invite a matchmaker to come to her house to get engaged when he is a child, and to marry her when he becomes a scholar.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but touch the hairpin on her head. She didn't feel any loss at all to be able to marry such a handsome young man.

Thinking about her previous life, she was so focused on her work that she was so old that she didn't even tell her about her first love and was afraid of being laughed at.

It's not like no one introduced her, but they were all reduced to a blind date and naturally turned out to be weird.

Fortunately, God is fair, and this can be regarded as a different kind of compensation for her.

As she thought about it, Song Yunxi couldn't help but stay where she was and giggled. She felt particularly excited thinking about her beautiful and happy life in the future.

So when Mrs. Song came out with a pale face, she saw her granddaughter squatting somewhere and not knowing what she was doing.

Mrs. Song, who was still giggling, and who was still looking at it, suddenly became very angry.

He slapped her from behind and said, "Why are you giggling here?"

Song Yunxi was in her fantasy when she was slapped unexpectedly and her whole body felt bad.

She knew who it was without looking back now, so she didn't know what was going on, but maybe it was easy to hit her recently.

No matter what, she still had to take two hits, which was impossible before.So she couldn't help complaining, "Miscellaneous, am I the granddaughter you love the most?" "No, you are not." Mrs. Song looked at her funny granddaughter angrily.

"Nai, are you done talking? Has Master Yuheng agreed to teach my brother?" Song Yunxi looked at her milk curiously.

When Mrs. Song heard this, she froze and said, "My husband said that he is not planning to accept any more disciples. Young Master Wei is also lucky. It just so happens that my husband wants to accept a disciple. This is really unenviable."

"Why do you call him sir! Is he a teacher?" Song Yunxi asked curiously.

"No, this is an honorific for him." Mrs. Song replied seriously.

"Is he very powerful? Why are you looking for him? Is it really just because of big brother?" Song Yunxi looked at Old Mrs. Song curiously with her big eyes open.

When Mrs. Song heard this, she did not answer the question but changed the subject and said, "Let's go!"

Time flies, they have been back from Yuqingguan for almost a week. Ever since they came back, Song Yunxi always felt that her grandma was acting strange.

Sometimes I would stare at myself in a daze, like when I just found a family of grandmothers staring at me in a daze.Song Yunxi was even frightened, fearing that the layman Yuheng had said something.

Later, after several trials, I found out that it didn't seem to be the case, and I gradually felt relieved.

Today, Mrs. Song stared blankly at Song Yunxi's background in the yard.

After all, Song Yunxi couldn't help but turned her head and looked at Mrs. Song in confusion and asked, "Nai, what's wrong with you! Is there something on me?"

Mrs. Song looked at Song Yunxi with some confusion and said, "It's okay, I just want to see you."

When Song Yunxi heard this, she could only run to her brother's room.

"What's wrong with you? You feel like something is chasing you from behind?" Song Dalang, who was lying on the bed so weak that he couldn't even get up, looked at his sister who ran in in a panic with some confusion.

Song Yunxi looked at Song Dalang, who was lying on the bed with a pale face and no strength to speak, and couldn't help scolding Song Niandi in her heart.

It was true that her brother provoked him to provoke her, since she was so cruel to her brother.

She didn't know where she went and left, but what about them?Originally, although my brother was injured, he would definitely recover before the exam. My brother had been preparing for this exam for more than two years.

As a result, I can't even get up now.Although her brother didn't say it, she could understand her brother's discomfort. How lively her brother used to be!
"It's okay, brother, I came here in a hurry." Song Yunxi looked at her weak brother and didn't want to annoy him. Besides, it wasn't a big deal.

Song Dalang stopped saying anything after hearing her answer, and just stared at the roof in a daze.

When Song Yunxi saw her brother like this, her eyes sore and she almost shed tears.So he said, "Brother, if everything is fine, we can still go next year. Don't be like this."

Hearing this, Song Dalang looked at Song Yunxi and said, "Erya, you don't understand. If you miss this time, my brother will have to wait for three years! My brother is already 15 this year. If he waits for three years, he will be 18! If he can pass the exam, he will be [-]." Not yet."

Song Yunxi's face became a little heavy when she heard this. She always thought that this kind of exam was an annual test.I didn’t expect it to happen every three years.

"There are still two months, maybe I can do it." Song Dalang murmured hopefully.

 Thanks for the recommendation vote of Ordinary Life, Dark Starry Night.thank you baby


(End of this chapter)

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