Chapter 97

Mrs. Tao scratched her head with a headache when she saw Song Yunxi's appearance. They were really two ancestors collecting debts.

Mrs. Wei was a little surprised when she heard this, but she also noticed the way Tao looked at Song Yunxi.

She guessed something and shook her head amusedly.

“It’s good for kids to have ideas, and it’s okay as long as they feel they can trust them.”

Song Yunxi looked up at Mrs. Wei in surprise when he heard this. In modern times where the past life was so developed, there were not many people who could truly be open-minded, let alone now.

I have to say that Mrs. Wei's thoughts are really avant-garde.

Mrs. Tao smiled a little forcedly when she heard this. She didn't quite agree with Mrs. Wei's words, but she was an elder after all.

During the conversation, the door to the examination room opened and everyone inside came out.Because it is only a boy's test, it is not as difficult and harsh as the scholar test.

But even so, the candidates who came out were all in low spirits.

Each one of them seemed to have had their souls sucked dry by goblins. Seeing them like this, Tao's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Those of them who were not injured were in this state, so what would happen if their son was so seriously injured!

Suddenly he looked around anxiously to see if he could find his son.

When he noticed his son being supported by Wei Changyun, he immediately rushed forward anxiously.

While beating him, he cursed, "You disobedient bastard, you didn't listen when I told you not to come. Look what has become of this. I won't take care of you two until I get back."

Everyone in the Wei family was a little embarrassed at this time, so they quickly said hello to Song Sanlang and left with Wei Changyun.

When Wei Changyun left, he glanced at Song Yunxi, a little worried whether his little girl would be punished.

Mrs. Tao didn't pay attention to the Wei family who left. At this time, all her attention was on her son, who was pale and couldn't muster any strength.

Mrs. Tao, who was supporting her son, could no longer hold back her tears.

Tao, who always cares about his image and seldom curses, couldn't help but curse.
"My son is really unlucky for eight lifetimes to have a cousin like this. He is really a girl seeking death. She must have run fast or I would have torn her alive."

"It's nothing to be like this at such a young age. It's caused my son to become like this. What kind of mother can teach what kind of daughter? The same goes for the daughter she handed over because she didn't follow the rules of a woman..."

"Shut up, this is outside." Song Laosan, who couldn't stand it, scolded him quickly. After that, he looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when no one noticed.

Mrs. Tao stopped talking after hearing this, and she also knew that what she said was inappropriate.But she was really angry, if she didn't have a daughter herself and cared about her daughter's reputation.

She would definitely ruin her reputation, but she couldn't do that as she had a daughter of her own.

So when she ran away, she could only break her teeth and swallow it in her stomach, otherwise she would also harm her daughter.

No matter how much she hated her, she couldn't do anything about it. What happened to her son today made her unable to bear it any longer.

That girl didn't know where to go, leaving her son to suffer such a terrible crime.

Every time I think of her, I feel particularly uncomfortable. After troubled Mr. Wang several times, she directly said that she did not have such a daughter.She is not her daughter, what can she do?

The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.He didn't care that he was outside, so he didn't care about other people's strange looks.

Song Sanlang didn't know what his wife was thinking, but Nian's brother had already left the family, and his father had also taken Nian's brother away from the clan.What does the daughter-in-law want to do? The second child and the second daughter-in-law are innocent after all.

If the two of her were involved, he would definitely not let them go, but the fact was that they were innocent.

My daughter-in-law always blames herself for not venting her anger on her son, but why is she afraid that my daughter-in-law will always be thinking about this matter.

Her parents had brought Er Er and the others back to Rongshu Village, what else did she want to do.

I feel sorry for my child too!But you can’t be unreasonable!So just pretend that I didn’t see Tao’s tears.

Song Yunxi, on the other hand, hurriedly went to comfort her mother and apologized to her mother.

"Mom, don't cry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have lied to you with my brother. I shouldn't have listened to my brother and helped him hide it from you. I was found out."

"Mom, don't cry. It's all my son's fault. My son is useless and makes my mother sad.

It’s just that my son has been waiting for this exam for three years and he really can’t wait for the next three years. "

"In three years' time, my son will be 18 and start a family. If he doesn't have any fame,

My son is unwilling!I can take the exam at this time, but if I can’t pass it, that’s it.It was also because his son was not capable enough, so he finally let it go. "Song Dalang explained to his mother in a weak tone.

He didn't explain, but once he did, Tao's tears started to flow even more fiercely, saying, "Weird mothers are all mothers who have no ability."

Song Sanlang felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, and the balance in his heart unconsciously tilted like his son.

Suddenly I felt that what my wife did was right. No matter what, it was the girl from the second wife who hurt her child.

It is the fault of a son not to teach his father, and there is no problem for a daughter-in-law to target Mr. Wang.

"How can you blame me? Mother, please stop crying. Mother will definitely get a good name for her son and let her live a good life." Song Dalang said with an effortful smile.

"Hey, my mother's son is the most powerful. Mother believes that my son will definitely be able to gain fame." Hearing this, Mrs. Tao looked at Song Dalang with some emotion and said.

"And me, mother, if you wait for your daughter, I will definitely let mother live a good life." Song Yunxi patted her chest and promised.

When Mrs. Tao heard this, she burst into tears and said with a smile, "You, you, you are a good mother, waiting for my daughter to let me live a good life."

Song Sanlang was unable to intervene. At first he didn't want to speak, but later he couldn't.

His face suddenly turned ugly, after all, neither his son nor his daughter mentioned him.He felt very unhappy.

Tao noticed his emotions but did not comfort him. The affection between them had already been exhausted when he turned to his second brother again and again.

However, in these short two months, she has learned a lot of things in common. It's ridiculous that she tried to persuade her sister-in-law in the first place, but in the end she was not as good as her sister-in-law.

That's all, her son is already this old.Since my mother-in-law's family was strong enough, she wouldn't rely on him. From now on, she would just focus on her two sons and daughter.

Didn't I prepare myself mentally many years ago? People are forgetful.Some of his good deeds over the years have almost made me forget what kind of person he is.

At her age, she could be a grandmother in many places. If her son hadn't taken the imperial examination, maybe her grandchildren would be out now.

The age of love has long passed, so be it!
In this way, the group of people returned home with their own thoughts. Mrs. Tao helped her son lie on the bed and gave instructions to her daughter. "Erya, go find a doctor and show your brother."

(End of this chapter)

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