Chapter 1 Personal pet
Various soups were spilled on the damp ground and fermented over time, giving off an unpleasant stench.

A group of people were punching and kicking the man huddled together on the ground like crazy, but the man no longer had any life left in him.

She had never suffered such pain before, the pain in her body penetrated into her internal organs, the pain that eroded her bones and penetrated her marrow.

Drowsily, there was a man standing in front of her, looking at her with resentment in his eyes, "Su Ho, you got your wish, you will never hear his voice again in this life!"

The fists and kicks that landed on her fiercely seemed to be threatening her life.

Before she lost consciousness, she thought vaguely that if people can turn into evil ghosts because of their resentment after death, then she will definitely become a evil ghost, skinning and cramping them inch by inch, making their lives worse than death...

When Su Ho woke up with a start, his back was soaked with sweat, and his breathing was irregular.

This dream had haunted her for five years, and it was like experiencing those things over and over again every time.

After waiting for a while, she turned her head and glanced blankly out the window. The plane had landed and was taxiing.

As soon as I left the airport, I saw a group of people standing straight at the exit.

Even people from the airport security department were there, acting as if they were trying to pick up some big shot.

After gathering his emotions for a while, he walked over and asked in a cold voice, "Why is there such a big battle?"

She didn't tell anyone about her return to China. After the negotiation, which took more than half a month, was completed and the cooperation was finalized, she booked a flight to return to China.

The intense workload during this period made her whole body tense, and she was much thinner than when she left to go abroad. Her whole body became colder and colder. When she saw these people, her eyes were full of impatience.

The person standing directly opposite her was about to speak, but someone spoke first, with a pleading tone, "Ancestor, please leave me a way to survive. If something happens to you, I will have to follow your fate."

Hearing this, Su Ho smiled faintly and said, "It's not as serious as you think."

The person in front of him immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this, "Do you know that many people are watching your life?"

Su Ho heard the worry in his words and said quietly, "It's easy to kill me, but if I die, it won't be easy to clean up the mess behind."

When she was about to die, she was taken out of the prison and followed Qin He, the eldest son of the Qin family. In just five years, she was known in Zhoucheng as the most loyal dog around the eldest son Qin.

During the day, she was a ruthless and decisive personal assistant. At night, when no one saw her, she was Qin He's personal "single pet" on his bed.

In the past five years, she has done too many things for Qin He, blocking people's money, taking people's food, and becoming a thorn in the side of many people, so there are many people who want her life.

Five years ago and now, she has been crawling around in shopping malls for so many years. What kind of scene has she not seen?

He even almost went to see the Lord of Hell for Qin He, how could he be afraid now because of those little people?Qin He's assistant Chi Cheng looked at the people around him who were speechless by Su He, and then he said, "Mr. Qin was originally going to pick you up in person, but before departure, someone suddenly came up, so he could only Let me come."

Su Ho hummed lightly.

With Qin He's current status, if he wants to give him some face, then the other party must be a big shot.

So she didn't ask any more questions and walked out.

After getting in the car, Chi Cheng reported on his recent visit to the company and his work as usual, and answered several questions raised by Su Ho.

After everything was handed over, Chi Cheng imitated the person from the Airport Supervision Department and said, "You should bring someone with you from now on. If there really is something wrong, all of us below will have to go see the Lord of Hell." ”

Su Ho was looking down at the information in his hand. When he heard these words, he turned his head and looked over, and called out lightly, "Chishu."

Chi Cheng immediately closed his mouth, sat up straight, and stopped talking.

"It's okay if uninformed people add fuel to the fire. Why are you joining in the fun?"

When he said this, Su Ho's face returned to that cold tone, and his only smile faded away.

After returning to the company and dealing with a lot of things, Su Ho drove back to Xiyuan.

This is Qin He's private residence and a villa area developed by the Qin family. It is surrounded by separate villas and is highly confidential.

The housing prices here are among the highest in the entire city. When Su He helped Qin He acquire this land, he put in a lot of thought and effort. There were countless people behind the scenes who wanted to drink her blood and eat her. Meat.

Parked the car in the garage, and as soon as he got out of the car, Uncle Chen greeted him, "Miss Su, you are back."

Uncle Chen was arranged by Mr. Qin to take care of Qin He, and he could be regarded as watching Qin He grow up. He was said to be a housekeeper, but in fact he was regarded as an elder.

Su Ho responded, took a look at the time and said, "Go and rest, don't worry about me."

But Uncle Chen stubbornly welcomed her in and said warmly, "I've asked someone to prepare some food for you. Eat some before you rest?"

In fact, Su Ho had no appetite at all. She hadn't eaten a bite since setting off, but she couldn't bear to see the smile on the old man's face, so she nodded.

As soon as she took off her coat and sat at the dining table, there was an engine sound outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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