Chapter 100 Help me get her back

"Su Ho!" Qin He shouted, stood up, supported the person, raised his foot and kicked the person in front of him away.

Chi Cheng has already got out of the car.

Fortunately, due to various things during this period, Chi Cheng arranged for someone to follow them.

As soon as something happened here, people following them rushed up.

When Chi Cheng saw Su He's condition, his expression changed slightly, "Mr. Qin, send Miss Su to the hospital first. I'll handle it here."

Qin He's eyes turned red.

The wound on Su Ho's waist was bleeding profusely, and the bright red blood looked very scary.

"Su Ho! Hold on!"

He looked at Su Ho's name over and over again.

But the person in his arms didn't react at all.

In a daze, he heard someone calling him, "Mr. Qin, we are doing our best, please forgive me!"

What does it mean to try your best?
Isn’t Suho good?

Why do you ask for condolences?

Su Ho couldn't die like that!

She would never die like this!

He reached out to grab the doctor like crazy, "She can't be dead! It's impossible!"

"She won't die!"

"will not!"

The hospital corridor suddenly became quiet.

There was a faint sob.

Why did Su Ho die?

How could she die?

I repeated these two sentences in my mouth several times.

The doctor's words rang out again, "We have tried our best, please have our condolences!"

Qin He gasped and suddenly woke up. Who was in his arms?

I could vaguely feel that my temples on both sides were soaked, and even my back was covered with sweat.

He lay on the bed in a daze and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It wasn't until Uncle Chen's voice came from the door that Qin He came back to his senses and responded hoarsely.

Then he got up and got into the bathroom.

The cold water poured down on his head, and Qin He closed his eyes.

All I can think about is what the doctor said in the dream: We tried our best, please forgive me!

Suho is dead!

He felt that he was not the kind of person who would get stuck in memories.

But now he actually misses the past a little bit.

Missing the person who was always by his side.

He has been busy over the years and has experienced so many things.

The people around you are either after money or power.

Only Su Ho only cares about him.

But he has never really paid attention to her.

He even treated her as a dispensable person.

But she was by his side all the time.No matter how difficult or difficult it was, she never left.

Thinking of last night's dream, he opened his eyes suddenly, and without even having time to drink the water, he stepped out of the bathroom, hurriedly put on a bath towel and went downstairs.

Uncle Chen was preparing breakfast. When he heard the noise, he turned around and looked over. He was shocked when he saw Qin He's outfit, "What's wrong?"

"What about her?"

The question was so abrupt that Uncle Chen was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and replied, "Assistant Chi hasn't come here yet today."

"I'm not asking about Chi Cheng."

This time Uncle Chen was completely stunned, "That's..."

"Where is Su Ho? Where is she?"

Uncle Chen looked at Qin He for a long time before speaking, "Master, have you forgotten that Miss Su has left and she is no longer here?"

Qin He's face darkened, "No, she clearly came back last night!"

"But Master, no one came to the house last night."

Even Chi Cheng left directly after sending Qin He to the door.

Qin He stood on the stairs, seemingly unaware of what Uncle Chen said.

After a long while, he turned around and walked up, "You may be asleep, she is back."

Uncle Chen stood there and looked at Qin He's back, his eyes turning red.

It's obvious that he cares, so why does he have to wait until the person is gone to realize his feelings?
But now that everyone is gone, what's the use of caring anymore?
On the day Su Ho left, Qin He threw away the ring on his hand.

Put on an expression that said I was finally free.

But after a while, he went downstairs, silently picked up the lost ring and took it upstairs.

Sometimes, no matter how straightforward others say it, it's not as clear as your own.

Only when you know what you want in your heart can you make the decisions you need to make.

Uncle Chen had said before that he hoped Qin He would not regret it.

Now it seems that Qin He regrets it.

Belated love is cheaper than grass.

What's the use of regretting it?
After Qin He went upstairs, he searched every room.

Bathroom, dressing room, kitchen.

But any place where people could stand was not spared.

But nothing was found.

He even turned on his computer and checked the surveillance at home.

No one has come in since he came in last night.

He just sat in front of the computer, staring blankly at the surveillance screen.

It turns out that him holding her last night was all a dream...

Uncle Chen was worried, so he came up to take a look.

Seeing Qin He sitting in front of the computer and staring at the surveillance camera, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Uncle Chen, it turns out that as the saying goes, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer the consequences. This is not true at all."

Qin He's voice was hoarse, "You told me not to do anything I regret before, and warned me that she is the most suitable person for me, but I always feel that I have to find someone who I know and love each other, because in this way, I won't end up with my parents." But now I realize that fitness is the most important thing.”

Uncle Chen looked at his red eyes and felt distressed, "Master, if you feel..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin He suddenly reached for the cell phone on his side and dialed Chi Cheng's number.

His tone was usually light, but today his tone was a bit pleading. He said, "Chi Cheng, can you help me? Help me find Su Ho and get her back."

(End of this chapter)

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