Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 103 Her first love is me

Chapter 103 Her first love is me

There is nothing inappropriate about Lu Hao's attitude.

He even spoke politely to Qin He.

After Lu Geng left, Chi Cheng didn't dare to look at Qin He's face.

The store manager also said hello and ran away as if Qin He would embarrass him.

According to Chi Cheng's understanding of Qin He, he was really afraid that Qin He would rush in like this.

As a result, Qin He stood at the door for a while, then turned and walked out.

Seeing this, Chi Cheng quickly followed.

After walking to the other side of the road, Chi Cheng was about to tell him to wait here for a while when he heard Qin He say, "Go back first."

Chi Cheng was stunned, "Aren't you going back?"

Lu Hao has talked to such an extent that Qin He will definitely not be able to enter today.

"Don't go back yet, I have something else I want to talk to Xu Nuo about."

Chi Cheng knew his temper and hesitated, "Then I'll go with you."

Anyway, because he was looking for Su Ho during this period, he had nothing to do.

He simply followed Qin He and waited by the roadside.

Qin He stood for a while, turned his head and asked Chi Cheng for a cigarette.

Chi Cheng put aside the gift box he was carrying and sat down on the stone pier in an inconspicuous manner.

Qin He lit a cigarette and turned around to sit on the stone pier.

He held a cigarette, looked in the direction of the hotel with half-squinted eyes, and suddenly said, "Do you also have something to say, but you have never told me?"

At this moment, Chi Cheng could feel that Qin He's tone was that of talking to friends first, so he relaxed and nodded truthfully.

"Let's talk about it now?"

Chi Cheng glanced at Qin He's face and held a cigarette for himself, "Actually, I thought the same thing at first about what Dr. Lu said just now. I thought you don't like Miss Su, so why go there?" Looking for her?"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Qin He's fingers.

He watched Qin He take off the ring and throw it away on the day Su Ho left.

I don’t know when I picked it up and put it on again, but it doesn’t matter.

"I have never seen you wearing jewelry other than watches before, so when I saw a ring on your hand for the first time, the first thing I thought of was Miss Mu. After all, you brought everyone back. Xiyuan, and you cared about her meticulously during that time, so I thought you and Miss Mu must be settled."

"But when I said congratulations, your reaction didn't seem to be that way. But except for Miss Mu, I really can't think of anyone else, especially Miss Su... I didn't even dare to think about it." Qin He was like a listener tonight. Like the others, when Chi Cheng was talking, he didn't interrupt a word and listened quietly.

Chi Cheng saw that he was so calm tonight, so he became more open-minded, "Besides, I think you have actually cared about Miss Su from a long time ago, but you didn't realize it yourself, and even your behavior only concealed it. The eyes of others make others think that the person you like is Miss Mu, but then think about it carefully, besides Miss Su, who do you indulge in so much that you accept whatever she does?"

Chi Cheng seemed to have thought of something and chuckled, "And your face has never been hit by anyone other than Miss Su in your life, right?"

Mentioning this matter, Qin He also showed a smile on his lips and shook his head, "My parents didn't, and neither did my grandpa. She is the only one who can beat me and still be unharmed."

He didn't pay attention to these details before, but now he thinks about it.

Every detail was a sign that he cared about Su Ho, but he chose to ignore it.

He gave Su Ho too many exceptions and even gave her too many privileges that no one else could have.

Among the people around him, Su Ho was the only one who knew everything about the Qin family.

He never hid anything from her.

Everyone said that it was Su Ho who kept pestering him and scheming at every turn.

But if he hadn't indulged her, how could she have persisted?How can we have the opportunity to plot and plot at every turn?

He was not innocent in this entanglement.

Chi Cheng finished his cigarette, put out the cigarette butt, and then continued, "To be fair, her temper or the things she did before were indeed a bit over the line, but at that time she seemed to have emerged from the quagmire. When I crawled out of my house, I didn’t feel any sense of security. I only had you by my side, so I became more attached to you, but this time..."

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Qin He asked, "What this time?"

"I think your fault is your fault this time. If you like someone, you like someone with all your heart, and then she brings her first love home and takes care of you everywhere, how would you feel?"

Qin He frowned, "Her first love is me."

Chi Cheng: "..."

He thought he heard something just now, but as soon as these words came out, he suddenly didn't want to talk anymore.

After being silent for a long time, Chi Cheng pressed his tongue against his back molars and said, "It's not about who her first love was, it's about what you did was wrong. Do you understand what I mean?"

Qin He glanced at his face and suddenly laughed, "A single dog of ten thousand years knows quite a lot."

Chi Cheng: "???"

Why are you attacking me personally?
He has been single for ten thousand years, who does he depend on?

However, Chi Cheng looked at his relaxed expression and didn't say a word.

After all, he hasn't had such a relaxed expression on his face since Su Ho left.

(End of this chapter)

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