Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 106: Lost the arrogance of the past

Chapter 106: Lost the arrogance of the past
Those people were probably thinking of the Wei family, so they acted with some mercy, and the injuries they suffered were all superficial injuries.

The heaviest part is probably the head.

She swung a bottle at someone, and they swung a bottle at her, so it was even.

Qin He waited until someone came out of the emergency room and was sent to the ward before he stepped in.

Now Wei Yun has not only lost weight, but even the little bit of pride he had in the past is gone.

The whole person looked lifeless and without any vitality.

Qin He looked at her for a few seconds, then sat down on the chair next to the bed.

Just when he was about to speak, Wei Yun suddenly asked, "Why did you choose to help me?"

Qin He has never mentioned his relationship with Wei Yun.

The only ones who knew about it were Su Ho and Chi Cheng.

In the past, Wei Yun was always polite and respectful when meeting Qin He, because she knew that she could not afford to offend Qin He.

Now there is no fear, and the eyes looking at Qin He are cold.

"Come to think of it, you have to call me cousin."

When Wei Yun heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked uncertainly, "What did you say?"

"I said if we want to talk about it, you have to call me cousin." Qin He met her eyes and said, "Your mother is my aunt."

Wei Yun has never been clear about this relationship.

After all, from the time she was born until she became sensible, no one had ever mentioned the relationship between her mother and Mrs. Qin.

Now that Leng Buding heard it from Qin He, she didn't know what kind of reaction she should make other than being shocked.

The two of them waited for a long time, staring at each other, before Wei Yun said hoarsely, "Is that why you helped the Wei family take me back to the Wei family?"

"At the beginning you..."

"Since you wanted to help me, why did you choose Wei Jia later? To cooperate with Wei Jia?"

As he spoke, Wei Yun sneered, "In that case, why did you help them find me in the first place? Wouldn't it be better for me to just die outside?"

Qin He looked at her and frowned slightly, "I'm sorry."

Wei Yun was filled with anger and suddenly couldn't vent it out.

It was too magical for Qin He to say sorry to her in such a humble way.

She didn't even know how to answer the call.

The ward suddenly became immersed.

After a while, Wei Yun said hoarsely, "Why? Since they also wanted to find me back, why did they leave me out of the plan? If they didn't want me to interfere with the Wei family's affairs, then why did they bring me back? ? I have worked hard for so many years, but in the end I didn’t say anything and it became a joke." Wei Yun laughed as he spoke, "It was clearly them who took me back to the Wei family in person at the beginning, but how come I became a joke in the end? Where is the evil one?"

Wei Yun never understood that she worked so hard to get along with them, but they treated her as a dispensable person.

Anyone who owns a dog will have feelings for it.

But they raised it, only thought of it and played with it a few times in their spare time, and then forgot about it.

But now, she is worse than a dog.

Listening to what Wei Yun said, Qin He couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

If he had not gone to help the Wei family to bring Wei Yun back, Wei Yun might not have a wealthy life now, but at least he would be happy, not as miserable as he is now.

In fact, it is not that he has never thought of helping Wei Yun, but Wei Yun is too competitive. Even if he pushes her to the position of the Wei family's leader, according to Wei Yun's temperament, one day she may be even worse than now.

After all, he couldn't help her all his life.

Wei Yun leaned on the bed, his eyes dull, "You should have known how my mother died a long time ago, right? Then since she is your aunt, why are you indifferent? Why have you been so close to the Wei family all these years? ? Don’t you have any family affection in your heart? "

"You all know how she died, but no one told me, keeping me in the dark."

"Even Su Yuan knows, but I don't know anything, and even..."

When Su Yuan was mentioned, Wei Yun's eyes instantly turned red. She took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and then said in a trembling voice, "Why does he want to do so many things for me? Why..."

Wei Yun really couldn't say the next words, and he completely lost control of his emotions. He hugged his knees and started crying.

Qin He didn't go to comfort her, he just sat quietly by the bed.

After her last visit to Su Ho, her life was worse than death.

Originally, the Mu family wanted to help her at first, but then they gradually became alienated.

Especially before Wei Jia completely took over the Wei family, the attitude of the Mu family changed instantly.

They began to have close contact with Wei Jia, and even Mu Jun began to alienate her.

In fact, she knew in her heart that Mu Jun said he liked her because he liked her body and her previous connections.

She had a good relationship with Su Yuan before, and Su Yuan was the person Su He cared about most.

And Su He is Qin He's man.

Now she deserves nothing.

She doesn't deserve Su Yuan's kindness to her, nor does she deserve the promotion and help Su He once gave her, nor does she understand Qin He's good intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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