Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 12 But I have no way out

Chapter 12 But I have no way out
Su Ho made a vague hum and stood up, "Let's go, I'm tired."

Su Yuan followed closely behind him, wanting to say something, but he didn't have any position. He usually talked a lot, but tonight he was as quiet as a chicken, following Su Ho obediently, and didn't say anything again until he got into the car. .

Su Ho glanced at the silent and gloomy man, endured the headache that came over him again, and took the initiative to ask him about what happened at the banquet, "Nothing happened at the banquet tonight, right?"


"very smooth?"

"very smooth."

Su Ho knew that he was still blaming himself for his injury, so he reached out and patted him on the head, "Lied."

Su Yuan turned to look at Su Ho and whispered, "It's nothing serious."

Soon the car stopped at Xiyuan, and Su Yuan got out of the car and helped the person in personally.

"It's too late. Let's stay here tonight." Su Ho put down his bag and turned to look at him.

Su Yuan shook his head decisively, "No, no, I'll go back and live."

He was actually quite afraid of Qin He. If he were here, he would have to be careful when breathing.

Knowing that he was afraid of Qin He, Su Ho didn't force him and asked him to drive slower when he went back.

After Su Yuan left, Su He went directly upstairs.

I took a simple shower and looked at the time after returning to bed. It was already three o'clock in the morning.

Qin He hasn't come back yet.

At this moment, Su Ho's breath completely disappeared and he lay weakly on the bed.

After turning off the lights, the room was dark and cold.

He raised his hand and touched the gauze-wrapped neck. Zhou Wen's fierce and ferocious appearance flashed through his mind, and his headache suddenly became more severe.

The sudden pain made Su Ho groan. Thinking that there was another painkiller at home that he had taken before, he stood up to get it.

Just as he stood up, his vision went dark, and he fell back instantly, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

The pain this time was a bit crazy. No matter how patient Su Ho was, he was already covered in sweat and even curled up in pain.

I don't know how long it took before the pain dissipated a little.

After a while, she pushed herself up, found painkillers, and just took one.

Sitting on the ground leaning against the bed, his breath slowly calmed down, but his whole body was trying to fight a difficult battle, and his whole body was exhausted.

She thought she would feel better after taking the medicine, but it had no effect at all. After a short period of relief, the pain came back again, making her miserable.

It even hurt so much that she hit her head on the bedside table uncontrollably, again and again.

In the end, it hurt so much that I lost consciousness and unconsciously wanted to call that person.

But there was no one else but her in this dark room.

She lay on the ground for a long time, and when the pain completely dissipated, she got up and took another shower, took a cigarette and went to the balcony outside.

She didn't know how to smoke before, but she learned it unknowingly later. She even found that cigarettes were sometimes more effective than painkillers.

She took two puffs but lost the desire to take another puff. She placed the cigarette on the railing and watched the sparks on the cigarette butt flickering in the wind.

As time passed, she lit the remaining cigarettes in the cigarette box and set them aside to watch them ignite spontaneously.

The sky is getting brighter.

Su Ho then stood up and turned back to the bedroom.At seven o'clock, Su Ho heard the sound of cars coming from outside.

More than one.

She got up and walked to the balcony and saw several cars parked in the yard.

Several people got out of the car and moved things from the car in an orderly manner.

She looked at it for a while and then turned around and went back to the bedroom, which didn't seem to affect her.

Just then, the door was knocked.

Su Ho responded hoarsely.

Uncle Chen came in and was about to speak. When he saw Su He, he was stunned for a moment, with a bit of shock in his eyes, "Miss Su, you...are you injured?"

"It's okay." Su Ho pointed out the window, "What's going on down there?"

Only then did Uncle Chen come back to his senses. He was a little embarrassed and couldn't bear it in his eyes. He stumbled and said, "'s Miss Mu. She said she wants to live in Xiyuan for a while."

When he heard this, Su Ho had no unnecessary reaction, as if he had expected it.

At this time, there was the sound of a car again, and Su Ho walked to the balcony and looked down.

It was Qin He's car. The car stopped. Qin He got out of the car and walked around. He bent down and picked up Mu Silan from the car.

Just looking at it, she finally shouted, "Uncle Chen."

Uncle Chen was about to leave, but when he heard Su Ho calling him, he stopped and turned around to look over.

Over the years, he has watched the relationship between Su He and Qin He change.

He always felt that even if it was a piece of stone, it would always be different if two people had been together for so long and fell in love with each other over time.

But now, Uncle Chen feels that there is something wrong with the relationship between Qin He and Su He.

The paying party has always been Suho.

She can do anything for Qin He, and she can also sink into the dust for Qin He.

Even outside, everyone said that Su Ho was a work machine with no heart and no emotions.

Her tenacity made Uncle Chen feel that ordinary men could not match Su Ho.

He had never even seen any sign of weakness or any other expression on her face.

At this time, I saw a little confusion on the face of this always strong and invulnerable person.

It's like I suddenly lost my way and can't find the way out.

at a loss.

"Others say it's yours. No matter what, sooner or later, it's yours. But if it's not yours, even if you try your best and risk everything, it still can't be yours."

Su Ho pursed his lower lip, "Before, I always thought that as long as you pay and have the will, you will eventually get what you want, but now I believe it."

Uncle Chen looked at Su Ho and felt a little bitter in his heart. He wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he didn't know what to say.

"Miss Su..."

Su He watched Qin He call the people in, looked away, looked at Uncle Chen and smiled, "But I have no way out."

(End of this chapter)

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