Chapter 128 Before I die
Su Ho raised her head and looked at him from the screen of her mobile phone. She felt very irritable for some reason, so when Qin He asked her to eat porridge again, he raised his hand and knocked over the bowl.

The porridge was boiling hot, so when it was knocked over, Qin He's first concern was Su Ho and he didn't care about himself at all.

After finishing the porridge on Su Ho, he bent down to clean up the floor, and then raised his eyes to look at her, "Don't you want to eat porridge? What do you want to eat? I'll ask Auntie to prepare it?"

Su Ho said nothing and looked away.

Qin He stood aside for a long time before calling Uncle Chen to come up.

Uncle Chen sighed when he saw the blisters on the back of Qin He's hands, then went downstairs and sent Su Yuan up to deliver the medicine box.

Later, he personally delivered a bowl of porridge, and while Qin He was cleaning in the bathroom, he whispered, "Miss Su, you can ignore everything, but your body is yours, so don't make fun of it."

Su Ho looked at the old man in front of him and nodded after a while.

Uncle Chen didn't stay any longer, sighed and turned to leave.

Su Ho looked at Uncle Chen's leaving figure and felt an indescribable feeling of guilt.

Of course, this feeling of guilt is not for Qin He, but for Chen Shu.

She took a few mouthfuls of porridge and it was just right.
But I really didn’t have much appetite, so I put the bowl down after a few bites.

Qin He came out and saw that she had eaten something by herself, and he felt much better instantly. He stepped forward to open the medicine box and leaned over in a flattering manner, "Su Ho, can you apply some medicine for me?"

Su Ho glanced at him, then turned his back to him without saying a word.

Qin He walked aside like a child, with a friendly smile on his face, "My left hand is inconvenient, please help me..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Ho snatched the medicine from his hand and threw it away, "Go and get it yourself!"

In fact, looking at the blisters on his hands, Su Ho felt as if a stone was weighing on his heart and he couldn't breathe.

Qin He looked at the medicine that was thrown away, and the smile on his face finally couldn't be held back.

He half-crouched in front of Su Ho for a while, then suddenly stepped forward and lay on her lap, whispering, "Su Ho, I'm a little tired, can you let me lean on you?"

"Qin He, you..."

"Uncle is dying."

As soon as he said this, Su Ho raised his hand to push him away, his movements stagnated.

She didn't expect Qin He to be busy with this matter these two days.

Uncle Qin is the only person in the entire Qin family who stands by Qin He's side and supports him.

Although Qin He's own abilities have been strong enough in recent years, if there was no one in such a large Qin family to intimidate him from behind, even if Qin He had three heads and six arms, he would probably have been eaten alive by the monsters in his own family.

When there was internal strife within the Qin family before, it was Uncle Qin who stepped in to suppress it, thus avoiding a bloody battle.Now if Uncle Qin really leaves, then there will definitely be waves within the Qin family again.

In the past few days, while Qin He was taking stock of the Qin family's internal affairs, he also wanted to take stock of Uncle Qin's side to prevent chaos there.

So Qin He basically came back these days just to check on Su He, make sure she was okay, and lie next to her for a while. Then he dared to go to the hospital, then to the company, and even suppressed those in the Qin family who took the opportunity to make noises. .

After a few days, Qin He was already exhausted.

So even he couldn't hold on.

Su Ho didn't give him a good look at this moment, and he felt a little aggrieved for a while.

He put his arms around Su Ho's waist, seemingly with all his strength, but he was worried that he might hurt Su Ho, so he was cautious.

Su Ho's raised hand froze in mid-air for a while before taking it back.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the person lying on her lap holding him. For a moment, she didn't know how to target or resist Qin He who was taking off everything in this way.

He lost his sharpness and strength, showing a kind of weakness that he had never had before.

She didn't know what to do with Qin He like this.

She even felt a little worried.

Uncle Qin meant that Qin He's situation would be in danger again.

Su Ho suddenly felt that he was really hopeless.

She couldn't bear to feel a little distressed when he showed such a little weakness.

In fact, after all, how can there be any relief in this world?Just because I don't want to see myself in such a miserable state, I weave myself a protective net, wrap myself in it, and then deceive myself into thinking that I am safe.

But in fact, she was still exposed to danger without knowing it.

She still felt heartbroken when she saw his face full of exhaustion, seeking comfort like this helplessly.

Suddenly she seemed to be able to understand Su Yong back then.

Even though Zhou Wen had abandoned him like a pair of shoes, he still held her in his heart as a treasure.

After a long while, Su Ho suddenly raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "What do you want me to do for you?"

When Leng Buding heard Su He's words, Qin He raised his head in confusion.

What he met was Su Ho's calm eyes, "While I'm still alive, what can I do to help you? Just ask."

(End of this chapter)

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