Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 137 No matter how difficult it is, I will be with you

Chapter 137 No matter how difficult it is, I will be with you

At this moment, Su Ho couldn't think about it at all, and just responded warmly, "I didn't leave, but I was too busy with work at that time. I finally finished my work, so I wanted to go out for a breather and take a rest." Stop."

After saying this, Su Ho paused and said, "Uncle Wang, do you... have something to ask me about?"

Generally speaking, if Wang Heng hadn't really encountered any difficulties, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to call her.

After all, she could feel Wang Heng's hatred for her back then.

This time he finally took the initiative to call. Su Ho was afraid that it would be difficult for him to speak, so he took the initiative to ask.

Upon hearing Su Ho's inquiry, Wang Heng quickly responded, "It's okay, I'm fine."

After answering, Wang Heng fell silent again.

The more he hesitated like this, the more uneasy Su Ho became. She even had to walk out, preparing to go to City B now.

Just as she raised her feet, Wang Heng's voice came from the mobile phone, "It's either that I have something to do,'s just that everything before has passed. Whether it's your father or your aunt, they must all hope that we all can do it now." Be good, Su Ho, you only have one life, if it's gone, there will be no more."

After hearing this, Su Ho slowly reacted, "Uncle Wang, I..."

"I was impulsive at that time. I can't blame you entirely for that matter. I also have to blame me for not taking good care of Su Ying. It was because I didn't take good care of her that something like that happened. I shouldn't push everything away. In your case, you were far away, how could you possibly stop it in time, it was me, it was my fault."

Su Ho's words were stuck in his throat because of Wang Heng's words.

She opened her mouth but no sound came out.

Wang Heng's voice continued, and he said softly, "Su Ho, I know how difficult it has been for you over the years. You suffered a lot of grievances in order to seek justice for your father and Su Ying, but I still... I don’t understand you, I feel like everything happened to them because of you in the first place.”

"I just... just feel that as long as someone takes responsibility and fault, I can live with peace of mind. The reason why I have not recognized you or interacted with you for so many years is simply because what I did back then was not authentic. I am a Coward, I dare not face the pain of losing Su Ying, so I will impose all that pain on you."

"Uncle Wang, what happened back then is not your fault, it's my problem. If I had answered the phone..."

"Su Ho." Wang Heng interrupted her, "Your aunt has never been in my dreams in these years, because she may think that I have done something wrong, so she resents me and resents me as your only one in this world. Your relatives did not take good care of you and made you suffer so much."

When Su Ho listened to Wang Heng's words, his heart felt as if someone had stabbed it hard with a knife and twisted it inside.

"So, Su Ho, you have to live well. You must live well. I will go to see Su Ying when I see you first, so that I can apologize to her and have the courage to ask her to forgive me." Wang Heng's voice changed after he said this. Choking with sobs, he told Su Ho to take good care of his body before hanging up the phone.

Su Ho stood there blankly as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points.

It wasn't until someone stepped forward to hug her that Su Ho had some reaction. She looked up at the person holding her, her voice was hoarse and she said, "Qin He, every time you see me like this, you are Aren’t you very proud?”

No matter it was that year or every time thereafter.

Whenever she was sad or embarrassed, Qin He would always appear in front of her at the right time and see all her embarrassment.

When she asked this question, tears fell uncontrollably from Su Ho's face. She just looked at Qin He, "Have you been to B City? Have you visited Uncle Wang?"

Qin He looked at the tears on her face and felt very distressed. He raised his hand to wipe her tears and explained warmly, "No, I originally planned to ask Chi Cheng to make a trip tomorrow and ask him to take Uncle Wang with him. Come to Zhoucheng and let him persuade you to have the operation. But then I thought, if I let Chi Cheng go, it would definitely delay me for a few more days, so I dragged someone I knew over there to see him. Be patient with him and tell him your situation."

Qin He originally wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect Wang Heng to call so quickly.

Su Ho didn't speak for a long time after listening, but shed tears silently.

She knew and understood Qin He, and Qin He also knew her weaknesses, so he could grasp her lifeline so accurately.

Wang Heng's words just now were to persuade her to live a good life.

She was about to give up. She felt that her life was already worthless.

That cool woman is dead, and the eldest son of the Fu family is no different from being dead these years.

She had done everything she wanted to do, so she wanted to reunite with the two people she loved most. She wanted to meet them.

But now someone reached out and gave her a hand.

Tell her to live well.

Qin He held her tightly and said in a serious tone, "Su Ho, can you take good treatment? No matter how difficult it is, I will always be with you."

(End of this chapter)

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