Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 146 Be mentally prepared no matter what

Chapter 146 Be mentally prepared no matter what

Qin He was speechless at these words.

He opened his mouth but no words came out.

He knew that Su Ho didn't believe him and wouldn't forgive him.

Even if he is doing well enough now, the damage he can do has indeed existed.

The original charming atmosphere dissipated again, and the two did not continue to communicate because of the confusion and infatuation just now.

Neither of them slept well that night, but they didn't talk anymore, as if the lingering kiss just now was an end to their past.

It's like it has come to a complete end, with no future.

The reason why Su Ho didn't continue talking was that he didn't want to quarrel or argue with Qin He. No matter what happened between them in the past, it would be over after tonight.

She was relieved.

On New Year's Day, Su Ho made dumplings with Uncle Chen at home and cooked a lot of food.

Xu Nuo went to work on the first day of the new year. Su Ho drove to the hospital and brought dumplings to Xu Nuo.

"Why are you here? Qin He brought you here? Didn't you say you would go back to the hospital after the Lantern Festival?"

"He went to his old house. I had nothing to do and was bored at home. I came out to get some air."

Xu Nuo greeted her to sit down, "I scheduled my shift early this year and thought I could have a good rest during the Lantern Festival."

"Lu Peng is taking care of the children at home?"

Xu Nuo opened his lunch box and said while eating, "He has also gone to work. In the psychological consultation room, the queue of students this year has not been until the summer vacation. Today's children have very poor psychological ability to withstand stress, and there are many problems."

"Children today are more sensitive. Sometimes if parents push too hard, it will be counterproductive."

"No, two days ago, a little girl in the third grade of junior high school was severely depressed and had serious suicidal tendencies." Xu Nuo said and sighed, "Two days ago, I promised Lu Peng to receive good treatment. She took the medicine in the hospital last night. He committed suicide and was not rescued. You said he was the same age, but he was gone after you said he was dead. What a pity."

Su Ho said nothing.

After Xu Nuo finished eating, he looked at her, "You're just here to bring me food? Is there anything else?"

"What can I do?"

"Don't be polite to me, otherwise I will be angry."

"Not really."

Xunuo stared at her for a long time before nodding, "Okay, you can go back now. I don't have time to accompany you. There are still several patients."

After speaking, he raised his hand and glanced at the time, "Why don't you ask Su Yuan to pick you up?"

Su Ho shook his head, "No, just do your business. I'll go back by myself."

"Give me news when you get home."

Su Ho hummed.

When I left the hospital, there was snow in the sky.Su Ho got in the car and went directly to Nanshan Cemetery.

The last time she came here was last year. If she hadn't fainted in the cemetery that time, she might not have known she was sick.

Probably they knew she was sick, so they reminded her in that way.

Su Ho stood in front of the tombstone, bent down and placed the flowers he bought on it, "Dad, aunt, happy New Year."

She slowly knelt down and whispered what happened during this period.

She also talked about Wang Heng, but not about her own illness.

This time Su Ho didn't stay long and left in about half an hour.

Since talking to Qin He last night, the relationship between the two people has returned to the "freezing point".

But this is good, it will save Su Ho a lot of trouble.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Qin He took Su He to the hospital for a brain examination.

After the results came out, I went to find Mr. Zhong.

After reading the results, Mr. Zhong frowned and had a pre-operative conversation with Su He and Qin He.

"Your current situation is not too bad, but it is not optimistic either. The position is too tricky, and the risks and difficulties of the operation are very high, so we must be mentally prepared, both good and bad."

Su Ho nodded, "Okay."

"There is also a brain tumor. We cannot give you a 100% guarantee. After all, the risk of craniotomy is always the highest, and even if it is successful, you must always be cautious during the recovery period after the operation. After all, Many patients will have sequelae, so no matter what, I still say, be mentally prepared."

After Mr. Zhong said this, Su Ho's expression was indifferent.

Qin He frowned, looking a little nervous.

"By the way, I've talked to other doctors. In your case, it's better to operate as soon as possible. You can't wait until after the Lantern Festival." Mr. Zhong said and looked at Su Ho, "If you have anything that can be dealt with in these two days, Just come back to the hospital. You need to have a good rest these days. Your health is not very good. You must have a good rest before the operation. Do you understand?"

Su Ho nodded, "Okay, thank you Dr. Zhong."

The surgery was scheduled quickly, on the ninth day of the lunar month.

It snowed heavily in Tianzhou City this day, and everything was covered in white.

In the morning, Qin He took Su He to wash up and then went downstairs to the barber shop opposite the hospital.Shaved all his hair.

Qin He raised his hand to put a hat on her and tied the scarf around her before leading her back to the ward.

I couldn't eat before the operation, so Suho hadn't had a drop of water since ten o'clock last night.

The operation time is at nine o'clock.

Qin He never let go of Su He's hand. Even if she went to the bathroom, Qin He would stand at the door and wait.

The others originally wanted to say a few words to Su Ho, but seeing Qin He like this, they didn't dare to step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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