Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 15 I hope I won’t regret it in the future

Chapter 15 I hope I won’t regret it in the future
These words were like a muffled thunder, coupled with her words and deeds, it made Qin He's eyes turn red.

But today the leadership is not in his hands, but in the hands of Su Ho.

The waist was held by a pair of strong hands, and even the best bed made a slight sound under such crazy ups and downs.

Su Ho endured the anger he had ignited, and did not forget to fight against the fire. "Qin He, what do you think Mu Silan should do if Mu Silan comes up at this time?"

The man's movements were crazy, and he didn't even stop when he heard the words, but became more and more fierce.

He was so cruel that he wanted to kill her just like that.

A crazy tearing ended, and Su Ho's whole body seemed to be torn apart.

She listened to the sound of water in the bathroom and raised her hand to touch her neck. The sticky feeling made her feel like she was about to die from excessive blood loss.

Looking at the bright red color on his hand, Su Ho pulled the corner of his lower lip, his eyes full of pain.

Sure enough, she didn't care, otherwise how could she not have noticed that she was injured?
She didn't wait for Qin He to come out, went to the guest bedroom to take a shower, and then went out directly.

Because her behavior today was so abnormal that Qin He didn't react even after he came out of the shower.

Uncle Chen watched the gauze around Su Ho's neck turn red when he left, and felt a little sad for Su Ho.

So when Qin He went downstairs, Uncle Chen didn't even give him an extra glance.

Sensing Uncle Chen's emotions, Qin He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, "She's gone?"

Uncle Chen responded lightly.

Qin He said tiredly, "Uncle Chen, I just want to give it a try. Putting aside interests and other controllable conditions, why can't I marry the person I like?"

Hearing this, Uncle Chen frowned, "So the young master likes Miss Mu, but just likes Miss Mu?"

These words are contradictory, but the meaning they want to express is self-evident.

"Silan didn't enter Mu's house, she..."

"As long as the young master feels happy." Uncle Chen interrupted him, only feeling chilled.

He didn't think Mu Silan was a good match for Qin He. From all aspects, Mu Silan was not the right person for Qin He.

Even when he heard what Qin He said just now, Uncle Chen felt a little chilled.

Heartbroken for Su Ho.

Thinking of what Su Ho had done for Qin He over the years, Uncle Chen's expression was not very good. Although his attitude was respectful, it was a bit alienated.

But as a servant, Uncle Chen just said quietly, "The young master can make the decision on his own emotional matters. I don't have any position to say anything. I just hope that no matter what decision the young master makes at any time, he will not regret it in the future. "

Uncle Chen, who followed Mr. Qin when he was young, can be regarded as someone who has seen the world.

And at this age, I have seen the warmth and coldness of the world, and the hypocrisy between people.

But Su Ho was the only one who really gave his heart to him and moved him.

He always felt that Qin He had some affection when he fished the person out.

What's more, Su Ho has gone through life and death for him over the years and put him first in everything. This should always touch his heart and show some tenderness to Su Ho.But now it seems that Qin He has no heart at all. Even if he did, he never had Su Ho in his heart.

So this was the first time he treated Qin He coldly.

Perhaps because he was too excited just now, the wound on Su Ho's neck cracked badly, and the blood dyed the white gauze red.

She drove to the hospital by herself.

To avoid being known, she went to a private hospital.

Because I know someone.

As soon as Su Ho entered the door, the person sitting on the chair stood up as if loaded with springs and went straight to Su Ho.

"Do you want to die? Do you want to die? If you miss, why did you come to the hospital? Just wait for the blood to drain!"

Su Ho knew that the other party was worried about her, so he smiled at her and said nothing.

Xu Nuo looked at her face like it was no big deal, and became even more angry, "I think you really want to die!"

"Dr. Xu, how can a doctor scold a patient so early in the morning? Be careful and I will file a complaint against you."

Xu Nuo laughed angrily at her words, "I am the boss here. You can complain. Before you complain, let me save your life."

Su Ho nodded, "Okay, then it's Dr. Xu's fault."

Xu Nuo helped her treat the wound with a straight face, while still lecturing Su Ho.

Su Ho was overwhelmed by the words and could only interrupt her, "I heard from Dr. Lu that you are pregnant. How many months have you been pregnant?"

Mentioning this, Xu Nuo's face became gentler, "Three months, I originally wanted to tell you, but you have been busy and have no time to see me." Xu Nuo's hand movements paused as he said, "Lu Did Peng tell you?"

Su Ho nodded, "He just held a loudspeaker and declared to the world."

Xu Nuo was a little shy now, "But he was so happy."

Just as he was talking, the office door was pushed open, "Dear baby, let me see the fruit of our love."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure rushed towards Xu Nuo.

Xu Nuo was startled, afraid of touching Su Ho's wounds, so he quickly let go and was hugged.

"How many times have I told you, this is a hospital, please be more careful!"

"Oh, is there anyone else? What are you afraid of?"

When Su Ho heard this, he coughed lightly, "When did Dr. Lu have vision problems? Can such a big person not see?"

Only then did Lu Peng notice Su Ho sitting aside. When his eyes fell on her neck, he frowned, "What's going on with you? Who hurt you like this? Tell me, I'll let my baby Shake him to death!"

Suho: "..."

Promise: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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