Chapter 158
But after all, there was some blood relationship between Wei Yun and Qin He, and Qin He took great care of Wei Yun afterwards, so he still said in front of Su He, "My brother is sick, and he didn't let us tell you because he was worried about you. The situation is a bit serious, and I want you to persuade him to see a doctor."

Su Ho's first reaction when he heard this was disbelief.

I don’t know what kind of mentality it is, but my first reaction is that it’s not true.

Qin He seemed to be incapable of getting sick. He had only gotten sick a handful of times during the years they had been together.

So when Su Ho heard Wei Yun say this, he naturally didn't believe it.

She didn't say anything, and Wei Yun didn't say anything more. He said hello and went to see Qin He.

Su Yuan was still standing there with the water glass. When he saw Wei Yun leaving, he put the water glass on the table and walked towards Su Ho, "Sister, you... don't you want to go and have a look?"

Su Ho came back to his senses, "Isn't Chi Cheng here? Isn't it good for you guys to take a look at each other? I'm not a doctor, just take a look and it'll be fine?"

Su Yuan was speechless after hearing this.

I felt that what Su Ho said was right, but I also felt that something was not quite right.

On the other side, when Wei Yun reached the door of Qin He's room, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

After hearing the response, he opened the door and went in.

Qin He's face looked a little pale, and he coughed against his hand. He turned his head and said a few words to Chi Cheng before looking at Wei Yun, "Why are you here again? Aren't you busy with Su Yuan?"

Wei Yun stepped forward and reached out to take the notebook from his hand, "If you are sick, take a good rest."

"It's nothing serious, just a little cold."

Wei Yun frowned, "Don't take your body seriously. Big problems are all caused by small problems."

Qin He seemed to be convinced by her words. He picked up the water glass and took a sip of water. "I know what I'm talking about."

Wei Yun handed the computer to Chi Cheng and asked him in a low voice, "When will you go back?"

Hearing this, Qin He frowned slightly, "Su He asked you to ask me?"

"No." Wei Yun told the truth about what happened just now, "Sister Su can't believe that you are sick at all. She must think that you are playing tricks on her."

Qin He just smiled and said, "Now I really don't have any credibility in her eyes."

Not to mention that this was just a minor problem for him, even if he was really sick, as long as he didn't have the last breath, she probably wouldn't come over to see him easily.

But he really didn't have any problem.

He was just worried that the cold would be transmitted to Su Ho. After all, her body was recovering now and her resistance was relatively weak. If she was really infected, it would be fine for him, but it would have a great impact on Su Ho, so he avoided Su Ho. He didn't get in front of her again.

"Then what are you going to do next? Are you just going to waste it like this?" Wei Yun doesn't think that just spending it all the time is the solution to the problem.

Not to mention anything else, Wei Yun felt that Su Yuan was quite threatening when she met him before. Su Yuan talked about Mr. Fang who saved Su Ho when Su Ho was ill.There is also Dr. Lin from that hospital. Although he is not as threatening as Mr. Fang, he is still a threatening figure.

If Qin He doesn't make any more moves and just wants to get Su Ho to accept him again, it will take years and months.

Qin He did not answer her question, but instead asked her, "You have been here for two months, how is your progress with Su Yuan?"

Thinking of Mu Qian's condition, Wei Yun couldn't help but smile.

Before she could speak, Qin He understood clearly, "Are you sure we're together?"

Wei Yun hummed and raised his hand to pour Qin He a cup of tea, "Sister Su also agreed."

"I agree too." Qin He continued.

Wei Yun heard the sound and raised his eyes to look at him.

"Now that your matter has been resolved, is it time for your long vacation to end? Isn't it inappropriate that the company has been letting others take over the things that you were originally responsible for?"

Wei Yun was stunned, "But I submitted my resignation, I..."

"If I don't agree, then you will still be an employee of the Qin Company. You need to go back to work at any time."

In fact, Wei Yun didn't expect Qin He to do this.

She decided to leave the Qin family, leave Zhoucheng, and leave with Su Yuan, never thinking that she could go back again.

After all, she had really made plans to be wherever Su Yuan was.

Wei Yun felt that Qin He was really interested in Su He. In the past, like Qin He, she found that man a bit annoying and didn't even want to see him, which led to everything that happened later.

Now she has finally stabilized, but Qin He has always indulged Su He, and even said that everything would go along with her, and she would do whatever she said. Even when she wanted to leave, Qin He didn't stop her, and he didn't know if this would continue. When can two people be good together?

So Wei Yun was also worried about Qin He, " and Sister Su, do you really have no plans?"

The topic was brought back again, and Qin He sighed, "Let's talk about it again. Some things can't be changed if I plan for it. Now I can only waste it so shamelessly."

In fact, Su Ho is quite difficult to talk to.

Especially to him.

Neither hard nor soft will work.

When she is soft, she turns a deaf ear, but when pressed, she becomes sarcastic.

If you are tough, you can be tough, and she can be tough with you, but in the end it is he who will suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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