Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 176 Don’t use his mistakes to punish yourself

Chapter 176 Don’t use his mistakes to punish yourself

"No, Lu Yu is feeling a little unwell today, and I have to take a day off, so I asked for leave." Xu Nuo's face was full of exhaustion in the camera, "I don't know whether I was right or wrong when I chose to study medicine. I was exhausted all day long. Live."

Su Ho smiled and said, "It can save a lot of lives, so it's worth being tired."

"That's true." Xunuo looked closely at the camera for a long time, "Have you not gained any weight at all? Why do I think you have lost weight?"

"That's it, I can't grow up." Su Ho responded, "Where's Lu Peng? He's busy too?"

"What we are living now is the life of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. We can be perfectly separated from each other every day. You may not believe it, but you can count the number of times we have met at home on one hand, let alone in the hospital during this time. Having said that, he has many patients, and I am even more busy. I think if it lasts this afternoon, we will almost be able to become a long-distance couple."

At the end of the year, various companies have physical examinations, and there are still many patients. In addition, some doctors ask for leave, so they have no way to rest and have to be busy.

The two chatted for a while and Xu Nuo suddenly mentioned Qin He, "You haven't contacted each other again?"

Su Ho shook his head, "There's no need to contact you, this is good."

Xu Nuo was silent for a moment before speaking out, "Su Ho, I met him on the road two days ago. He seemed to have lost a lot of weight. We said hello to him and left. We picked him up and stared at the roadside. We walked a long way without leaving, and the look in their eyes was really sad."

Su Ho's hand holding the phone tightened as he listened.

Xu Nuo was very disgusted with Qin He before, let alone mentioned Qin He on his own initiative.

Xu Nuo paused again after speaking, "Don't think too much about it, I just mentioned it casually, so don't take what I say to heart."

Su Ho hummed.

Xu Nuo sighed, "I don't know what to say. Anyway, as long as you are happy, nothing else matters."

Su Ho never responded to what Xu promised.

After chatting for a while, Xu Nuo ended the video because he had to go back to the hospital.

Su Ho didn't come back to his senses for a long time after hanging up the video.

In fact, sometimes when I think about it, she is quite excessive.

No matter how excessive Qin He had done before, it was all over.

His current life is not necessarily that good. She also criticized him and stabbed him, which also made him feel sad and embarrassed.

She convinced herself that they were even.

But in the end, she would still feel that what she had done was too selfish and heartless because of what others said or what she saw.After Su Ho answered the promised call, he sat alone in the yard outside for a long time.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps sounded behind him that Su Ho came back to his senses.

Su Yuan came in from outside, "Sister."

"what happened?"

"Someone from Zhoucheng just sent something. It seems to be from Xiyuan."

Su Ho was stunned when she heard this. Her eyes fell on the thing in Su Yuan's hand, "What is it?"

"I don't know. It said you signed for it, so I didn't open it."

Su Ho stretched out his hand and said, "Let me take a look."

Su Yuan handed the things to Su He and whispered, "I heard from Wei Yun that Mr. Qin has lost a lot of weight during this period. He leaves early and comes back late every day. Sometimes he doesn't even finish his meal... "

After speaking, Su Yuan's voice became quieter.

Su Ho didn't say anything. After opening the box, there was a mobile phone inside.

There was a piece of paper taped to the phone, and Su Ho recognized it immediately.

It's Uncle Chen's handwriting.

Thinking of Uncle Chen, Su Ho frowned slightly.

[Miss Su, the mobile phone password is your birthday. I recorded something for you, but I may not be here when you see this. ]
Su Ho picked up the phone and turned it on.

The mobile phone battery is still 50.00%.

She unlocked her phone and clicked on the photo album.

There is only one video of about 10 minutes in it.

When Su Ho saw Uncle Chen's face, his eyes couldn't help but feel a little sour.

[Miss Su, I know that you left Xiyuan and the young master because what he did was too chilling. I have seen you all for so many years, but I don’t have any position to say anything about emotional matters, but I You have also tried to persuade the young master. You should also know what kind of person he is. Sometimes the more you try to persuade him, the more you feel that it is wrong to do so. ]
[Although he took Miss Mu back to Xiyuan, he never crossed the line. He just treated her like a guest. Although he didn't take your feelings into consideration, he didn't do anything he shouldn't have done, because I can see it. He still cares about you, but he doesn't see his own heart clearly. ]
[Afterwards, you left. Although he seemed indifferent every day, as if your departure had no impact on him, in fact, he would sit in the living room every night for a whole night. He asked someone to find you. When someone removes things and leaves the house exactly as it was when you were there, I know he is stuck and can’t get out of it. ]
[Ms. Su, there are some things I shouldn’t have said, but I really don’t want to see you end up with regrets because of some things, so I want to give you some advice, if you really let go, then live your own life. , don’t have anything to do with the young master in the future, but if you still have the young master in your heart and haven’t completely let go of it, then you might as well give him a chance and have a good talk. Don’t use his mistakes to punish yourself, no matter what No matter what your decision is, I hope you can cherish yourself and live happily in the future. ]
(End of this chapter)

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