Chapter 178 Serial Accidents
Su Yuan spoke frankly now, "I think so, but I can't leave you here alone."

After Wei Yun followed Qin He and the others back, he would often come to see Su Yuan.

But every time, I come the first day and go back the next day.

Every time she would ask Su He if Qin He could come over next time she came.

At first, Su Ho clearly refused.

Later, when Wei Yun asked again, Su He remained silent.

Wei Yun also knew that Su Ho was unwilling, so he didn't mention it again.

Originally, Su Ho thought that she would go back after she recovered and celebrate the New Year in Zhoucheng, but the doctor still suggested that she do a review after a while, so she had to wait until the New Year before she could go back.

She didn't want Su Yuan to stay here because of her. After all, it was not easy for him and Wei Yun to be together, but because of her, Su Yuan felt a little guilty about this matter.

But Su Yuan insisted on staying, and she couldn't tie him up and send him back.

Just let him go.

Su Ho had just finished exercising that day and when he returned to the room, he saw Su Yuan spinning around in excitement.

"What are you doing? So happy?"

"Sister, Wei Yun is coming over tomorrow." Su Yuan paused for a moment, "Mr. Qin seems to be coming too."

Su Ho's movement of drinking water stopped, "What are you doing here?"

"I must come to see you." This is what Su Yuan blurted out. After saying this, he realized something was wrong and scratched his hair awkwardly.

Su Ho didn't take it seriously, "Then prepare something Wei Yun likes."

As for Qin He, Su He didn't say much.

This place doesn't belong to her in Suho. Anyone she doesn't want to come can't come.

So when Qin He wanted to come, he didn't insist on getting her consent like before, so naturally she couldn't stop him.

Because Wei Yun was coming, Su He looked at Su Yuan as if he was on stimulants, jumping up and down all day long.

Su Ho looked at him as if he were watching a monkey, "Can you calm down for a while? There is still one night left. If you continue to be so excited, will you still have energy when people come tomorrow?"

Su Yuan chuckled, "I'm just happy."

"You're almost in your twenties, why do you still look like you're eighteen or nineteen?"

"Sister, I'm just so happy."

He was not only happy that Wei Yun was coming, he was happy that Su Ho had finally returned to normal, and that they finally saw a sunny day after going through so many difficulties.

Seeing him so happy, Su Ho couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

Probably because these days, they have been having their own thoughts and worries, and now they finally feel like they can see the bright moon from the dark clouds.

Early the next morning, Su Yuan got up and tidied up inside and outside, and then took his aunt to buy a lot of vegetables.

They even prepared flowers for Wei Yun and secretly hid them in the room.

What made Su Ho dumbfounded was that he even bought her a bouquet to celebrate her recovery.

The time given by Wei Yun and the others was to arrive at [-] noon.

When it was past eleven o'clock, Su Yuan couldn't help but ran to the door several times, with a look of longing to see what was going on.Compared to Su Yuan who was so excited, Su Ho didn't feel much at all.

After all, she had nothing to look forward to.

Even though Qin He was here, she didn't feel any disturbance in her heart.

Seeing that Su Yuan was about to get up and go to the door again, Su Ho quickly stretched out his hand to catch him, "Sit down and don't move!"

Su Yuan groaned and sat back down, but he still couldn't help looking towards the door.

But you can't blame Su Yuan for being so impatient. It's been nearly two months since the last time Wei Yun came over.

The two hadn't seen each other for so long, so they were inevitably excited.

Su Ho glanced at the time, then took the remote control and turned on the TV.

As soon as the TV was turned on, a real-time report popped up.

"Half an hour ago, a serious rear-end accident occurred on the national highway near Haicheng No. [-]. The actual number of vehicles collided. The scene was very tragic. It is reported that five or six people have died on the spot..."

Before the host on the TV could say anything, Su Yuan had already stood up suddenly, his face turned pale.

He stared at the host on the TV as if he wanted to get into the TV, then turned around and walked out after a few seconds.

Su Ho called to him in a deep voice, "Stop!"

Su Yuan paused and looked back at Su Ho, his eyes red.

"Call first and ask."

Su Yuan seemed to have just remembered that there was a mobile phone.

He picked up the phone immediately and dialed Wei Yun's number.

I called twice but no one answered.

I called Chi Cheng and Qin He again, but the result was still the same.

All are outside the service area.

By the end of the fight, Su Yuan's hand holding the phone was shaking.

Su Ho stood up and reached for his cell phone from the coffee table. He called back to Zhoucheng and asked his friends there.

At Zhoucheng Airport, because she had flown frequently before, she was very familiar with the people at the airport.

I wanted to check Qin He's flight information and found it quickly.

They boarded the plane at seven in the morning and arrived in Haicheng around ten forty or fifty.

From the airport to where they are currently staying, they can arrive at 12:30 at the latest.

But now it's almost twelve o'clock, and there's still no news.

Su Ho made several calls in a row, and the time spent waiting for a reply was extremely long.

Finally, Su Ho received the other party's reply 10 minutes later.

(End of this chapter)

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