Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 19 Su Ho, it would be great if you died

Chapter 19 Su Ho, it would be great if you died

After a while, Uncle Chen delivered porridge and made two light stir-fries.

"Miss Su, eat some while it's hot to warm your stomach."

Su Ho thanked him and took the spoon and was about to eat when a man hurriedly came in at the door and called Uncle Chen as he walked, "Steward Chen, please check if there is anything missing. I just checked everything. I’ve got everything written above, but there are a few large items that need to be shipped from other places, and I need some work, so I’ll probably get them here tomorrow afternoon.”

Uncle Chen's expression froze. He glanced at Su Ho first, and then quickly raised his eyes to look at the speaker, "You go ahead and watch them move things."

After they left, Uncle Chen turned to look at Su Ho and was about to speak.

Su Ho spoke first and said, "Uncle Chen, there's no need to avoid me. It'll happen sooner or later."

Uncle Chen choked and was speechless.

Su Ho took a few bites and then got up and went upstairs.

As soon as I returned to the room, my phone rang.

Seeing the call coming, Su Ho answered the phone. Before she could speak, the person on the other end of the phone said, "Xiao Su, I remember you have a younger brother, right?"

Su Ho heard the words and responded, "Yes, did he cause trouble to you? That boy is a bit immodest. If he causes trouble to you, I will apologize to you on his behalf. Another day..."

"It doesn't matter if you cause trouble to me, but last night he and his friends came to my place for dinner and beat up someone. This person is the young master of the Xie family. Let me tell you."

Everyone in the circle knows that Qin He and Mr. Wei have been very close during this period, and they presumably have important cooperation. The young master of the Xie family is the grandson of Mr. Wei. Now that Su Yuan has offended the Xie family, he may be in trouble. No one can say what will happen to Qin He's matter when the time comes.

Su Ho frowned when he heard this.

The other side continued, "I know you are someone close to Master Qin, but no one can afford to ruin Master Qin."

Su Ho thanked the other party, "Thank you for communicating with me."

"Where, but I don't know the details. Ask your brother."

"Okay, thank you. Let's have dinner together some other time when we are free."

After exchanging pleasantries, Su Ho hung up the phone and called Su Yuan.

The phone rang for a while before it was answered, and then Su Yuan's feeble voice came.

Su Ho originally wanted to ask a few questions, but after hearing his tone, he just said, "Are you injured?"


"Then go to bed early and find me at the company tomorrow."

Su Ho knew Su Yuan well and knew that he was not someone who would easily cause trouble.

Considering that he went to dinner with Wei Yun last night, 90.00% of the time he hit someone was because of Wei Yun.

Thinking of this, Su Ho raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows. He wanted to call the Xie family to inquire about Young Master Xie's injury, but he suddenly had a splitting headache and felt powerless, so he had to give up.

I was so immersed in work that my mind was in a state of confusion.Originally, she wanted to lie down on the bed and relax, but her head hurt more and more, and her stomach also began to cramp, making her confused for a moment.

I wanted to take some medicine to suppress it, but for a moment I didn’t know whether I should take stomach medicine or headache medicine first.

She even stood up slowly and wanted to get the sleeping pills from the bedside table, but after opening the drawer, she thought of what Lu Hao said and took her hand back.

Lu Hao had repeatedly warned her not to eat unless absolutely necessary.

She could only lie back on the bed, her consciousness becoming increasingly blurred.

In a daze, she heard someone calling her, with a gentle voice, "Baby, where are you?"

"Baby, look, daddy bought you a new dress."

"Baby, come on, Auntie will take you to the playground."

"Brother, come and see our baby got [-] points in the exam!"

Su Ho wanted to say something, but before she could open her mouth, she heard hysterical crying again, "Brother!"

"Run! Run!"

"Xiao He, come back quickly! Something happened to your dad..."

The red color in his eyes gave Su Ho a splitting headache, and the crying sound seemed to have penetrated into his mind and kept getting bigger.

Su Ho huddled together on the bed, sweating profusely because of the pain.

But as soon as the picture in her mind turned, the man stared at her with a ferocious face, slashed her neck with a sharp blade, and yelled at her, "Su Ho, why don't you die?" Ah! Why don’t you die? How wonderful it would be if you were dead!”

Su Ho wanted to wake up, but couldn't.


Someone was calling her, again and again.

She didn't know how long it took before Su Ho slowly opened her eyes and saw a person standing beside the bed, but she couldn't see the person clearly.

His whole body was soaked with sweat, his breathing had not yet stabilized, and his body had no strength at all after the spasm.

It took a long time before her vision became clearer and she could see clearly who was standing by the window.

Her first reaction was to reach out and let him hug her, but thinking that he might have just hugged someone else, Su Ho suppressed that thought.

Su Ho looked at him like this, his heart aching and suffocating.

It took her a while before she moved, stood up and sat up, and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry to bother you."

After saying that, Su Ho gritted his teeth and stood up, and entered the bathroom under Qin He's gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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