Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 197 Su Ho is with a man

"You know?" Wei Jia was a little surprised, but quickly relieved, "Yes, you were very concerned about Wei Yun before, so you must be aware of the Wei family's affairs."

Su Ho had met Shen Qing many times. After all, he often followed Vice President Wei, and occasionally followed Mr. Wei out to meet guests and attend some public gatherings and banquets.

But Su Ho didn't know why Wei Jia got together with his assistant.

But it makes sense.

Now the Wei family is in Wei Jia's hands. After what happened before, now the Wei family has made changes, and people may have moved to his side. After getting along for a long time, it is understandable that feelings will develop.

Su Ho's cell phone rang at this time.

After taking a look, it was a message from Qin He.

Ask her when it will be over.

Su Ho replied for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Wei Jia, "She also knows me. If you give her your seat and ask her to pick you up, just say you drank too much with me."

Wei Jia didn't come back to his senses. He looked at Su Ho and asked blankly, "Wha...what?"

"Just tell her, if she comes tonight, it means you still have a chance, but if she makes excuses not to come tonight, then just stop it, they don't have the slightest idea about you."

Even if you are a boss, after getting drunk with another woman, you should find your assistant or driver. It is impossible to find a company employee to pick you up. There must be something else on your mind.

If Shen Qing comes, it means that she has no thoughts about Wei Jia. If she avoids suspicion and doesn't come, and even asks him to find an assistant or driver to pick him up, it means that she only regards him as her boss and has no idea at all.

Wei Jia thought about it and felt it made sense. He picked up his phone and sent the address to Shen Qing. After sending it, he asked Su Ho, "Do you think she will come?"

Su Ho looked at him and said, "You ask me?"

Wei Jia screamed, "Just let it be your fate."



After Qin He left Su Ho, he sat on the sofa in the living room, taking a look at his cell phone from time to time.

Chi Cheng came in two or three times and he kept the same posture without moving.

When it was late, I didn't see him saying anything. I couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Qin, do you want to prepare dinner?"

Qin He responded, "Su He is eating here too."

"Then I'll let Auntie prepare."

Time passed quickly. After dinner was ready, Su Ho did not come back, and Qin He was still sitting on the sofa.

He checked his phone many times, but he didn't receive any more messages from Su Ho.

Time passed by, and the food had already become cold.

Chi Cheng glanced at the time and was about to step forward to call someone when his cell phone rang in his pocket.

After taking a look at the caller ID, Chi Cheng answered the call.

When the call was connected, Jiang Chen's voice came from the other side, "Chi Cheng, where is your Mr. Qin?"

Chi Cheng glanced at the sofa in the living room, "Here, Mr. Jiang, why don't you call Mr. Qin?" "Can I still call you if I can get through?" Jiang Chen hesitated to speak on the phone, and finally turned around. Chu Wan'er asked about Qin He and Su He.

When Chi Cheng heard him mention Su Ho, he vaguely felt something was wrong, "Master Jiang, how about I hand the phone to Mr. Qin and you talk to him?"

This is what Jiang Chen was waiting for, "Give it to him."

Chi Cheng walked up to Qin He with his cell phone, "Mr. Qin, Mr. Jiang couldn't get through to you, so he called me and said he had something to talk to you about."

Qin He heard the sound and reached out to take the phone, "Jiang Chen? What's wrong?"

"Then what, and Su Ho are back together?"

Jiang Chen didn't say anything directly on the phone, but asked this question first.

When Qin He heard Su He's name, his eyebrows moved slightly, "Okay, what's wrong?"

"What... I just saw Su Ho in Genting. She... was with a man." Jiang Chen was afraid that Qin He would curse, so he said hurriedly, "But I may have seen it wrong, because across the I can’t see very clearly from the distance, so I took a photo, do you want to take a look?”


As soon as he finished speaking, Qin He directly denied it, "She is not a person who does random things."

Jiang Chen groaned, "I know, maybe I'm blinded. I'll give you the photo and you can see for yourself."

After speaking, Jiang Chen quickly hung up the phone.

Then he sent the photo to his mobile phone.

Qin He clicked and took a look. Although Jiang Chen's photo was blurry, Qin He still recognized the person at a glance.

The person being carried into the elevator was indeed Su Ho.

He just looked at the photos on his phone and couldn't tell what he felt like.

Even though he knew it was impossible for Su Ho to do such a thing, his emotions still surged when he saw such photos.

He also didn't expect Wei Jia to be so bold as to touch his people.

Putting away his mobile phone, Qin He stood up and walked out. He didn't even take his coat. He took the car keys at the door and walked out.

Chi Cheng didn't even have time to follow him and watched him drive away.

Su Ho waited with Wei Jia for two full hours, but did not see Shen Qing.

There was no reply at first. Wei Jia also said that the best news was that there was no reply, indicating that there was a chance.

But as time passed by, the calmness on Wei Jia's face had long since disappeared.

There were a lot of wine bottles on the table. Wei Jia drank a little too much and pulled Su Ho to drink with him.

In the end, Wei Jia drank too much, and Su Ho also drank too much milk.

There was no other way, so Su Ho could only ask the waiter to send him to the room upstairs to rest.

When they arrived in the room, Wei Jia sat on the floor like a child and tugged on Su Ho's trousers, "Let me tell you, women cannot be overly indulged, except for people like you."

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