Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 199 There will be no next time

But when he reached the door, he stopped again, pinched his palms hard, turned around and returned to the car.

Su Ho watched Wei Jia fall asleep, then got up to charge his cell phone, put a glass of water on his bedside and left.

In fact, she totally thought she could leave Wei Jia to Ling Feng or find a waiter to take care of him.

The reason why she stayed was not because he helped her find Su Yuan before, but because she seemed to see her former self at a certain moment, so she stayed here for a long time.

When I walked downstairs and walked out of the cloud top, fireworks suddenly exploded above my head.

Su Ho stopped and looked up, and couldn't help but sigh, time flies by so fast, it's another new year.

After the fireworks were set off, Su Ho raised his feet and was about to leave, when he suddenly stopped and looked to the left of the door.

After seeing who was standing there, Su Ho was a little surprised, "Shen Qing?"

Hearing someone shouting, Shen Qing looked up fiercely and met Su Ho's eyes, a little nervous, "Su...Miss Su."

Looking at her look, Su Ho asked aloud, "How long have you been here? You shouldn't have been standing here all the time, right?"

Shen Qing lowered his head and said nothing.

Su Ho was speechless, "Since you're here, why don't you go up? Do you know that Wei Jia has been waiting for you tonight?"

Shen Qing looked a little lonely, and after Su Ho finished speaking, she said softly, "Miss Su, I...I'm not worthy of him."

Although Wei Jia is said to be ruthless and unrighteous by outsiders, and a ruthless character who attacks his own people, Shen Qing feels that people like Wei Jia are the most real. No matter what he has done, he has As far as she is concerned, Wei Jia is unattainable.

She is just a girl from an ordinary family, so how can she be worthy of Wei Jia, who is now in a high position?

Hearing her words, Su Ho suddenly laughed, "Shen Qing, do you think you are not worthy of him, or are you afraid that he has no shortage of women around him, or are you afraid that he will not want you again after you fall in?"

Shen Qing had concerns about what Su Ho said, so she did not refute or defend.

Shen Qing's reaction was not surprising to Su Ho. After all, which woman is not cautious when choosing the person she can spend the rest of her life with.

It's just that Shen Qing had other concerns besides these things.As for what this concern is, probably only Shen Qing himself knows best.

Su Ho didn't dare to say how well she knew what kind of person Wei Jia was, but she firmly believed that Wei Jia was not the kind of person who would hold people in the palm of his hand with his front foot and kick them away with his back foot.

After all, he knew best what his mother had gone through in Wei Jia, and he was very tired of that kind of irresponsible man.

Just because of this, Wei Jia couldn't let himself become the kind of man he had always hated.

Shen Qing's silence made Su Ho faintly unhappy.

If she didn't have Wei Jia in her heart, she wouldn't be here tonight.

Now that she is here, it means that she still has Wei Jia in her heart, but she has been hesitant because of her own concerns.

"Shen Qing, Wei Jia doesn't want a woman who is worthy of him. If he wants such a woman, given his current status, would it be difficult to find a random woman?" Su Ho looked at her and asked in a tone of voice. There is no warmth, "If you don't have the courage, then you shouldn't be here now, letting him see hope but then be disappointed."

After saying that, Su Ho raised his feet and planned to leave.
Shen Qing's voice came from behind, "I don't have the courage, I'm just afraid...I'm afraid that he's just acting on a whim."

Su Ho laughed and said, "Afraid of his whim? That's really interesting for you. If he wants to have a whim for you, do you think he will still behave well to you? You have been in the workplace for many years, right? Follow me. By the side of Vice President Wei and Mr. Wei, you should have seen the shady dealings between the company and other partners, and you should have understood that if he really only had a whim for you, you would probably no longer be in the Wei family. ”

"Besides, he's not worried that you're following him for some purpose. What are you afraid of? If you...:
Midway through his words, Su Ho suddenly stopped talking. After all, this matter was between the Wei family and Shen Qing.

Her position does not allow her to get involved too much, which seems to be a bit out of line.

So she stopped talking, looked at Shen Qing and said, "Those thoughts you think are just your own self-impressions. People only live for a few decades. If you are interested in him, then you don't need to You are afraid of your hands and feet. If you feel that you don’t have the courage, then go back now. "

"But there is one thing I still want to remind you," You should also know Wei Jia's temper. He may only do some things once, and there will be no next time. "

Tonight, Wei Jia sent a message to Shen Qing, saying that he was with her tonight, and Shen Qing had heard Wei Jia praise him before. If Shen Qing was serious, then when he knew that Wei Jia was with her, You should come over as soon as possible.

But if not, it only means that Wei Jia has no chance.

It's just that now Shen Qing is here, but she doesn't show up, standing here timidly. To Wei Jia, her presence and absence are the same.

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