Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 206 Do you not believe her or yourself?

Chapter 206 Do you not believe her or yourself?
Wei Yun nodded, "Sister Su, I really don't dislike him for anything, and I don't value those things either."

"I know." Su Ho picked up the phone and looked at the time, "Have you had dinner?"

"No." Wei Yun came straight here after get off work.

I originally planned to find Su Ho this morning, but I heard that Qin He was sick, so I didn't bother him.

Knowing that Su Ho had come to Xiyuan, she came straight here as soon as she got off work.

Because Su Yuan may not be able to listen to anyone's words now, but he must be able to listen to Su Ho's words.

Su Ho called his aunt to get some food for Wei Yun, and then said to her, "Eat something first, and I'll ask you about Su Yuan."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Su."

Su Ho got up and called Su Yuan.

Normally, the call would be picked up instantly, but now Su Ho wanted to hang up after ringing several times, and it was only when he called a second time that the call was connected.

Su Yuan's vague voice came from the phone, "Sister, what's wrong?"

"What are you doing?"

Su Yuan's voice was still very blurry, probably because he was a little far away from the phone. "I didn't do anything. What's wrong? I heard that Mr. Qin is sick. Is he feeling better?"

"It's nothing." Su Ho responded, "Can you put down what you are holding and listen to what I have to say?"

After she finished speaking, there was some movement on Su Yuan's side, and then his voice became clearer, "Sister, what's wrong?"

"Wei Yun is in Xiyuan."

Hearing this, Su Yuan's voice suddenly rose, "Why did she go to Xiyuan? Is Mr. Qin seriously ill?"

"I heard from Wei Yun that you have been very motivated recently. What's going on? Are you planning to get into Tsinghua University or Peking University?"

Hearing Su Ho's words, Su Yuan coughed twice, "She...she told you?"

"Tell me, who said what?"

Su Yuan was silent on the phone for a while before saying truthfully, "Even I think what they said is quite right. Wei Yun himself is very good. I am powerless in many things and can't help at all. If In the future, if a very good person appears next to her, then I..."

"You don't believe her? Or don't you believe yourself?"

Before he could finish speaking, Su Ho interrupted him.

In fact, Su Yuan didn't care about these external things before, but often times, these external things are the most important.

After a while, Su Yuan said in frustration, "I don't believe in myself."

Ever since Wei Yun came back to be good to him, he has always been cautious, always afraid that these beautiful things now are just his fantasy.

Suddenly one day someone appears and breaks this illusion, then he will have nothing to hold on to and nothing will be left.

"Then have you talked to Wei Yun?"

"No... no."

Su Ho whispered, "Su Yuan, sometimes the most taboo thing between two people is that you think that no matter how things are discussed, the solution will be much friendlier, but in your heart, you think, you feel, Then the matter will become very complicated, and it will be difficult to end it in the end, do you understand what I mean?" Su Yuan responded on the phone, "I understand, I will come to pick her up now."

"It just so happens that my aunt at home has prepared some food. If you haven't eaten yet, come over and eat some together."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa, "He will be here soon."

Wei Yun nodded, as if he had thought of something, and said to Su Ho seriously and solemnly, "Sister Su, I really don't have that idea."

Su Ho laughed when he heard this, "You have to say this to Su Yuan in front of him, not to me. I won't live with you in the future."

Wei Yun nodded awkwardly, "I know, I will make it clear to him."

Su Ho found it funny when he thought about it. The two of them had been struggling for so long and finally got together, but suddenly they felt like they were facing an enemy because of this little thing.

Still younger after all.

Many things I have experienced are not long remembered.

But on the other hand, this also proves that the two of them pretend to be each other and are afraid of losing each other.

Otherwise, it would not be like facing a powerful enemy because of such a little thing.

Su Ho waited downstairs for Su Yuan to arrive and said hello, "Don't leave if it's too late. You can pack up and go to the company together tomorrow."

"Okay, Sister Su, go and rest."

Su Ho didn't stay long, nodded and turned around to go upstairs.

Qin He hadn't woken up when he went up, and Su He went to bed directly after taking a shower.

Early the next morning, Su Yuan woke up early.

Who knew that as soon as he went out, he would bump into Qin He who was coming down from upstairs.

Maybe it was because I just woke up and saw Qin He so unexpectedly, and I returned to the nervous look I had when I saw Qin He before, "Qin...sister, brother!"

The title changed twice in his mouth and finally he called Wei Yun.

Qin He didn't mind at all and nodded, "Tell Auntie what you want to eat in the morning."

Su Yuan responded.

Qin He went into the kitchen and asked his aunt to prepare some food that Su Ho liked, then turned and went upstairs again.

I took medicine last night and slept for a long time, and now I'm basically feeling better.

Opening the door, the person on the bed was lying on the pillow, with his whole face buried in the pillow.

He turned his face after hearing the sound.

Qin He walked over to the bedside, put his knees against it, and reached out to pick the person up, "Su Yuan and the others came last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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